
Harry Potter: The Magic of Money

Since the dawn of gaming, there have existed two types of gamers. Free-to-play losers and pay-to-win gods. At least, that was how Ronald Richmond saw it. And as the greatest pay-to-win god of all time, he was unstoppable. So, when he entered the Harry Potter world in the body of Ronald Weasley, he was naturally distressed. That lasted until his first knut… [Valid currency detected. Value: 1 point.] From then on, he had only one mission. To become the wealthiest Wizard in all of England. Then, by turning his wealth to power, he would become truly unstoppable.

Azrael_Draco · Book&Literature
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P2W Panel Info

Skill Tiers:

(Black) LV*1: Completely Incapable (usually skipped over)

(White) LV*10: Year 1-3 level

(Green) LV*100: O.W.L. level/Average Wizard (non-specialized)

(Blue) LV*1,000: N.E.W.T. level

(Purple) LV*10,000: Junior Specialist (Junior Auror/Ministry/D.E./Professor)

(Orange) LV*100,000: Senior Specialist (Senior Auror/D.E./Professor Level)

(Red) LV*1,000,000: Top Specialist (Top Auror/D.E./Head of House Level)

(Gold) LV*10,000,000 Dumbledore/Voldemort Level

(Prismatic) LV*100,000,000 God level.

Item Tiers =5 of equivalent skill tier (e.g. (Green) LV*20)

And yes, there's gonna be HELLA inflation in later books (Sirius's bounty, Triwizard Money, etc.).

Discovered Panel Capabilities:

Chapter 1: Visualizing all skills. Converting wizarding money into points and vice-versa. Using points to upgrade skills.


Chapter 1:

[Ronald Weasley]

[Wizard's Chess (Blue) LV7 6672/7000]

[Broom Flying (Green) LV2 0/200)]

[De-Gnoming (White) LV4 13/40]

[Points: 0]

Chapter 3:

[Ronald Weasley]

[Wizard's Chess (Blue) LV7 6684/7000]

[Points: 0  964]

Chapter 4:

[Ronald Weasley]

{Transfiguration (Low White)}

[White: Softening Charm (LV3 2/30), Match to Needle (LV3 1/30)]

{Charms (White)}

[Green: Mending Charm (LV2 3/200)]

[White: Levitating Charm (LV3 4/30), Unlocking Charm (LV2 0/20), Wand-Lighting Charm (LV2 0/20), Wand-Extinguishing Charm (LV2 0/20)]

{Potions (Low White)}

[White: Cure for Boils (LV3 0/30), Antidote to Common Poisons (LV1 7/10)

{Dark Magic (Low White)}

[White: Leg-Locker Curse (LV3 1/30), Curse of Bogies (LV1 4/10)]

{Herbology (Low White)}

[White: De-Gnoming (LV4 20/40), Asphodel Root (LV1 4/10), Dittany (LV1 3/10), Devil's Snare (LV1 0/10)]


[Blue: Wizard's Chess (LV7 6704/7000)]

[Green: Broom Flying (LV2 28/200)]

[Points: 500]