
Harry Potter: The Third Trickster

What happens when 2 turns to 3. What happens when you mix red with black. What happens when troublemakers meets newly freedom. Well you get a third trickster of course.

PenguinOfChaos · Book&Literature
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3 Chs

First Day

Timothy woke up the next morning still feeling full from last nights feast. Lee Jordans bed was empty, but he could still here the snores of the Weasley twins. Dressing himself in his robe, he went down to the common room. 

The Gryffindor common room was a cozy and inviting space. It was adorned with scarlet and gold, the colours of Gryffindor House. The room had a warm, welcoming atmosphere, with a crackling fireplace as the focal point. Comfy armchairs and sofas were scattered around, providing a relaxed and homely setting for students to socialize, study, or unwind.

The walls were lined with tapestries depicting famous Gryffindor's and moments of bravery from the house's history. Large, leaded glass windows offered a view of the grounds and the surrounding area, letting in natural light during the day.

There was a large wooden table for studying and completing homework, and at times, it might be cluttered with books, parchments, and quills. The room buzzed with conversation and laughter as Timothy descended the spiraling staircase. Overall, the Gryffindor common room was a lively and spirited place.

''Hey Alicia, do you know what our first subject is today?'' Timothy asked the girl when he saw her sitting in one of the chairs near the stairs. 

''We have charms with professor Flitwick, our schedule is hanging over on the notice board. We also have potions later with professor Snape and the Slytherins, I'm not looking forward to that, I've heard he can be quite nasty.'' The girl answered with a slight shiver in her tone at the last part. 

''Duly noted.'' He said as he went over to the noticeboard. On it was the schedule for the first years hanging. Today they had 4 periods. First Charms, then transfiguration, potions came next and last was History of Magic. 

He looked around to see the twins hadn't come down yet. Shaking his head he went up the stairs again, it wouldn't do to be late on the first day. Entering the dormitory, he saw their curtains were still shut.

Smiling to himself he opened the windows to let as much sunlight in as possible. Then he first went over to what he thought was George's bed and withdrew the curtains in an instant. He then did the same to Fred's bed.

''Ahh yes yes, I'll get up just turn off the lights.'' It came from George shielding his eyes from the light. 

''Seconded.'' Fred said, backing up his brother. 

''Better hurry and get up, you still have your robes on from yesterday, so it shouldn't take long.'' Timothy told them with glee in his voice. 

''Did Charlie or Percy send you?'' Fred asked. 

 ''No they didn't, just couldn't see my house mates be late to the first class of the year.'' Timothy told him. 

''You enjoyed our suffering I bet.'' George said as he was getting out of his bed.

''I have no idea what you are talking about.'' Timothy said in an innocent tone. 

Fred grinned at him, ''So you aren't hopeless, here I was thinking Charlie was going to make you our caretaker.'' Timothy scoffed at his statement. 

''No way.'' 

After that they all 3 went down to the common room and joined Lee Jordan who was standing near the exit. Going down to the Great Hall to get a breakfast before they had to get to charms, they discussed what they were going to be learning. 

They barely manged to get their in time, when they had mistakenly went on a staircase that couldn't figure out where it wanted to go and seemed to stop for 10 minutes before deciding. So they burst in to the room out of breath. 

''Sorry professor, trouble with some stairs.'' Lee Jordan huffed out to the small teacher standing on a couple of books.

''No worries, just take a seat and we can begin.'' Professor Flitwick said in an excited voice. They did just as he said, and then Flitwick spoke again.

''Now, my delightful students! Today's spell is none other than the enchanting Wingardium Leviosa. With a deft swish and flick of your wands, channel your magical prowess to lift objects gracefully off the ground. Remember, it's not just about the incantation; focus on the delicate wand movements. Watch closely as I demonstrate the precise technique, and then, it shall be your turn. If you need more help, you are welcome to ask, or you can look in your book The Standard Book of Spells.''

As Professor Flitwick guided the class through the Wingardium Leviosa, it became apparent that Timothy wasn't the only one facing the challenges of levitation. The room echoed with a chorus of flicks and swishes, accompanied by feathers stubbornly anchored to desks.

Fred, George and Lee weren't doing much better than him. All their feathers were also still bound to the desk. Professor Flitwick, recognizing the struggle, circulated among the students, offering words of encouragement and subtle pointers.

As the clock ticked on, the atmosphere in the classroom became a blend of frustration and determination. Feathers fluttered, wands wobbled, and a few levitations earned house points with the first being Rowan Whitman from Ravenclaw, with Angelina Johnson not far behind. 

In the final moments of the class, as Professor Flitwick gave one last round of advice, Timothy, with a blend of concentration and newfound determination seeing other people doing it, successfully cast Wingardium Leviosa. The feather lifted lightly in the air, dancing to the movements of his wand. When he let go the feather fell slowly towards his desk again. 

''Ahh delightful another has done it, 5 points to Gryffindor Mr. Ashwood.'' Professor Flitwick said from across the room. Nothing much happened after that and soon professor Flitwick told them class was over. 

''That was harder than expected.'' George told them as they walked towards the transfiguration classroom. 

''Yeah, I barely made mine move.'' Lee said with an exasperated voice. 

''Flitwick told us we were going to be learning the charm in the next couple of classes, we'll probably have it down by the end of them.'' Timothy said. 

''As if you are going to need them, you did it today.'' Fred joked. Timothy just looked at him dryly.

''It was more luck than anything, I don't think I could have done it again.'' He confessed. 

''Still you did it, more than we can say.'' Lee told him. 

''After we finish today, do you all wanna go and explore the castle.'' George said in a tone that couldn't mean anything good. 

''I'd rather not get in any form of trouble on my first day so I think I'll pass.'' Lee said, noticing both the tone and glint in Georges eyes. Fred got the same glint in his eyes when George had spoken and just nodded. 

''Yeah I think I'll join you, we won't have much to do today I hope.'' Timothy said, not feeling even remotely perturbed by Georges tone. The rest of the time they sauntered to the transfiguration class, chatting and joking as they went on. This time, unlike charms, they made it in good time. 

In a crisply articulated voice, Professor McGonagall, adorned in her emerald-green robes, stood at the front of the Transfiguration classroom and addressed her eager students. ''Welcome, class, to transfiguration,'' she began, her eyes flickering with a blend of authority and enthusiasm. ''Today's lesson involves the transformation of a humble match into a delicate needle.''

She paced gracefully between the desks, her stern gaze encompassing every student. "Transfiguration requires precision, focus, and a keen understanding of the magical forces at play. To achieve this feat, we shall employ the Match-to-Needle spell. Pay close attention."

She took a match from her desk in her hand. ''The incantation is 'Ignis Acus','' she enunciated clearly. "But remember, mere words won't suffice. Your intent and concentration are crucial."

As she performed the spell, the match glowed momentarily before undergoing a mesmerizing transformation into a gleaming needle. McGonagall's eyes sparkled with a hint of satisfaction. "Now, your turn. Wands at the ready and focus your minds. 

As it had been in charms, the first transfiguration class of the year barely held any merit for any of the students. Most tried to replicate what Professor McGonagall had done like she was breathing, without it yielding any result. One Hufflepuff student, Cedric Diggory, managed to turn the bottom half of his match into a needle, and surprisingly even for himself, Fred had almost managed to turn the entire thing into a needle, with only the top part, that normally would be lid, being normal. 

As the class ended they headed to the Great Hall for lunch. After that they had headed to the dungeons towards Professor Snape's classroom. The dungeons were chill and had a totally different atmosphere than the rest of the castle where they had been. 

Even the class was different. Professor Snape, instead of being enthusiastic like professor Flitwick or stern but helpful like professor McGonagall, was cold and overly critical. They had been tasked to make a cure for boils, and while not outright taking points from Gryffindor it almost felt like that. 

When Lee Jordan and Alicia Spinnet had managed to get to the halfway point perfectly, Snape didn't bat an eye, but 5 minutes later when a pair of the Slytherins came to the halfway point, but still missing a bit of its colour, which was described in the book, he awarded them 10 points. 

 Angelina had tried to ask why he had awarded them but not Lee and Alicia all the responds she got was that he hadn't seen it and moved on. The class ended with all the pairs coming up with a bottle of their potion, that Professor Snape could judge. 

The last class of the day was History of Magic. It was taught by professor Bins who was a ghost, so you would've thought that it would have made it more interesting, and that was where you would be wrong. The thing that professor Bins was best at, was making the class fall asleep. Timothy and Lee had just managed to stay awake, while the twins had just fallen asleep, which Bins didn't seem to take notice of.

When they had finally gotten out George stretched out his arm backwards and yawned. 

''That was maybe the most boring thing I have ever done,'' He said to the 3 others getting nods from all. Then his sleepy expression disappeared, ''But now it's time to explore.'' 

''Good luck with that, I'm going to the dormitory to take a nap.'' Lee Jordan said and waved them goodbye leaving only the Weasleys and Timothy. 

''Well, where do you wanna start?''