
Harry Potter:The rise of Voldemort

This is the story of how Voldemort's soul traveled back in time. Will he realize his mistakes will he change or will he conquer. Dumbledore won't know what hit him. I don't own harry potter jk rowling does. And the cover is also not mine

atharva_saraf · Movies
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Diagon Alley

Richards led Tom to the back of the pub. Then he looks at Tom and says "Little wizard watch the pattern carefully, whenever you need to enter Diagon alley again you just repeat it" He stares at me looking for confirmation. I just nod.

Then he turns to the wall and taps on a brick which is a little outward than the other bricks then he goes "left right up double and down". As he finishes this pattern the brick wall parts from mid and rolls to the sides imparting a colossal view of The Diagon alley.

"Welcome to the Diagon Alley" He Proudly states.

Even though I have been here uncountable times it's still a novelty to see it again from this angle.

There were hundreds of shops lined beside each other and far away on the back, one could see the white marble building clearly omitting itself from others.

I turn towards Richards and smile "Thank you, Mr. Richards, I will manage from here".

He gives me a nod and walks back to the door of the pub. As I move forwards the wall behind me closes automatically. I move in between the crowd silently Thinking if I ever raid this area I will give him a quick and painless death for his service.

Tom walks to the white marble building, Nobody paid attention to him, In their eyes, he was just another insignificant person in the gigantic diagon alley. Oh, only if they knew how wrong they were.

Tom enters the building and sees the huge walls and pillars with a curved roof in which invaluable gems and charms were placed. Even if he had nearly 50 years of knowledge in the wizarding world, He still couldn't identify every charm placed in here And Voldemort was hailed as the most knowledgeable wizard of his own and his successor's age.[Here successor age means wizards till 7 years after Voldemort's graduation.]

Such was the legacy of GRINGOTTS. It was made by the King of goblins himself and that was nearly 8000 years ago. The work done here was so intricate and detailed that only very knowledgeable could discern.

Tom walks up to one of many tellers on the side. And waited patiently till goblin takes notice.

Now you must be wondering why the most feared Dark Lord of the century would wait politely. Couldn't he just directly ask, and this goblin was just on the sides. It was not as if it was the goblin king.

If your thoughts too traveled to these lines then I must make it clear that Tom currently doesn't have the power and the influence to just barge in. And there was another reason, which was that the goblins could hold their first impressions very highly. And all the future transactions with that person will be influenced heavily by their first impressions of that wizard.

The goblin peered from his high Elevation.

Gingak was a well-respected goblin in the nation. And his genia wealth[1] was within the goblin's dozen.[Goblin's dozen comes from 'the baker's dozen. Goblin's dozen means "eleven" signifying their greed.]

Gingak was one of the more wizard-friendly ones. And as such his duty was of the goblin teller of Hogwarts. He handled all the matters related to Hogwarts.

What he wanted most in a wizard was patience and the ability to tolerate. Many wizards lacked it or we're not willing in front of a goblin.

That's why he was surprised when a boy came to his counter and patiently waited for him to finish his work. And it was not as if the boy was nervous or fidgety. No, He stood there calm and collected waiting. Gingak suddenly held a high opinion of this wizard spawn. It had the ability of tolerance.

Gingak scooted a little further from his usual position and addressed the little wizard. "How may I help you today".

Tom smiled when he heard the goblin's question. The reason was simple because he succeeded in his first step to world domination 2.0 which was to get in the good graces of the goblins.

Now he could have used the traditional goblin greeting to answer but he didn't want to raise suspicion as to how he knew of it. Generally, only purebloods use it to address the goblins and that too only a few who are not foolish enough to label goblins as lowly creatures.

But he decided to just get to the point and make it quick. "I am here to withdraw my yearly quota of Hogwarts finance and here's my permission slip," Tom said while handing the slip that dumbledore gave him to the goblin.

Gingak took the slip from Tom's hand and checked it for the seal of Hogwarts. Once he determined that it was authentic he stored the slip in a drawer that held similar slips and gave a pouch to Tom.

Tom thanked the goblin and took his leave from Gringotts. He knew that the goblins did not like to waste time.

Gingak stared at the retreating figure of Tom and determined him as interesting.

Genia wealth[1] = Is a system of measuring wealth between goblins in the goblin nation.

[Vote power stones and you will have luna's luck for the rest of the day]