
Harry Potter with Technology System

In an innovative reimagining of the Harry Potter universe, this novel introduces a unique twist to the beloved story, focusing on Harry Potter's journey enhanced by the Technology System (TS) and his interactions with Nigel, an AI assistant. The narrative follows a young Harry Potter, who is not just a budding wizard but also a tech-savvy genius, thanks to the advanced Technology System embedded within him. This system, operating through a symbiosis of magic and technology, provides Harry with unprecedented magical analysis, data storage, and real-time spell and potion assistance. At the heart of this system is Nigel, an AI with the personality of a British gentleman, known for his dry humor, sarcasm, and witty remarks that often add a humorous touch to Harry's adventures. As Harry prepares for his first year at Hogwarts, he delves into potion brewing and spellcasting with a proficiency far beyond his years, thanks to the Technology System's virtual environments and Nigel's tutelage. His unique approach to magic, combined with his technological edge, sets him apart, promising a future where he surpasses his canonical counterpart. The Technology System, especially the Virtual Potion Crafting Room, becomes a pivotal tool in Harry's magical education, allowing him to experiment and master potions in a safe, controlled environment. This feature, along with the System's ability to analyze and store vast amounts of magical knowledge, becomes indispensable to Harry's growth as a wizard. The novel is a fresh take on the Harry Potter story. 1. Smart MC Expect a Harry Potter who is not just magically gifted but also technologically adept, using the advanced Technology System to enhance his magical abilities and knowledge. This version of Harry demonstrates a level of intelligence and problem-solving skills that surpasses his original portrayal. 2. Witty and Sarcastic AI Companion Nigel, the AI assistant with a personality reminiscent of a British gentleman, brings humor and sarcasm to the narrative. His interactions with Harry are not just helpful but also entertaining, adding a unique flavor to the story. 3. Evolved Relationships Watch as the dynamics between Harry and his family, especially Aunt Petunia, transform dramatically. The story explores the emotional growth and understanding that develops between them, influenced by magical and non-magical factors. 4. Enhanced Magical Skills Harry's proficiency in magic, particularly in potion brewing and spellcasting, is heightened through his use of the Technology System. His approach to magic is more analytical and precise, leading to a faster and more profound mastery of magical arts. 5. Manipulation Lots of and lots of manipulation. 6. Adventure and Exploration Harry's journey is filled with adventure and exploration, amplified by his technological edge. From uncovering family secrets in Gringotts to experimenting with new magical techniques, each chapter brings new discoveries and challenges. 7. Unique Magical Training The Virtual Potion Crafting Room and other innovative features of the Technology System offer a unique perspective on magical training. Harry's learning process is more interactive, experimental, and efficient, showcasing a different approach to mastering magic. 8. Humor and Levity Nigel's presence ensures that the story, while rich in magical lore and technology, does not lack humor. His witty comments and sarcastic quips provide moments of levity throughout Harry's journey. 9. A Fresh Take on Canon The novel reimagines the Harry Potter universe, offering a fresh perspective while staying true to the essence of the original story. Expect familiar settings and characters, but with new twists and turns that set this novel apart.

TheFanficGod · Book&Literature
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198 Chs

Over Thousands of Experiments


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Harry, standing in the Virtual Potion Crafting Room, called in his assistant in his mind, Nigel, with a look of determination. "Nigel, please create a list of all materials. Then calculate how many experiments I have to conduct for each change, including manner of adding materials, preparations of materials, namely grinding, grating, cutting, throwing them whole, dusting, boiling time, simmering time, heat, stirring, for example clockwise, opposite, mixture, chaotic. There are four ingredients."

Nigel responded promptly, "Of course, Master Harry. Let's break it down systematically. For your Cure for Boils potion, you have four key ingredients: Nettle Leaves, Snake Fangs, Porcupine Quills, and Horned Slugs. Each element offers a unique variable to your experiment. Shall we begin with the Nettle Leaves?"

"Start with the grinding," Harry replied, his mind focused on the task at hand.

"For the Nettle Leaves, we have five preparation methods: fine, medium, and coarse grinding, grating, cutting, using them whole, and dusting. That will give you five separate experiments. Next, for boiling, try durations of 5, 10, and 15 minutes. As for simmering, experiment with low, medium, and high heat. Another six trials for you, Master Harry. Now, regarding the Snake Fangs..."

Harry nodded, jotting down notes. "And stirring?"

"A critical aspect indeed," Nigel continued. "For stirring, let's consider four methods: clockwise, counterclockwise, a mix of both, and a rather chaotic approach. Four trials for each ingredient, giving us sixteen in total."

Harry calculated the numbers. "So, for each ingredient, we have 5 (preparations) × 3 (boiling times) × 3 (simmering times and heats) × 4 (stirring methods), which equals 180 experiments per ingredient. With four ingredients, that's 720 experiments. What about adding the ingredients in different orders?"

"Ah, sequencing – a subtle but impactful variable. With four ingredients, you have 24 possible permutations. This will significantly affect the potion's outcome," Nigel explained.

"Adding those together," Harry concluded, "we have a grand total of 744 experiments to conduct. This is going to be an extensive project, Nigel."

Nigel nodded in agreement, "Indeed, Master Harry. But with meticulous planning and execution, I am certain we will find the optimal potion composition."

Harry pondered the daunting task ahead, realizing the immense scope of his experiment. "There will be more variables as we go on. That will increase numbers exponentially. There will be more than 1000 variations," he mused, surveying the expanse of the Virtual Potion Crafting Room. His eyes scanned the empty space, envisioning the complexity of the undertaking.

Nigel, in his mind, waited patiently, sensing Harry's gears turning. "Nigel, how many potions can I work on at the same time?" Harry finally asked, looking for efficiency in his approach.

Nigel, pleased with Harry's ambitious thought process, responded, "Depends on your mental capacity, Master Harry. The virtual environment can accommodate a significant number of concurrent experiments, limited only by your ability to manage them."

Harry hummed thoughtfully. "Create 100 cauldrons. Each cauldron should have a virtual screen for the variation I am testing. I should be able to see it with a look so I can do it without delay. Place cauldrons in a square so I can stay in the midst of them and can reach them quickly. Let's see if I can multitask."

Obediently, Nigel orchestrated the room's transformation. In moments, 100 cauldrons materialized, arranged in a perfect square formation around Harry. Each cauldron was accompanied by a virtual screen floating just above it, clearly displaying the specific variation being tested in that particular cauldron.

Harry, observing this impressive setup, smiled and rolled up his sleeves. "Let's begin," he declared with renewed vigor.

He started with the first cauldron, meticulously adding Nettle Leaves with the specified preparation. The virtual screen above glowed softly, indicating the precise parameters of the experiment – fine grinding, 5 minutes boiling, low heat simmering, and clockwise stirring. Harry's movements were methodical and precise, his focus unwavering.

Moving to the next cauldron, he adjusted the variables slightly – medium grinding this time, with a 10-minute boil. As he worked his way around the square, each cauldron presented a new combination of variables. The screens above provided a constant guide, ensuring no detail was missed.

Nigel, observing Harry's progress, offered occasional guidance. "Remember, Master Harry, consistency is key in potion-making. Even the slightest deviation can yield vastly different results."

Harry nodded, fully immersed in the task. He found a rhythm, seamlessly transitioning from one cauldron to the next, his movements becoming more fluid with each repetition. The room was a symphony of bubbling potions, each cauldron a unique instrument contributing to the orchestral experiment.

But not all experiments were successful. Some cauldrons exploded, causing a chain reaction that damaged those adjacent to them. Harry, undeterred by the setbacks and the stinging sensation from the virtual explosions, remained focused. "Show me the data for the exploding cauldron. Why did it fail?" he inquired, brushing off the remnants of the failed potion.

Nigel, ever the analytical assistant, replied, "Analyzing the data now, Master Harry. It appears the combination of a coarse grind, high heat, and chaotic stirring created an unstable reaction. The volatile nature of the Snake Fangs, when not properly integrated, can lead to such... explosive outcomes."

Harry, absorbing this information, nodded. "So, it's a matter of balance. Too much aggression in the process and it becomes uncontrollable."

"Quite so," Nigel agreed. "Potion-making is an art of precision. Like a tightrope walker, one must maintain balance, lest they fall into a rather unpleasant situation."

Harry moved to the next cauldron, adjusting his approach based on Nigel's feedback. He reduced the heat and opted for a more controlled stirring method. As he progressed, he continually checked the virtual screens, ensuring each variable was accurately applied.

As the hours passed, Harry's understanding of the interplay between ingredients, heat, and stirring deepened. He methodically documented each successful concoction and analyzed the failures to refine his technique further.

"Interesting," Harry mused after a particularly successful trial. "The same ingredients, yet such different outcomes based on how they're combined and manipulated."

"Indeed, Master Harry. The world of potion-making is full of surprises. One might say it's a cauldron of endless possibilities, some more explosive than others," Nigel quipped.

Harry couldn't help but smile at Nigel's comment. He continued, moving from one cauldron to the next, his movements now fluid and confident.

After several more hours, Harry stood back, taking in the sight of the numerous cauldrons, some simmering gently, others bubbling vigorously. He had tested a multitude of variations, each teaching him something new about the delicate craft of potion-making.

"Nigel, compile the results. I want to see the patterns, the successes, and the failures. There's a lot to learn from today's work," Harry requested, his mind teeming with curiosity and ideas.

"Compiling data now, Master Harry. You have conducted an impressive number of experiments. Your dedication to understanding each nuance is commendable," Nigel responded, processing the vast amount of information.

The screens above each cauldron flickered, displaying a comprehensive analysis of the day's trials. Harry walked around, studying the data, noting the successful combinations and the reasons behind the failures.

"See here, Nigel," Harry pointed to a particular set of results. "When I simmered the Horned Slugs at a medium heat and stirred clockwise, the potion's stability increased significantly."

"An astute observation, Master Harry. It seems that Horned Slugs require a gentle touch. Too much heat and they become rather disagreeable," Nigel noted.

Harry's gaze then shifted to another screen. "And here, the Snake Fangs. When ground finely and added after the Nettle Leaves, their reactivity was much more manageable."

"Indeed, the order of addition can be as crucial as the preparation itself. Like a well-orchestrated symphony, each ingredient must enter at the right moment," Nigel added.

Picture of 100 cauldrons(Check comments)


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