
Hate you in my next life

Lauren has the world at the palm of her hand, money, status and a loving submissive boyfriend but everything changes when her boyfriend Jayden is killed because of her but ofcourse, she doesn't really care and moves on with her next plaything not knowing her next would be her last. Caught up in a mysterious contract with her new found lover, she becomes eternally submissive to him and knows what real pain is for the first time knowing she can't escape him even in death.

annie_xaviet · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

Chapter Twenty

 At the Esselrades Manor

 Lucas stood in a expensively decorated room with a beautiful older woman who sat on an expensive cushion while drinking tea as she observed an anxious Lucas who placed around the room. 

 " Why are you so worried, the girl will obviously apologize to you, even if she is still bent on breaking up the engagement all the better for you ", the beautiful woman said as she ate a brownie. 

 " But mother, I have to regain my reputation. I can't let her off the hook just yet, I suffered a great humiliation from her. For me to be able to able to teach her a lesson the engagement mustn't be void ", he explained causing his mother, Eliza to be shocked. 

 " Didn't you hate her? Why want the engagement? ", she couldn't help but ask. Was this her son? 

 " Hate is an understatement mother, but I have to teach this girl a lesson and after that I'll just dispose of her. I'm only interested in her sister ", the handsome youth said causing his mother to chuckle. 

 " Indeed, that sister of hers is truly talented although she's the daughter of a concubine, I can accept her but how do you plan on dealing with Abigail? ", she asked. 

 " Of course through what every girl cherishes the most, her reputation ", Lucas smiled. He'd destroy her so that no reasonable man would want her. How could she run away from him so easily? As he kept on with his thoughts, the butler walked into room. Lucas quickly walked up to him. " What was their reply? "

 The butler bowed before passing him a letter with a familiar handwriting, it was Abigail's! " Lady Abigail expresses her deepest apologies, but she is adamant on her decision and wouldn't go back on it ", the butler explained as Lucas read the contents of the letter. 

 After reading the letter his expression became ashen as he wrinkled the letter in his hands before tearing it to shreds. His mother was really surprised as well. She didn't come in person? She even had the audacity to send a letter? 

 " She really rejected you in the most atrocious way ", Eliza was really surprised. She then turned to her son and asked, " Shall I involve your father? "

 " N-no, don't tell father ", he quickly replied shaking at the mention of his father.

 " Then how do you plan to deal with this, how will you carry out your revenge? ", she asked as she gracefully picked her tea cup.

 " You dont need to worry I'll deal with it ", he answered before storming out the room.

 " What a fool ", she looked at this last child of hers with disdain. " I'll give him a week before I tell his father ", she said to herself as she put another brownie in her mouth. What a delightful taste!

 Elsewhere, Abigail was busy roaming the town. She just dropped off the letter to Lucas with Martha and now she was feeling hungry so she decided to find a place to eat. She walked into an elegant restaurant and was led to a table by the window. Martha and Travis had gone elsewhere for dinner. As she finished her order and watched the view from the window she suddenly felt a bad omen washed over her and sure enough, three wealthy looking young ladies walked up to her. They looked like they were in her age group. 

 They looked quite familiar. 

 " Abigail, so nice to see you. How's lord Lucas ", they lady in front asked as the two behind her snickered. It was then she remembered these three, the one who stood in front was Estelle Castia, the only daughter of the Castia family belonging to one of the five leading Dukes. 

 Her family was on equal standing to the Stones in terms of wealth but the Stones were slightly more powerful so the Castias could only remain in third. This lady before had always been at loggerheads with the previous Abigail as she also took fancy to Lucas. But after her recent incident at the Esselrades manor, Estelle was now extremely confident on getting Lucas's attention. 

Seeing Abigail was lost in thought, Estelle sneered and continued, " Did you two have a fight? How tragic ", she joked and the two behind her obviously laughed.

 Abigail could only roll her eyes and try to ignore them but how could it be that easy? Estelle seeing Abigail ignoring her got really pissed and hit the table.

 " We'd like to have this table, waiter!! ", Estelle called out for the waiter who appeared moments later, " We'd like these table, please get it ready for us "

 " My lady, please forgive me but lady Abigail here has already ordered. Unless she offers you the table there's nothing I can do ", the waiter said awkwardly. 

 " My father is Duke Castia ", she mentioned her family's background with pride. 

 " I'm sorry but there's still nothing I can do ", the waiter repeated. Who cares if your father is the emperor, this is my boss!! The man thought as he was referring to Abigail. This was one of the Atlas restaurants branches and she had already told everyone not to expose her identity so he could only keep shut. 

How dare this rude little girl talk to his boss like that? Abigail has already done so much for a lot of people working in this restaurant and have given them a great opportunity. He wouldn't let this stand.

 " How dare you!! ", she hollered. Who did this waiter think he was just as she was about to slap him a petite hand with beautiful jade skin stopped hers. Her beautiful grey eyes startled Estelle. 

 " Respect your self Lady Estelle, we're in public ", Abigail hummed.

 " Let go of my hand, I'm sure you wouldn't want Lucas to hear of this ", Estelle pulled her trump card on Abigail. She'd always back down whenever she mentioned Lucas so it wouldn't be any diff...

 " Go ahead, I'm sure he'd love to hear all about me ", she smirked as she threw Estelle's hands away and wiped hers with a napkin. She then handed it over to the waiter. " Please dispose of this for me...", she then looked at Estelle and smiled, "... its dirty ".

 Estelle beautiful face twisted in an unnatural way, she was obviously mad. One of her minions saw her expression and stepped forward, " How dare you, you classless idiot "

 " Wow you really let side characters speak up for you? ", Abigail laughed causing Estelle's expression to worsen.

 " Who are you calling a side character? I... "

 " Marian, shut up! Let's go ", Estelle screamed. She had just wanted to come to this new high end restaurant that everyone was talking about now not only did she not eat here but she was thoroughly insulted by Abigail in public. She had to tell Lucas about this at once. 

 Soon the three fools walked out of the restaurant. Abigail sighed, " Why do I meet trash everywhere I go, Stanley... "


 The cute male waiter walked up to her beaming, " Yes Lady Abigail! "

 " Thanks for the help, how's your sister ", she laughed.

 " She's good, she's feeling better now, thank you lady Abigail ", he bowed. She's so cute when she smiles, he thought. " Your food will be ready shortly ", he then ran off to wait on other tables. The two had been quiet so no one had heard their conversation. 

 ' What a cute kid ', she thought then froze. Wasn't he two years older than she was. Her was flushed in embarrassment, she was a child with the mind of a Twenty six year old woman. She then looked in the direction the three girls went in. Are all kids this vicious? They were barely sixteen! She could only shake her head at this generation.

 Soon her meal arrived and she had it heartily. She then left the restaurant towards the manor, and on her way there something suddenly crossed her mind she then made a detour to the bakery. When she reached home she went straight to her brother's room.

 " Brother!? ", she knocked on his door a couple of times before the door opened. " Abigail? What's wrong ", he quickly rushed out the door.

 " Nothing brother, I brought something for you ", she then gave him one of the two small bags she was holding.

 " What is this? ", he asked as he gently took the bag away. He then looked into the bag

 " It's desserts, do you like them? ", she carefully watched her brother's expression. He picked a macaroon and put it in his mouth, his eyes shone brightly. 

 " These are fantastic! Where did you get these ", he happily put more in his mouth. Abigail laughed at her brother's cute behavior. 

 " I bought them from that new bakery, Atlas. They tasted really good and I decided to get some for you ", she replied. 

 " Well thanks, they do taste really good ", he said as he ate the last of the the desserts. " Are there anymore? ", he scratched the back of his head awkwardly. 

 " There are more, but it's for mother ", she replied causing Gabriel to frown. " Did you just say mother? Are you sure about what you said? "

 " Yes, for mother ", Gabriel couldn't take it anymore and said, " Mother? The one who doesn't care if you're alive or dead, that mother? "

 " Yes, that mother. She might not know that we exist but we do ", she then turned around and left Gabriel stunned.