
Harry Potter The Prime Merlinian

Harry potter gets picked up by Balthazar blake and Veronica from Sorcerer's apprentice.This fanfic is written for pure enjoyment purposes.

Anonymous2000 · Movies
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25 Chs

Chapter 12

The great Albus Dumbledore was not having a good time the backlash he received when the news about Harry Potter was known to the wizarding public was enormous. He couldn't go out of Hogwarts without being glared at also he lost two of his positions. Dumbledore frowned and thought"Originally I wanted to spike Harry with a loyalty potion in the first year then subtly enforce the conditioning through some grandfatherly acts and advice. But now Harry's sudden loyalty will be questioned by both Merlineans.

Dumbledore then remembered Potter Vault key he had was destroyed as he muttered"So that means the contract between Ginny Weasley and Harry cannot be signed now. I wanted Harry to be tied to a good light-oriented Family(Also staunch Dumbledore supporters). Now I will have to ask Severus to create that special love potion to make Harry interested in Ginny, after all, it is for the greater good."Dumbledore knew the potion unlike normal love potion which makes the drinker infactuated and obsessed.This particular one makes the person see good traits and habits of a particular person to the drinker.It also makes the drinker interested in the person after jumpstarting their relationship he could stop using the potions.But he knew he had to be careful.

Dumbledore muttered"I will have to talk to young Ron soon.Harry needs a good friend."while thinking "Also he can report me about what Harry's movement."

[A/N:Since love potion creates signs of obsession. So the only reason I can think of is there is a love potion which instead of Infatuation and obsession make the person look more appealing.]

Dumbledore pulled a lot of favors to make sure the papers didn't report the news again. Dumbledore knew the wizarding public will forget about this soon and he just had to lay low.

The interesting thing about this is if it was not the Merlinieans accusing Dumbledore every light supporter in wizagemot and the wizarding public would have ripped the person accusing to shreds.

Veronica and Balthazar showed both Harry and Hermione the fact that the wizarding kind of Britain will praise you as the hero when things go right and they will see you are a villain or dark lord when things went wrong. Hermione got out of her Authority worshipping had taken a great hit after finding out what Dumbledore did to Harry also Veronica has been giving many examples to Hermione of people in Authority abusing their power.

Hermione having seen Harry practice magic had asked Veronica"Can learn magic now like Harry is?"Veronica looked at Balthazar who shrugged as Veronica called Hermione's parents and asked their permission as both of them accepted feeling a teacher like Veronica will help Hermione a lot.

Veronica smiled and slowly raises her hands, gathering a large amount of energy. Once enough amount of energy has been accumulated, she then seemed about to place both of her palms against one another before throwing them violently upwards causing phosphorescent flames to erupt from the concrete floor around her, startling Hermione in process but Harry didn't even flich. Veronica continues by carving small circles and lines inside the larger circle as each small circle bears an alchemical symbol. After she completed finishing touches on her work there merlin circle.

Veronica seriously looked at Hermione and asked"I am Veronica Gorloisen, sorceress of 775th degree will be your mentor in the Arts of Sorcery do you accept. Remember once you accept you become a sorceress. You can't go back."Hermione felt excited as she nodded and replied"Yes I will."

Veronica summoned a parchment as gave it to Hermione and her parents as Veronica explained what a Magical contract as Veronica said"This contract is to make sure the Knowledge of Sorcery doesn't ever get into the wrong hands."

Hermione frowned and asked, "Shouldn't knowledge be available for everyone?"Veronica smiled hearing that as she said"That was what our Master Merlin thought as well after finding out Sorcery. Merlin took in his first disciple Morgana Le fay."

Hermione and Harry who was reading his encantus stopped and focused on what Veronica was saying showed Harry and Hermione medieval renderings of his and Veronica's past battles as she continued"But Morgana le fay who grew powerful even created an opposite version of Merlin circle know Morgana's Star and she wanted rule over the non magical.To stop her Merlin chose three disciples Balthazar,Horvath and me.For centuries with help of our master Balthazar, Horvath and I were the only thing standing between Morgana and man's destruction. Our friendship and our magic were what Veronica and I depended on.But things went down as Horvath betrayed us and helped Morgana kill our master Merlin."Harry remembered Horvath from the Store.

Hermione questioned,"But he was Merlinean and you Friend?"Balthazar who was quiet till now answered,"Yes he was a former Merlinean, and our friend he betrayed us and joined Morgana."Veronica quietly said, "Because of me I loved Balthazar while not noticing the fact Horvath to was in love with me."Both Hermione and Harry understood the fact Horvath was jealous but they were young to understand love.

Balthazar explained"We couldn't defeat Morgana so we used the Grimhold which is an inescapable magic prison that resembles a nesting doll to capture Morgana and trap her. Over time, Veronica and I fought many sorcerers who tried to free Morgana, trapping them in layer upon layer of the doll. Eventually, we captured Horvath as well. As Merlin lay dying, he gave Veronica and me his Dragon Ring, saying it would guide him to the child who would one day grow to be Merlin's successor, the Prime Merlinean."

Veronica sighed and explained"Now the Grimhold is missing and Horvath is out their somewhere."Harry looked away feeling embarrassed Veronica noticed this and said"Harry it was not your fault."

Hermione now had understanding about sorcery as she signed the contract without a problem as Harry curiously asked"Why didn't you guys help during the war of Grindelwald and Voldemort."

Balthazar sighed replied"We were fighting Horvath during 1920's.He was a much bigger threat than Grindelwald also we did help from time to time as we saved a lot of people like Mathew Greengrass, Marisa Abbott, and Alexander Diggory. That is the reason the grey families were quick to support us."

Veronica continued" As for Voldemort let's just say things got more complicated as we had to search for the Prime Merlinean as well also had kept the Grimhold safe from a Morganian who came after it."

Harry knew if the Grimhold opened Morgana Lay fey will be free who is much worse than Voldemort who is basically a child throwing tantrum as Harry mostly practice Matter Domain which is a form of sorcery that enables a conjurer to manipulate matter, giving them access to energy manipulation and construct anything from thin air.