
Harry Potter The New Lord Black

Aries Sirius Black, once known as Harry Potter, endured a miserable childhood under the Dursleys until the day the Blacks found him. Rescued and educated, Harry learns the intricacies of the wizarding world and the manipulations of Dumbledore. How will Aries Sirius Black navigate the challenges of the wizarding world? Will he rise as a hero, or will he choose to become the next Dark Lord—an outcome eagerly anticipated by the Blacks?

Nebula_Scribe · Book&Literature
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76 Chs

Pureblood Elegance

Daphne Greengrass stood with her friend Pansy Parkinson, watching the various boys as they entered the Ministry's Grand Ballroom.

'That's Vincent Crabbe,' Pansy said, referring to one very large boy. 'Decent family, of course, but he's a bit dim-witted.'

Daphne sighed. 'Can't there be at least one pureblood wizard left in Britain who doesn't look inbred?'

Pansy giggled. 'That's not a very nice thing to say.'

'Sorry. Two, then.'

Pansy giggled some more.

Just then a family of three walked into the room, all blond. Pansy sighed.

'Oh, there you go, Daphne. Isn't he a dream?' she gushed.

Daphne glanced at the boy, who had pointed, aristocratic features. 'He's not bad,' she admitted.

'That's Draco Malfoy. I met him two years ago over the summer while he was vacationing with his parents in Spain. My father says his father has a lot of influence with the Minister.' She dragged Daphne by the hand. 'Let's go meet him.'

Daphne followed her friend helplessly. They trotted over towards Draco, who had taken up a position near the punch once his parents had split up to make their respective rounds.

'Good evening, Draco,' Pansy cooed. 'It's so good to see you again.'

Draco looked at her blankly for a second before his eyes lit up in recognition. 'Oh, hello, Pansy.'

'Daphne, allow me to present Draco Malfoy,' Pansy said. 'Draco, this is Daphne Greengrass.'

'Pleased to meet you,' Daphne said.

'The pleasure is all mine,' Draco replied. His eyes darted about the room as though he were looking for someone. 'Have you seen my cousin, Aries Black?'

'Ooh, isn't that Sirius Black's son?' Pansy exclaimed. 'Is he really coming tonight?'

'He's supposed to be,' Draco answered, still looking around. 'Uncle Sirius said they were both coming.'

Daphne shivered involuntarily at the casual way Draco referred to the infamous wizard.

'What's he like, Draco?' Pansy asked eagerly. 'They say he was one of You-Know-Who's most dangerous followers.'

Draco smirked. 'Uncle Sirius is cool. He's loads of fun to be around, but you don't want to get on his bad side.' He looked over towards the door and smiled. 'In fact, there he is right now, as inconspicuous as ever.'

Both girls turned around to look. A very stern-looking witch in plain black robes had just walked in, and behind her strolled two wizards in opulent robes who could not possibly be mistaken for anything but father and son. The elder had long black hair and a closely trimmed beard. Daphne suspected he had once been very good-looking, but now he was too thin and his eyes carried a haunted, dangerous look. She didn't much fancy the idea of spending time in close quarters with a wizard who looked like that, no matter how 'cool' Draco said he was.

'Look at those robes!' Pansy breathed. 'They must have cost thousands of Galleons. And the boy's robes too! What I wouldn't give to have robes like that.'

But Daphne wasn't thinking about the boy's clothing. Her eyes were fixed on the younger Black's face. Aries Black wore his insolent good looks like he wore his princely robes, with a casual nonchalance that suggested he thought them nothing more than his due. His bright blue eyes twinkled with mischief, and the boy bore himself like his father, with the confidence born from knowing that the whole world was one's to command.

'He's gorgeous,' she found herself saying. She blushed slightly once she realised she had spoken aloud.

'Who, Uncle Sirius?' Draco said incredulously.

'No, silly,' Pansy told him in a dreamy voice. 'Your cousin.'

Draco snorted. 'Aries?'

'Oh, Merlin!' Pansy shrieked. 'He's coming this way.'

It was true. Aries Black had left his father's side and was wandering over towards Draco.

'Good evening, Draco,' he drawled with a very pronounced upper-crust accent. Daphne wondered whether he had taken lessons to sound like that. He turned towards the girls and smiled. 'I don't believe I've had the pleasure of meeting these lovely ladies.'

'Daphne, Pansy, this is my cousin, Aries Black,' Draco said. 'Aries, these are Daphne Greengrass and Pansy Parkinson.'

Aries bowed slightly. 'I am honoured to make your acquaintance.'

'Likewise,' Daphne murmured. The orchestra transitioned into a waltz. Draco and Aries looked at each other. They seemed to be communicating silently, their eyes shifting back and forth. Eventually Aries nodded his head in acquiescence. He stepped closer towards Daphne and offered her his hand.

'May I have this dance, Miss Greengrass?' he asked.

Daphne nodded and placed her hand in his. They went out onto the dance floor and Aries launched into the waltz. He had nowhere near the ability of his father, who was currently twirling elegantly about the ballroom with a dark-haired witch Daphne didn't know, but Aries managed well enough, and Daphne found herself quite enjoying the opportunity to dance with him.


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