
Harry Potter The Prime Merlinian

Harry potter gets picked up by Balthazar blake and Veronica from Sorcerer's apprentice.This fanfic is written for pure enjoyment purposes.

Anonymous2000 · Movies
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25 Chs

Chapter 10

[A/N: No idea if this is any good but here it is. See you next week.Also please don't get angry when Hermione starts to learn Sorcery]

Well, Balthazar, Veronica, and Harry met with Hermione's parents and explained about her being a witch as both of them knew their daughter was different but the rational part of their brain was just having a hard time believing the fact magic is real as Hermione's father Dan Granger asked: "So you are telling me my daughter is Witch and there is a secret society of wizards and witches?"

Balthazar seeing their disbelief pointed his hand at the picture of a wolf cub and used an Animation Spell as the wolf cub was brought to life as both Dan and Emma Granger looked at in disbelief while Hermione looked excited. Both of them snapped out of it as Veronica explained to them the laws of secrecy and the fact that Hermione will be invited to Hogwarts to control her magic.

Dan asked, "So our daughter will be invited to a school to learn how to control her magic."Veronica nodded and said, "I will tell you the truth of our British wizarding world as I am sure the teacher who comes to visit you won't reveal it."

Veronica soon explained about how they totally live in the eighties and about squibs,muggle-borns,halfblood's and purebloods. Hermione who heard all this was in a state of disbelief as a person who believed in authority figures she questioned,"Why won't the teacher tell us about all this and the fact the chances of Muggleborns getting high-level ministry jobs are very low ?"

Veronica sighed she hated the word muggle,muggle-born, and mudblood, as she explained"They know for fact if told about this the chances of Muggleborns or first-generation magicals attending Hogwarts and Joining the wizarding world, becomes less means their economy will shut down. Just look at it like this your daughter would have joined Hogwarts then after 7 years she would enter the wizarding world find out the truth about muggleborns/First generation magicals. She already passed the age to complete her studies in the real world. Which makes her only option to stay in the wizarding world and find a minor ministry job."

Veronica felt it was best to tell them the truth was the best also knew although non-magicals are ahead of the wizarding kind with their nukes and stuff.It doesn't mean wizarding kind if exposed will be slaughtered as both of them have often updated Uspeakables on muggle weaponry as they have created shield spells to survive nukes and even methods to survive radiation as a strategy if wizard and Non-magical's go to war. Also, Unspeakable tries to betray their contract they will forget everything and they can't even record any of this because of the magical contract. There are even enchanted clothings that can make bullets bounce away like nothing.Also, both Balthazar and Morgana have spells to fully obliviate or modify the memory of the world with spell similar level to 'The Rising' even if some people have video graphic evidence in the future people will just think is great CGI and stuff. There is even a spell to another dimension that can be easily used to escape if the war is inevitable.

Enma was hesitant to let Hermione go into the wizarding world as she asked"What can we do about this?"Emma also knew her daughter was interested in magic and stopping her from learning means it means removing part of her.

Veronica explained, "Well you don't have to worry about work much as both Balthazar and I own a number of businesses and shops which hire many muggle-born/First generation Magicals.It's just high ministry positions are hard for a muggle-borns/First generation magical to get unless you have a great backer."It was true both Balthazar and Veronica have been providing First-generation magical's jobs. Also, some of the businesses owned by Harry are also available now.

Veronica saw that the Granger's slightly calmed down hearing this as she continued"If we find you are descended from notable families.It will give you protection."

Dan was confused and said, "We don't have magic in our family other than Hermione."

Balthazar was the one to explain"First-generation magical's inherit magic from a distant ancestor. Basically, they are descended from Squibs who have married Muggles and whose families had lost the knowledge of their wizarding legacy. The magic resurfaces unexpectedly many generations later."

Enma questioned, "So either mine or my husband's family is descended from so-called squibs."

Veronica gave a nod with Granger taking on Veronica's advice to go to Gringotts as Hermione questioned"Why is the wizarding world stuck in the eighties?"

Balthazar sighed said "There is nothing much when you can communicate with friends and acquaintances by means of owl, fire, Patronus, Howler...etc. When your newspaper has moving pictures and everyday objects sometimes talk to you, then the internet does not seem a particularly exciting place. This is not to say that you will never find a witch or wizard surfing the net merely that they will generally be doing so out of slightly condescending curiosity, or else doing research in the field of Muggle Studies. While they have no need of mundane domestic objects such as dishwashers or vacuum cleaners, some members of the magical community are amused by Muggle television, and a few firebrand wizards even went so far, in the early eighties, as to start a British Wizarding Broadcasting Corporation, in the hope that they would be able to have their own television channel. The project foundered at an early stage, as the Ministry of Magic refused the broadcasting of wizarding material on a Muggle device, which would (it was felt) almost guarantee serious breaches of the International Statute of Secrecy. Some felt, and with justification, that this decision was inconsistent and unfair, as many radios have been legally modified by the wizarding community for their own use, which broadcast regular wizarding programs. The Ministry conceded that Muggles frequently catch snippets of news from our world.I believe non-magicals are much more likely to believe they have misheard something than that they are hallucinating. There is another reason for most wizards' avoidance of Muggle devices, and that is cultural. The magical community prides itself on the fact that it does not need the many admittedly ingenious devices that Muggles/No Mags have created to enable them to do what can be so easily done by magic. To fill one's house with tumble dryers and telephones would be seen as an admission of magical inadequacy. There is one major exception to the general magical aversion to Muggle technology, and that is the car and, to a lesser extent, motorbikes and trains. Prior to the introduction of the International Statute of Secrecy, wizards and Muggles used the same kind of everyday transport horse-drawn carts and sailing ships among them. The magical community was forced to abandon horse-drawn vehicles it became evident cars were better.It is pointless to deny that wizarding kind looked with great envy upon the speedy and comfortable automobiles that began filling the roads in the twentieth century, and eventually, even the Ministry of Magic bought a fleet of cars, modifying them with various useful charms and enjoying them very much indeed. Many wizards have cars and there have been cases of pure-bloods who claim never to touch a Muggle artifact and yet are discovered to have a flying Rolls Royce in their garage."