
Harry Potter: World on Fire

A studious boy meets a tragic end at the hands of the infamous Truck-Kun. But is it truly the end? Or just the beginning of something more? Reborn into the most secretive and ancient family of wizards, the Pendragons, he becomes the last heir to a lineage that has wielded magic since the dawn of wizardry itself. Far stronger than the sacred Twenty-Eight, their unparalleled power has drawn the envy and wrath of rivals, reducing the once-mighty family to rubble. Stripped of his birthright and adopted by a muggle family, the young Pendragon bides his time, concealing his true identity. But now, the time has come for his awakening. The world will tremble under the reign of the Lord of Fire as he reclaims his legacy and unleashes his fury upon those who betrayed his family. Devastation follows the dragon. His shadow will be the last thing they see. discord: https://discord.gg/ZexRV5gqu9 I don't own any of the characters except OC's I just like to play in J.K Rowling's world :) Just started writing novels so please be patient as I get better over time. I do not own the cover of this novel, credit goes to: Joshua Raphael on Artstation. IF the artist wishes for me to take this down, please leave a message! Otherwise, please check his art out, its amazing. Before you start reading the reviews I advise you to read for yourself first, positive or negative reviews might give you a wrong pre based idea on the story, many great stories on this website have horrible reviews and many poor stories have positive ones, you are the judge of your choice don't let others make you refuse a story just because their opinion of it is different of yours. Happy reading :)

Plug_O_Stien · Movies
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Arriving in Seattle

The plane ride was tranquil with no screaming children. This was the last flight that was paid for by Luke and Diana. Which was a good thing for two reasons. One, they could stop spending money, and two, I could move up into first class. Which I was planning to do on this flight anyway. I simply used Imperio on a flight attendant to let me get into the first-class area and then used Imperio on a man who was travelling alone.

I really did love this curse. It was too useful. The man gladly gave up his seat and took mine back in business class. I felt half bad for him so I got the attendant to give him first-class food and the such to make up for it. The difference between First class and the rest was like that of night and day. The comfort was also elevated. I easily fell asleep in the quiet and respectful environment. The flight wasn't too long so I only slept a couple of hours.

I woke up to the same sinking feeling that I still hadn't gotten used to. It meant that we were descending. The smell of rain assaulted my nostrils as I walked out of the plane. It was raining heaving which I thoroughly enjoyed. Rain was like a haven for me. I had finally arrived in Seattle. I got confused at first since there were two Washington's. One was Washington state, and the other was Washington DC. They were on opposite sides of the country. I didn't bother to check why but I must admit, the laziness of these fellows is astounding. But there might be a reason for it. Or not, who cares.

I got through the Seattle airport and walked out into the rain with a wide smile. I spread my arms open as if embracing the rain. It was about 6 in the afternoon and even though it was still light out since It was mid-summer, it wasn't too bright. it further improved my mood as I simply walked along the concrete walk path as the rain pelted my shoulders.

Some people were looking at me oddly. Again, the tattoos, and because I was in a bright yellow shirt with floral designs with blue shorts and flip-flops. I really liked how simple and cheerful this getup was. Fuck suits and all that, sure, I stuck out like a sore thumb most of the time, but since when did I start caring about public opinion. I raised my left arm to see the ever changing tattoo's that depicted a portion of an ancient story. Naturally, the muggles couldn't see it but that didn't stop them from being attracted to such a young kid with tattoos.

Raised my hand and glided it over my hair, pulling it back since it was obstructing my vision. "Where should we go gentlemen?" I asked.

{Let's go exploring a bit, I haven't seen the outside world in centuries, and you haven't seen much of America,} Achlys reasoned.

"What about you Drak? What do you think?" I asked.

[I don't mind, I haven't seen America in a couple of decades, so why not.] he said in affirmation.

"Alright, exploration it is," I said with a nodded and continued to walk through the rain. we walked aimlessly across the streets exploring. I walked into a store and bought myself some more Hawaiian shirts and shorts before walking out of the store. I also bought some shades that I put on and continued to walk before flagging down a cab and heading towards the space needle. I always wanted to go there. It was incredibly tall and looking at the city from up there was a fantastic experience. I wish Luke and Diana could have joined me but alas, maybe another time. After all, this wouldn't be the last time I came to America.

After spending an hour at the space needle taking in the crazy view, I searched for a five-star hotel and got myself a suite using Imperio and slept soundly.

The sound of Birds in the morning could be heard accompanied by the sound of traffic, honking and so on. I stretched before getting up, washing my face and getting changed into my Hawaiian outfit. I wasn't even ashamed to stand out, it was comfortable. I walked into the elevator and pressed the button with the '1' on it that symbolised the first floor. When the doors closed, I felt the same sinking feeling again that lasted a couple of seconds before the elevator came to a stop. There was good music playing. When I walked out, I headed to the exit and flagged down a cab and got it.

"Where do you wanna go young man?" asked the cab driver. I was surprised he didn't question me, but it was best this way.

"Redmond Please," I said with a smile. but the cab driver looked surprised and hesitant. I sighed and used the Imperio curse on him. His face changed from a frown to a wide smile and started driving. I didn't need to explain why or convince him to make the trip. Nor did I feel like it. I had better things to do. Luke gave me enough money to pay the dude in any case. I would feel too guilt since he did go quite far.

I really needed to find some rich fellow with a lot of money and get him to graciously donate some of it to me. But that would have to wait. For now, I sat there with my eyes closed practising Occlumency since it was lagging behind. It got harder to progress the further in I went. Unlike Legitimacy, It didn't flow easily, it was like chipping away at a rock with a plastic spoon. It was annoying and grating but I had to do it.