
Hate you in my next life

Lauren has the world at the palm of her hand, money, status and a loving submissive boyfriend but everything changes when her boyfriend Jayden is killed because of her but ofcourse, she doesn't really care and moves on with her next plaything not knowing her next would be her last. Caught up in a mysterious contract with her new found lover, she becomes eternally submissive to him and knows what real pain is for the first time knowing she can't escape him even in death.

annie_xaviet · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter Nine

Gabriel rushed to Abigail's room to comfort her, his sister who has began to change so much and be more reasonable was mistreated by their so called parents that only cared about their reputation and not the wellbeing of their children. He hated that he couldn't stand up for her when she needed it and just watched but he promised that he wouldn't be such a brother anymore. He barged into the room and shouted her name expecting to see her crying or looking depressed but instead he froze on the spot. She wielded her wooden sword that looked distorted but not as bad as the practice dummy that was in a miserable state. Martha stood on a corner looking helplessly at her young lady, how could she calm her down?? She was on the verge of crying out of helplessness but she soon spotted Gabriel who looked dumbfounded and she happily ran over to him, she was only older than him by a year so the two were practically the same height with Gabriel being taller than her.

" Young master Gabriel, I'm so glad you're here, its about lady Abigail, She seems to be quite upset after returning from dinner, could you perhaps calm her down since she's quite fond of you ", Martha said with a pleading look in her eyes but Gabriel had a more worried expression. He shouldn't have taught her swordsmanship, she was a fast learner and quickly knew how to use a sword very well like she had already known before. The state of the dummy frightened him more, how did she render it to such a state with a wooden sword?? and how was he supposed to get it away from her?? He carefully approached her and gently called her name.

She stared coldly at him as a thick dark aura surrounded her that scared the heck out of him. He thought he was the one with a cold look but compared to this, he looked like a clown. " Abigail, put the sword down. Let's talk okay? ", he said as he got close enough and quickly swiped the bartered sword from her hands. She was cut off guard by this but soon regained her senses and calmed down. Why did she feel so angry? Before she could think further, Gabriel hugged her which shocked both herself and Martha. He hugged me?? By now she had calmed down completely.

" I'm sorry about our parents, you've been improving yourself and they don't even appreciate it. Just forget about them, it's just us from now on okay? ", he said as his expression became gentle and a light shone in his eyes. Abigail had never seen such an expression in her life and her heart melted at the sight of his currently gentle face.

" Brother, I promise I'll get is out of here, trust me ", She said with a smile on her delicate face.

" Sure, I'll remember that ", he chuckled before patting her head and ruffling her hair a little. She puffed her cheeks at the way he treated her like a kid, she was already in her twenties... mentally at least. But it didn't matter if he thought she was joking, she'd show him that his sister was truly capable.

As he left the room, she breathed a sigh of relief before turning to Martha who was doing the same, " How much do I have in the account that the Duke had prepared for me? ", she asked.

" I am not aware of that and I'll ask the butler right away ", after saying this she disappeared from the room. Abigail then began to draft plans and business ideas. She already had a clear plan in mind but all she needed was the funds and support to get it started. She already had a similar plan in her past life and was thrilled she finally had the chance to implement it. Martha soon returned with some papers on hand. It was a bank statement. She walked over and gave Abigail a report.

" Over the period of three years you have accumulated a total of 500,000 gold coins but you've spent 200,000 due to your impulsiveness and your left with 300,000 but the Duke had stopped sending money about five months ago because of your previous outburst at the Esselrades household. He hasn't sent any since then ", She finished with the report and dropped the papers at Abigail table. She went through them and saw what she said was correct. She sat for a while and decided to go on with her plans and begin small, later on when she had earned enough, with Gabriel's help, she'd be able to expand in the future.

She looked at her progress and smiled brightly, " Martha, get me a simple dress and a plain cloak. Get a guard and ask him to dress plainly, we'll use the plain carriage and go into town ", she said Martha was confused but did what she said and soon the two left for town. She hadn't been to the town since she arrived in this world and the for former owner of the body hadn't been out either because what happened at the Esselrades manor. She sighed and looked out the window of the carriage. The town looked lively and was bustling with excitement as people went on with their daily activities. She loved the feel and ease of things around here and found it peaceful.

They soon reached the district bank, the three got out of the carriage and entered the building, after the guard spoke to the man at the register and after showing his Crest that identifies him as a guard from the Duke's family, they were led to a private room and soon an average looking middle aged man walked in.

" Young lady Abigail what a pleasure it is to see you here ", he said but there was mockery in his voice which the three took note of. The man then continued seeing they remained silent, " If it's about your father not sending money, I'm sorry there nothing I can do about that and hope the lady can behave properly in the future ", the man mocked. The guard, Travis became enraged. How dare this man talk to a member of the stone family in such a manner? Even if he doesn't like the young lady, he still couldn't watch her be insulted. She had asked him to guard her so this man was stepping on not only his but also the Stone family's dignity. He couldn't take it and was about to retort but Layla put her hand in front of him causing him to stop.

The man was surprised that the young lady hadn't caused a scene and even stopped her guard. Everyone knew about her temper and about how she'd throw a tantrum if anyone spoke to her in a way she didn't like. She casually sipped on the tea that was served earlier then looked the man in the eye. " I believe that how I behave has nothing to do with you. Am I right? ", her eyes were cold and her voice held authority. The man was stunned and swallowed some saliva, he was about to retort but Abigail was quicker and said, " I believe angering the young lady of the Stone household wouldn't be good for you, what if my father heard, he might not care for me but his reputation is still important so how would he feel of he heard about this hmmm~~ ", she said with a calm expression on her face but a sinister look appeared in her eyes. The man was scared witless. Was she on her period? Why the hell was she so vicious. The man instantly regretted and bowed his head.

Abigail was satisfied with his reaction and dropped her teacup. She them smiled and continued, " Back to why I came here, I'd like to make a deposit from my account " she said.

" Okay ", his voice more respectful, " How much do you want ".

" All the money ", she said then remembered something and continued, " And I'd like to open another account, a personal one, you can leave the one my father opened for me ", She finished only to be greeted by the bizarre faces of the people around her.

She wants all the money and is closing her old account? Isn't it equivalent to cutting ties with her father financially? Was she crazy?? The man coughed and quickly asked, " Should I inform your father of the sudden changes?? "

" No need, he'll find out later ", Abigail replied as she finished her tea. The man could only nod and complete the paperwork and soon the procedures were finished, before she left she withdrew 30,000 gold coins in banknotes so she could carry it around easily. The three then went to the commercial district.