
Hate you in my next life

Lauren has the world at the palm of her hand, money, status and a loving submissive boyfriend but everything changes when her boyfriend Jayden is killed because of her but ofcourse, she doesn't really care and moves on with her next plaything not knowing her next would be her last. Caught up in a mysterious contract with her new found lover, she becomes eternally submissive to him and knows what real pain is for the first time knowing she can't escape him even in death.

annie_xaviet · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter Nineteen

Hearing his vague response Rose was ecstatic, she didn't think this plan of hers could work so easily. I guess he isn't so hard to deceive after all, she thought.

 She then put on an understanding expression, " Yes and I think it's best that you stop seeing her for a while for her sake and yours ", she said.

 " Oh? You think I would take advantage of her? ", Leo said as he inched closer to Rose. Her heart was beating so hard that she could hear it. This man was so enchanting, she thought as she was lost in his beautiful emerald eyes. 

 " N-no, Sir Leo would would never do that, I'm just afraid that Abigail might take it to far now that she's no longer engaged to Lord Lucas ", she stuttered. She was sure he'd believe her as he looked fairly decent and wouldn't want to associate himself with someone like Abigail. 

 " How old are you again? ", he bluntly asked startling Rose. 

 " I-I'm thirteen ", she said.

 " You're so young yet your heart is as black as a ancient dragon. Even if you started being evil from the womb I didn't expect you to be this good at it ", he said causing her to to almost spew blood. She was really surprised by what he said, were her tricks not working? 

 " Sir, I don't understand what you're talking about. How can you call me evil and black hearted? Did my sister feed you with lies? She usually does that so I understand your hatred but please don't label me as something I'm not ", she blurted as tears rolled down her cheeks. 

 " Do I look stupid or perhaps you're the stupid one. Don't try to play such immature tricks on me if you know your smart. You're so young but you already know how to scheme against people, aren't you worried you might be the reincarnation of a demon? I think it's best you visit a temple to cleanse yourself, if there's nothing more then I'll be off ", he turned around and left without even waiting for her to respond.

 Her nails dug deep into her palms as she watched him leave. How dare he insult her so so blatantly. She couldn't stand it, first it's Abigail and now it's this no-name noble. She gritted her teeth and stormed off.

In Abigail's room, she and Martha were busy reading the accounts from today's grand opening. " My lady, it was really a huge success, look at what we managed to gain from the opening even when everything was at a discounted price ", she said happily. Even Abigail herself was ecstatic, they. Managed to earn a whooping 10,000 gold coins in a single day, this was crazy. Even after deducting various expenses ther was still a profit of 8,000 gold!! If her father found out he'd faint. No restaurant earned this much in a day!

 " My lady the recipes we taught the professional chefs we selected were really special, even the new seasoning you made was really impressive that the chefs couldn't stop singing your praises ", she laughed. The dishes were so good that people kept on ordering more. Some major nobles even asked to rent the restaurant for events they plan to hold in the future.

 " This is just the beginning, once my other business ventures start running we'll have to hire people to count our money! ", she stated proudly. It remained about roughly a month before the jewelry and fashion stores opened up so she still had a lot of work to do.

 " There was also a large order of chocolate for Jack, the deal costs 5,000 gold. He's been really busy lately as well with making different pastries. The bakery has made 15,000 gold lately. Some other competitors tried to find trouble but I did what you told me earlier and shut them up ", she read the reports of the bakery to her. Abigail nodded her head. So far everything was going wonderfully for both the restaurant and the bakery. She might have to open more branches but that would be for the future.

 As she discussed more with Martha her door flew open and a maid walked in. " Wen, don't you have any respect for the Lady, how dare you barge into her room unannounced ", Martha glared at her. This idiot was becoming more daring. 

 " And why should I have respect for a useless forgotten young Lady like her Martha? Anyways, I came to Inform you that the Duke and duchess seek your presence. She said before walking out arrogantly.


 " What a fool, she's just a illegitimate daughter's personal maid, where's the pride in that ", Martha huffed. Abigail laughed and shook her head.

 " If you fight with her you'll be lowering yourself to her level. Rose might be an illegitimate child but she's still my father's daughter as well, dont sat such things out loud unless you wish to face the wrath of the Duke ", she reminded Martha who nodded her head obediently. 

After dealing with the rest of her work she made her way to the Duke's office. When she walked in she spotted her father and mother sitting close with Rose crying in Helen's arms. Once Helen noticed Abigail she immediately rushed up to slap her but Abigail sidestepped causing Helen to stumble and fall.

 She was so embarrassed that she screamed, " Your grace, look at how she's bullying me! Not only did she make us wait for her but she dares to push me "

 The Duke was furious and hollered, " You ungrateful child! How could you treat your secondmother like that? "

 " She tried to hit me and I only dodged, she fell by herself ", Abigail replied calmly. 

 " Your Grace I... "

 " Enough, that's not why we called her here ", the duchess interrupted Helen. The woman could only get up from the floor and curse in her head. The duchess then turned to Abigail who stood in the middle of the room. " You had a guest? "

 " Yes I did mother ", she replied bluntly. 

 " Rose told me you and your guest thoroughly humiliated she and young lord Lucas ", the duchess said, " Is that true? "

 " Yes ". The whole room fell silent with everyone stunned, she actually admitted to it!

 " You see! Why would my daughter ever lie, I told you she bullied Rose with that no-name noble ", Helen said 

 " Sister why would you do that to me, I was just looking out for you ", Rose sobbed. The duchess's look was filled with disappointment while the Duke had a disgusted look in his eyes.

 " Why would you humiliate your sister and break off your engagement with Lucas, quickly apologize to her and go beg Lucas for forgiveness ", the Duke ordered her immediately. Rose was ecstatic and waited for the apology. 

 " No, why should I apologize? I did nothing wrong ", Abigail immediately refused not giving her father any face at all. The Duke was livid and got up but the duchess held his hand and asked him to sit, he reluctantly did then the duchess turned to Abigail once more. " Why did you humiliate her? "

 Rose was surprised and tried to speak but Abigail beat her to it, " I'm glad you asked mother, my guest and I were at the gazebo when Rose came along and insinuated that he and I were involved with each other and that I was betraying lord Lucas. I tried to question her about what she meant but she was giving vague answers trying to indicate that I was indeed betraying Lucas to my guest "

 " Lucas then came out of nowhere and began supporting Rose. My guest then decided to defend me and asked if Lord Lucas and Rose were involved as well. Since she could just say we were involved shouldn't we be able to say the same? He then asked if Lucas was really my fiance and why he would be supporting Rose over myself"

 " Lucas then said he didn't care and wished to annul the engagement but Gabriel was against. I calmed him down and agreed to end the engagement then we left the gazebo leaving Rose and Lucas behind "

When she finished the room was silent t once more. Rose was anxious and tried to add, " I was just worried about you, you were with an unknown guest "

 " Yes, who was that strange man. Do you care explaining? ", Helen asked.

 " He's a foreign noble I met while in town. He aided me with getting in contact with the seamstress who fixed my clothing so I invited him for tea ", she quickly came up with an explanation. She couldn't possibly say he was her money bag.

 Helen didn't seem to believe the explanation so she asked, " You said he was a foreign noble, what empire is he from and why is he in ours? "

 " According to what he said, he's from the Eclipse empire and his reason for being here was he came to sight see ", she answered recalling what he said earlier. When everyone heard this they were shocked.

 Did she just say the Eclipse empire? There was no one who didn't know about the Eclipse empire. Its wealth was already outstanding but it's popularity laid in its mystery. Its citizens never left the empire only major nobles ever did. An ordinary noble from there could rival their own major nobles both in wealth and status. 

 If Leo was really a noble from there, a major one at that then Rose just angered someone they couldn't offend. Rose also very shocked, he was from the Eclipse empire? Then she had to have him at all costs.

Since Abigail had the support of someone from the Eclipse empire they could only let her go. Abigail was equally stunned, who knew Leo had more uses than being her money bag. She then smiled and walked be back to her room, beginning to hatch her next plan and at the same time, the people in the room also had their own plans.