
Harry Potter: The Hogwarts Four

A tale of how the four Hogwarts founders raised Harry around the turn of the century. Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or its characters from the franchise. That honor belongs to JK Rowling. The cover is not mine either.

Pufferdung · Movies
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On a hot summer evening in 1987, four unexpected guests showed up at Privet Drive in Little Whinging, Surrey.

Four kids, perhaps no older than seven, suddenly appeared in the abandoned and empty small park. They were laying in a heap on the ground, clad in strange-looking garments that looked out of place in the 20th century.

Fortunately for them, it was after dark. Most people were at home, having dinner or watching the evening news. Soon after the hours passed, midnight arrived.

Under the night sky, one of the kids, a boy with wavy red hair, moved his fingers slightly. His eyelids flickered a few times before he opened a pair of blue eyes.

The next instant, confusion flooded his eyes. He hurriedly got up, and after examining his surroundings, a look of panic spread across his face.

Quickly, he reached for the sleeve of his right arm. As soon as his fingers touched what was tucked inside, he felt a sense of relief. After that, he crouched down next to his three unconscious friends.

Opening and closing his mouth, he eventually regained the ability to talk after speaking a few phrases with obscure meanings. He called out nervously, shaking the upper body of the black-haired boy closest to him.

"Oi, Sal! Wake up!"

A little scowl appeared on the black-haired boy's sleeping face. He pushed the boy's hands away as if to tell him to stop bothering him.

"Sal! You need to get up now!"

Realising it was pointless, he groaned and opened his eyes. When he finally got a good look at the boy's face, he was taken aback.


"Yes, it's me."

The red-haired boy seemed glad to see him awake. Before he could finish his thought, he was cut off by him.

"I'm happy to see you Sal. But now's not the time to talk. Let's wake up the others first," Godric said.

"...Fine." Sal frowned and pursed his lips. While Godric tried to rouse a sleeping girl with brown hair, he got up and went to wake a girl with long dark hair.

The two girls woke up shortly after, both of them confused as well. They eventually settled down and sat down together calmly by a fire they had started after recovering from their surprise.

"How did we turn into children?"

"What happened to us?"

"Where are we now?"

"When did you return, Sal?"

All four of them began asking questions one after the other. But after that, there was complete silence. They were completely clueless as to what had happened to them. Suddenly, Godric burst out laughing, and others joined him as they shared a glance at their friends, who had turned to their younger selves.

Although they were clueless as to what was happening, they knew that whatever happened, as long as the four of them were together, everything would be fine.