
Harry Potter World with a Simulation Choice System

(Protagonist is not harry potter) (I do not own harry potter) An old assassin has transmigrated into the world of harry potter and reborn in a wizard family of pure bloodlines. His family was whipped out and is currently living with Mrs. Zabini family. There are no siblings and the protagonist being the only son. His mother is a close friend of Mrs. Zabini. So he and his family assets were in the hands of Mrs. Zabini as the guardian. Unlike with others she took care of Vicky Dekciw from Dekciw family (The family name is a puzzle if you can find the answer to it) On his 5th birthday something unexpected happened Tring “Wizard choice system is activated.” System: host don’t worry even though you are weak, I will help you become greatest wizard in this world. Protagonist: (I am not weak, I am only 5 year old here you know) System: host don’t worry the there are various choices and quests to get the rewards and these rewards can make you the greatest wizard in the world. Protagonist: (did you listen what I just said) System: there is also the plot of the harry potter story that host has to take care of which can give you better rewards. There are also achievements rewards and the story beyond the plot of the harry potter story……….. (Will not travel to other dimensions only harry potter world and many features that should be in an actual wizard adventurer’s world like dungeons…..)

souryourer · Movies
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Chapter 4: isolated world

Chapter 4: isolated world

All of them are beauties in their own right.

Unfortunately they married to some snob nosed morons.

"Don't worry beauties when I grow up I will take care of you and your daughters in place of your husband…"

The party is over and Vicky got some good gifts at the end.

Unfortunately they did not give him any money.

All of them are either toys or books or something else…

Vicky can only act happy while he is still sad.

The birthday party is over and the girls have literally stuck to him because of his strange charm.

Those hot mothers were unable to let Vicky go because of his cute appearance.

When they all left Vicky was finally free.

His child body was very much exhausted and slept directly.

Vicky has some idea on the plot.

He has to wait till 1990 before investing in some companies in the wizarding world.

As for the muggle world Vicky has to think deeply to solve some things first.

Then he can invest in the companies and think of a way to become rich in both the worlds.

Also there is a problem that he solved after coming to this wizard world.

Why do wizards fear to fight muggles?

The answer is simple.

Muggles have number superiority while wizards have limited amount of magic power.

So wizards can only run instead of fighting.

The sheer number of muggles is enough to kill the wizards.

In the modern technology of guns and other things has another big threat to the wizards.

Well wizards can put on the magic shield if they know that the bullet is coming from the front.

But there are snipers that can shoot from a distance of 500 meters which is very long for normal humans to look and perceive.

One cannot hide from the enemy in the dark.

So the wizards have decided to hide.

Well not all wizards want to do that but there is no choice.

In order to make the wizards hide completely some wizards specifically spread rumors that wizards are nasty people that would use humans for their sacrifices.

This made muggles made and completely exterminated the good amount of wizards.

This resulted in wizards have no choice but to hide from muggles.

There seems to be another great wizard that did something to the world to isolate it from magic.

For this reason the amount of magic in the world is reducing day by day to the point that wizards need a wand to cast magic.

Originally wizards did not need a wand to cast magic.

Wands or other magic accessories are only used to amplify the magic.

But now the result is what everyone knows.

Vicky wanted to find this secret and if possible he wants to break that isolation seal to see what real magic feels like.

On the next day Vicky started to do his regular exercise without causing any problems for the growth of the body.

Even though he is an assassin he has studied many ancient scriptures back on earth because of his interest in magic.

That is also the reason why he studied the novel of harry potter.

It is not for the main character that he studied instead he wanted to know how the magical world would look like.

The thing here should be the same as back on earth.

The wizards here have survived by hiding, but the wizards back on earth died with bravery.

Also the scriptures back on earth have many similarities in regards to meditative models in this wizarding world.

Back on earth magic was extinct so those scriptures and spells there are useless.

But here they can still work.

There is one problem that is he has to adjust them a little, to fit for this world through trial and error.

Well the file itself is perfectly alright but the opening directory is wrong.

That is the problem with the spells back on earth and this wizarding world.

Well he has a long time to do that along with studying the entire syllabus of the Wizarding School.

Vicky was sure that he would get a letter and can directly enter Hogwarts School.

What made him the king of assassins back on earth are his planning and preparations.

He wants to follow the same principle here too.

Right now he cannot show his expertise to Mrs. Zabini to create flaws so the dead line he put himself is the age of 9 years old.

Before that he would study normally and accumulate the money using some small tricks.

With the accumulated money he would simulate and buy the memories that he wanted.

This is his plan for the next 4 years.

Many important things would start when he was at the age of 9.

This is the best time for investing in many places to get some huge returns.

For that Vicky is planning.

If Mrs. Zabini lets him go he wants to go around the rich streets of England and Scotland to steal some money and convert it at the Gringotts wizarding bank.

But he cannot do that right now because of the same old restrictions of his age and bla…bla…

Finally his life changed to a different daily routine where he would exercise every day, study at library and ask for books that he wanted from Mrs. Zabini.

His body shows the sign of growth and the muscle is not bulky instead it is more refined.

That is the difference between his exercising process and those body builders.

Even if he stops exercising he would not lose his current muscle.

But if those body builders stop exercising then they would lose their muscles as it will turn back into fat.

Vicky did not stop at that he asked Mrs. Zabini for some throwing knives for practice but he was not permitted being a child.

So he can only use the other way of using wooden sticks or other things for play...….


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