
Harry Potter World with Villain Choice System

I did not own some of the world settings, but the remaining is all my own creation. In any world there is no villain or protagonist instead there are people with various levels of luck and opportunities. The final winner among them becomes a hero or the protagonist while the remaining people that became the stepping stones for the protagonist become the villains. The villains are actually formed because of the mistakes of the so called good and peace loving people. ………….. A good man that was darkened by the seemingly good people became a villain. Finally after achieving his goals of revenge on the society he died happily while the people that killed him only has despair because of the after math. When he opened his eyes he was already 2 years old kid that got his head bumped. Most probably he died at that time and the soul of this villain replaced the kid. The most shocking thing is that there is a strange creature taking care of him. He has seen this creature in a movie in his previous life. Can’t villain see a movie with his mistress? This should be Kreacher. Immediately the memories of the kid returned to his mind. Immediately he understood he is the son of Sirius black and Mary Goldsman. He is called Jonathan black. He is currently in the black house under the care of his grandmother Walburga Black a pure blood enthusiast. “Ding, congratulations host you have obtained the villain choice system.” “Please make your first choice. Option 1: Push the blame of your injury to Draco Malfoy; you will be rewarded with 1000 gold Galleons. Option 2: push the blame to Crabbe and Goyle; you will receive +2 percent critical hit in everything you wanted.”

souryourer · Movies
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269 Chs

Chapter 92: deep hug from molly Weasley

Chapter 92: deep hug from molly Weasley 

"You have promised me that you would give me credit for one incident or event right.

I want you to give me credit for the current incident for killing the basilisk.

Don't worry; I will not let you die.

Since you took the oath I have told you what I want.

You cannot tell anyone about what you did as everything you did to kill basilisk is my credit.

Instead you are only a hindrance in the entire thing.

This is the story you should stick to."

Jonathan said to Harry that was in pain from the fang that pierced his hand.

Jonathan pulled out the fang from the arm of Harry and then called the phoenix over to heal the wound of Harry with its tears.

Jonathan took the fang and the phoenix standing on his other hand looked very majestic.

Right at that time the other professors has finally arrived.

They saw the scene where Jonathan saved Harry and let the phoenix drop few tears onto the wound of Harry.

Jonathan as if he did not notice anything dropped the fang on the side and cleaned his hands with water that he augmented.

He cleaned his hand before going to check the situation Ginny.

  Right then Ron arrived and shouted.

"Don't touch my sister,

What have you done to Harry?"

He asked and ran into the chamber of secrets in a hurry.

Suddenly he saw the giant serpent corpse shocking him.

He tripped and fell on his face.

Jonathan was amused and did not care about him at all.

He simply checked the situation of Ginny and then spoke to the rushing professors.

"Everything is alright.

She is just exhausted.

Harry got his hand pierced by basilisk's fang.

Fortunately the phoenix came here in time.

Its tears have saved him.

But they need medical attention quickly.

Professors if you take care of this I have something important to report to professor Dumbledore."

Jonathan said and went to take the diary from the fangs of the dead basilisk.

Then he was taken away from here by the phoenix just like Dumbledore apparate from the castle under the investigation of ministry of magic.

Ron widened his mouth so much that you can put a wooden log inside without a problem.

Harry and Ginny were still unconscious right now.

Jonathan appeared in the head master's room.

Right then Dumbledore arrived back from something that distracted him that day.

When he returned Jonathan explained the situation to him with the diary on his hand.

Jonathan spoke about Tom riddle and Voldemort shocking Dumbledore a little.

Dumbledore took the diary and checked it feeling the dark magic energy and sinister soul energy.

While he was checking professor Mcgonagall, professor Snape and professor Flitwick returned from the hospital wing.

Jonathan immediately asked how Ginny is doing.

Professor Mcgonagall said that she is fine and nothing happened to her.

Jonathan nodded his head.

Right now other than Ginny, Gilderoy and Harry are also in the hospital wing.

This is not a good year for Harry as he got hits and beatings from almost everything.


Things have finally calmed down.

Jonathan after the professors left asked Dumbledore if he could take the extracts from the basilisk.

Dumbledore don't mind as Jonathan has made a big contribution to the entire thing based on the information.

Jonathan returned back to the chamber of secrets that very day and then quickly got all the useful things from the basilisk.

He can make many useful artifacts and other things with these bones, flesh, body parts, and skin.

Everything is useful in one way or the other.

After getting everything, Jonathan returned back to the room of requirements and continued with his research.

From time to time he comes to the hospital wing and visit Ginny, Hermione and Penelope.

They woke up and got better within a week from the incident with basilisk.

Rita Skeeter that was there that day made two big articles.

First is the article related to Gilderoy, about faked all of his adventures and now lost his memory.

Second is about Jonathan that saved Harry and solved the case related to chamber of secrets from 50 years.

Jonathan also told Dumbledore to clear off the charges related to Hagrid.

Later Hagrid came to Harry and apologized to Jonathan.

Previously Hagrid was not in good terms with Jonathan because Hagrid felt that Jonathan is the son of the traitor and murderer Sirius black.

Now he heard that Jonathan not only solved the case but also asked the authorities to release Hagrid.

For this he was grateful to Jonathan and changed his opinion of Jonathan for the better.

This is good news to Jonathan because with the help of Hagrid many things can be done without much effort.

Also next year is the one when Sirius would escape out of the Azkaban and at that time Jonathan can prove his innocence.

With that Jonathan's bad name would be gone for good.

Also during this time Jonathan met with Arthur and molly that heard about the incident related to their daughter.

They found that Jonathan saved their daughter and they thanked Jonathan from the bottom of their hearts.

They also found that Jonathan saved Harry at that time.

The best things here is that Jonathan got a deep hug from molly.

She is not like that in the movie instead she is more like Ginny and her body is really good.

The hug has already suffocated Jonathan because of the deep cleavage.

Jonathan tried his best to control his image and did not show the lustful look.

Instead he acted innocent to cover things up.

Jonathan simply accepted their gratitude and then let them leave.

Jonathan did not notice that molly has actually become interested in Jonathan.

This world might appear to be the world of Harry potter but they are fundamentally different by a large margin.

It is especially so for the appearances of the beauties and also many incidents that has deeper roots and changes.


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If you want to give me any suggestions please contact my mail Souryourerfate@gmail.com

Thanks to you all my readers.

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