
Harry Potter: World on Fire

A studious boy meets a tragic end at the hands of the infamous Truck-Kun. But is it truly the end? Or just the beginning of something more? Reborn into the most secretive and ancient family of wizards, the Pendragons, he becomes the last heir to a lineage that has wielded magic since the dawn of wizardry itself. Far stronger than the sacred Twenty-Eight, their unparalleled power has drawn the envy and wrath of rivals, reducing the once-mighty family to rubble. Stripped of his birthright and adopted by a muggle family, the young Pendragon bides his time, concealing his true identity. But now, the time has come for his awakening. The world will tremble under the reign of the Lord of Fire as he reclaims his legacy and unleashes his fury upon those who betrayed his family. Devastation follows the dragon. His shadow will be the last thing they see. discord: https://discord.gg/ZexRV5gqu9 I don't own any of the characters except OC's I just like to play in J.K Rowling's world :) Just started writing novels so please be patient as I get better over time. I do not own the cover of this novel, credit goes to: Joshua Raphael on Artstation. IF the artist wishes for me to take this down, please leave a message! Otherwise, please check his art out, its amazing. Before you start reading the reviews I advise you to read for yourself first, positive or negative reviews might give you a wrong pre based idea on the story, many great stories on this website have horrible reviews and many poor stories have positive ones, you are the judge of your choice don't let others make you refuse a story just because their opinion of it is different of yours. Happy reading :)

Plug_O_Stien · Movies
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And just like that, two became three

It was instinctual, I just realised what I had done. I hadn't been able to do much wandless magic before, but it seemed so natural now. Drak also told me earlier on into the year to focus on the instances where I did wandless accidental magic when I was little, which helped tremendously.

I got a little carried away as I levitated dozens of little stones and rotated them. It looked like a solar system as they orbited around me. Small rocks big rocks, it didn't matter, I didn't feel the weight and what was even more fascinating was, I didn't feel fatigued. This would have been impossible to do since I would have gotten tired very easily. But it was different now. I could do this for hours. The benefit brought by the trial was amazing.

But when my thoughts reached there, they froze. The stones did too before dropping.

"I see, I assume the obliviation of my memory went well?" I asked with certainty.

[Yes, there was no problems, well, for an instance you were very close to the devil himself. But we got you back.] he said, I could hear the concern in his voice. I didn't remember it, but it was for the best. I shrugged it off and looked at the mess I had made. I sighed slightly before waving my hand. A ripple could be seen extending out from my hand before all the stones shot out and hit the wall, cleaning the once messy floor.

I Look at the Mirror with curiosity. I gazed at my reflection which was covered in these weird moving tattoos that spanned from my legs, torso, arms and back. But it stopped at my neck. They were black in colour and seemed to almost be alive as they lit up for a moment before dimming the next in a rhythmic pattern. As I moved my gaze up, I was shocked to see the changes in my eyes.

"W-What happened to my eyes?" I asked in surprise as I raised my hand to my face. Achlys and Drak took their turns explaining what happened and their respective uses which shocked me to no end. Some of its uses reminded me of a certain anime I had watched in my past life. Couldn't complain, I just received some pretty useful abilities. Especially my black eye. I had some uses for it. Especially the chance to get the abilities from creatures and people. Seems I had another use for the basilisk after all.

There were also the house elves, getting the ability to use telekinesis masterfully and gaining their experience in apparition was going to be very useful. Then there was the other ability. I knew that the sword of Gryffindor wasn't made of common metal. It was made of something called goblin wrought silver. It allowed the metal to attain the characteristics of anything that strengthened it. If I added this property to his armour and then touched the basilisk venom, wouldn't I attain the same effect as what Harry achieved? It seemed that destroying the Horcrux's wouldn't be so difficult after all. Now I had something else to extort dumbledore out of.

The abilities in my white eye had much more utility and versatility. Having the ability to cast illusions without having to do anything was great. And no one would think that making eye contact would be their demise. Then there was the 5-second future ability. Seemed limited to battling others but it would give me a massive advantage when duelling. As for the healing magic, great for sustain. And the shared vision was a bizarre ability. It seemed that it was only good when I was fighting with others by my side, but I didn't know to what limit. I would tinker with the ability later to see the full extent of its capacity.

Overall, most of them weren't flatly OP except the future sight, but they would become immensely useful. Finally, my body, just like the little experiment earlier, I could feel magic energy in the surroundings much easier, I could feel it in my body and in everything I touched. A little more and I could probably see it too. This explained my sudden boost in magical prowess and why I was able to cast spells and charms wandless that I couldn't before.

With a wave of my hand, clothes appeared from my bracelet that was off in the corner and flew towards me. I put them on and felt much better. I wasn't awkward about my body, but I wasn't an exhibitionist either. I did see that I was much more muscular than before. And my height didn't help my shock. I was already 1.7 meters tall. Dean was a little smaller now. It seemed that I was in my mid-teens physically maybe 16 or so but I was actually 12 years old. I didn't really care much since there was nothing I could do. I could transfigure myself but why bother. Some people actually grew this fast. It was odd but not crazy.

I felt great. The feeling was intangible. I didn't know what part of me was different, but I felt complete. Like something that wasn't quite right before had been put into its corresponding place. I knew that the trials had worked. My soul and body were balanced. It was a magnificent feeling.

"Alright, since I'm done with the trial I should get going. Right Drak?"

[yep, there is nothing left to do here anymore. We will only return when you're about to reach the third stage. Another trial will be held. that trial is repeatable in order to unlock more power in your dragon form.] he informed.

"I see, well that is too far for now. And I really don't want to think about going through any more trials for a long time." I said before picking up my bracelet and putting it on my wrist. I then began to walk towards the throne.

{What are you doing kid?} asked Achlys.

"Well, you're coming with us of course. I'm not leaving you here by yourself. You wanted to experience the outside world again, right?" I asked.

{I… Drak, aren't you going to argue this?} he asked with hesitation.

[nope, I have made my peace with you. As long as you behave, I won't have any problems with you,] he said dismissively.

{'as long as you behave' Tch, whatever, I don't care either way.} he said.

"Sure-sure, stop acting and accept already," I said with a smile. Even though I can't use his power yet since I would be corrupted by it, it didn't bother me to carry him around.

{Tch fine. But don't carry me in that Bracelet of yours,} he said with disgust.

"How else am I supposed to carry you? I would look like some cosplay idiot if I went around with a sword." I said in confusion.

{relax kid, you can simply transfigure me,} he said with a 'you should know this' tone.

"Hmmm… I got it; it'll look a bit edgy but who cares." I shrugged and waved my hand over the sword on the throne. It began to shrink and shrink until it became the size of a fingernail. It then began to hover towards me before landing on my hand. It was a single earring. It took the shape of a small black skull with a spear tip pointing downwards. It was edgy but small and wasn't noticeable. It dangled from a small ring that was placed in my ear.

{I mean… this works, I guess. I can see everything, so I have no problems with it.} he said with a slightly surprised tone.

"Good, let's get going. I still have a lot of things I need to get done. Apple and Microsoft aren't going to make themselves." I said with a smile.