
Harry Potter World with Villain Choice System

I did not own some of the world settings, but the remaining is all my own creation. In any world there is no villain or protagonist instead there are people with various levels of luck and opportunities. The final winner among them becomes a hero or the protagonist while the remaining people that became the stepping stones for the protagonist become the villains. The villains are actually formed because of the mistakes of the so called good and peace loving people. ………….. A good man that was darkened by the seemingly good people became a villain. Finally after achieving his goals of revenge on the society he died happily while the people that killed him only has despair because of the after math. When he opened his eyes he was already 2 years old kid that got his head bumped. Most probably he died at that time and the soul of this villain replaced the kid. The most shocking thing is that there is a strange creature taking care of him. He has seen this creature in a movie in his previous life. Can’t villain see a movie with his mistress? This should be Kreacher. Immediately the memories of the kid returned to his mind. Immediately he understood he is the son of Sirius black and Mary Goldsman. He is called Jonathan black. He is currently in the black house under the care of his grandmother Walburga Black a pure blood enthusiast. “Ding, congratulations host you have obtained the villain choice system.” “Please make your first choice. Option 1: Push the blame of your injury to Draco Malfoy; you will be rewarded with 1000 gold Galleons. Option 2: push the blame to Crabbe and Goyle; you will receive +2 percent critical hit in everything you wanted.”

souryourer · Movies
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268 Chs

Chapter 48: you would shout that you love victor Krum if anyone asks you this question

Chapter 48: you would shout that you love victor Krum if anyone asks you this question

With his pestering and reasoning she taught him the basics.

With his comprehension and understanding in the later years he completely understood the spell and the procedure.

So he quickly formed the unbreakable vow with Harry with the said conditions.

Also Jonathan added a condition that Harry could not saw the truth about what they spoke or the contents of the vow to anyone.

But he can still like to others about the contents.

With the vow complete Harry left from that place back to the castle.

He felt that Jonathan is quite strange at the same time the previous sympathy is gone.

It is a mixture of emotions.

With Harry left, the person that is hiding and watching the entire situation hid more deeply while not showing his face to Harry.

After Harry left Ron came out and he came straight towards Jonathan.

"Hey you, stop.

What did you talk to Harry and Hermione?

What is happening here I want to know?

If you don't tell me, then I will report this to professor Mcgonagall that you are plotting and threatening Harry and Hermione."


Jonathan looked at Ron and laughed out loud looking at Ron like an idiot.

If he really reported it then it was Harry and Hermione along with Hagrid that would be implicated.

Jonathan can still escape without receiving any damage.

But Jonathan has other plans for Ron so Jonathan directly spoke.

"Well since you insist.

I know that Hagrid got a dragon egg illegally,

So I wanted to report it.

Both Harry and Hermione are trying their best to stop me from reporting.

So in order to stop me they made deals with me.

Since you want to report, I would not stop you as it is not in my deal.

But since you came to me anyway, I want you to make a deal with me.

If not I would report about the dragon egg in Hagrid's hands.

Because of you Hagrid would be implicated.

The efforts of your friends Hermione and Harry would go down the drain.

Now think about it.

Do you want to make a deal with me?"

Jonathan asked with a smile that was very gentle and beautiful making him more handsome.

But for Ron it appeared like the smile of a devil.

He never thought that his curiosity would land him in such a situation.

He did not have a choice in this matter.

His face turned red from the embarrassment and anger.

He smacked his own face and then said.

"What do you want from me?"

Jonathan smiled again and said.

"I want you to make an unbreakable vow with the conditions that I am going to tell you.

First condition is you would shout that you love victor Krum if anyone asks you about that.

Second is that you would unconditionally support the wishes of the woman in your family and you love.

Third is that you would tell all the bad points and secrets of your brothers to the woman that they are seeing.

These are the three conditions that I want you to make an unbreakable vow to me."

Jonathan said with a smile.

Ron though that there is nothing wrong with these conditions.

But he was unable to perceive the loop holes in these conditions.

He is really stupid.

Jonathan did not tell them either.

With that Ron made the unbreakable vow with Jonathan and the conditions for Jonathan are still the same like he had with Harry.

He would not report about the dragon egg that Hagrid is having.

With that Ron left as well and Jonathan went to the lake to practice his painting skill again.

He has a fixed routine every day to complete certain number of things to keep him body perfectly fit.


During this time the dragon egg was hatched and Hagrid named the dragon as Norbert.

Well Jonathan doesn't care about these things but they were found out by Draco Malfoy.

They saw that Jonathan did not make a move during the entire time.

Everyday Hermione would come to the room of requirements and kisses Jonathan on his lips.

The more they kissed the more Hermione liked it.

Jonathan tried new things every day.

Other than Hermione he would kiss Daphne and pansy every day.

After few days the lips of the three girls are a little swollen and gave them a unique charm.

Harry and Ron were attracted to Hermione's swollen lips, when they asked her she simply told them that she ate some spicy hot food.

Well they believed it as there are other things to worry about.

On the other hand pansy and Daphne were questioned by other girls and Draco.

They gave the same excuse but most of the girls did not believe that.

As for Draco he is an idiot on the same level as Ron.

So he too believed their words.

Ron on the other hand was bitten by dragon and he started to rest from that day in the hospital wing.

The hiding and sending of the dragon to Ron's brother Charlie's friends was carried out by Hermione and Harry alone.

The invisibility cloak that Harry has is not the perfect one.

So they can be caught at any time.

But the luck of the protagonist activated saving them from trouble of getting caught along with the dragon.

They got themselves detention from professor Mcgonagall along with Draco that reported them.

This time Neville was not a part of what they did and he was not punished because Jonathan helped him from doing stupid things.

During this time Jonathan helped Neville many times when he forgets the password to enter the Gryffindor common room.

Because of Jonathan he doesn't have to sleep outside on the floor.

This has happened many times and Neville was grateful for Jonathan.

So he respects the words of Jonathan to some extent and did not do things that would cause trouble for him or Jonathan.


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If you want to give me any suggestions please contact my mail Souryourerfate@gmail.com

Thanks to you all my readers.

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