
Harry Potter: The God of Magic (BEING REWRITTEN)

---THIS STORY IS CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN--- (Disclaimer: the first few chapters are a little rough due to me trying to find my footing with this story but after that, the story cements itself as in my opinion a pretty good one. and let's be honest, there is way worse out there lmao. Enjoy!) 'Why? Why must this go on? When will it end?' these words were the first thoughts that a "new" baby had. Alaric Reinhardt has lived through countless lifetimes, reincarnated every few centuries. the baffling thing is, he keeps reincarnating into the same bloodline. From the dawn of man to the height of the roman empire, to the discovery of the Americas, he has seen it all. It wasn't until he was reincarnated into the 11th century that he realized he was in the world of harry potter. After countless times of being reincarnated, he has finally made it to the 20th century in Britain. How will he live this life, will he stay secluded, will he venture out and make a name for himself, only time will tell, and he has plenty of it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hi guys, this is my first attempt at fanfic, if there are any grammar, spelling, or even issues with the harry potter continuity that I didn't purposely change, please tell me. With that being said this is a slight AU, there won't be any giant changes like Harry's parents being alive, no, they are very much dead. with that being said, a character or two or an event or two might be slightly changed for the betterment of the story With that being said I hope you all like my story!

LazyCaveman · Book&Literature
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30 Chs

The Destruction of the Auction House

--The morning of the day after the Auction was held--

Alaric had woken up around 6 am to do his daily routine of physical exercise by running a few laps around the manor, after a good hour of running, he came back inside and found his grandfather and uncle speaking with each other at the table, a newspaper situated between them on the tabletop.

"I can't believe it, to think, we were just there not even 12 hours ago," Louis said with a slight hint of distraught in his voice

"yes, it is quite vexing how such a thing could happen, and so quickly as well," Theodoric replied with his neutral tone, but from the look on his face you could tell that he was quite perplexed by the whole situation.

'how could an entire auction house come crumbling down in an inferno and nobody notice it until the destruction was over' Theodoric thought with an immense amount of confusion

As the two men were discussing the headline story in the newspaper, "The Wizarding World News" a global paper that informs the wizarding world about all sorts of events, Alaric came into the kitchen and grabbed himself a croissant, some jelly jam, and a cup of coffee brewed from the Brazilian beans that come from the wizarding community in brazil, these beans offer an amplified effect contrary to their mundane cousins.

"Ah, Alaric, good morning, I didn't expect you to be up so early." Louis greeted Alaric who had come to the table and grabbed himself a seat

"Good morning Uncle Louis, I'm surprised grandfather didn't tell you, I usually start my day around 6 am and go out for a run then come in around now for breakfast every day."

Alaric said reciprocating the greeting he received

As the three of them conversed for a while, Alaric couldn't help but glance at the newspaper in front of his grandfather.

"Did something happen at the auction house grandfather?" Alaric asked while feigning ignorance of the event that transpired last night

After Theodoric explained what happened last night and how all wizarding tabloids were in a stir because of it, Alaric couldn't help but reminisce on his fine work.

--Flashback to last night--

""So, how would you like to die?""

When Marcellus heard those words, all he could feel was despair, without answering the boy's question he slowly looked at his brothers smoking headless corpse and back up to the devil child before him.

""Well? I don't have all night you bastard, hurry up and pick how you want your pitiful existence to be snuffed."" Alaric said with a slight tinge of wrath and annoyance

After resolving himself to whatever fate he may have, Marcellus lept back a few meters to gain some space between them and he drew out his wand that was in its holster on his leg.

"hm, Hawthorn wood, good for healing and curses, Rougarou hair core, a core that has an affinity for the dark arts, and 12 3/4 inches huh, what an interesting wand." Alaric thought out loud

""Petrificus Totalus!""

""Locomotor Wibbly!""


Without a second of hesitation, Marcellus threw three different curses at Alaric in fast succession.

"Weak," Alaric said nonchalantly as he waved his hand with the ring foci in front of him and effortlessly blocked the three curses with a nonverbally cast protego

""Shit! Expulso! Expulso! Expulso!"" Marcellus yelled out in a frenzy after seeing his spells be so effortlessly blocked by the boy with just a wave of a hand

Once again, the second the spells reached Alaric he instead of just shielding them, swatted away the spells with his hand that had a protego charm applied to it with great precession.




as the deflected spells hit the surrounding walls of the room the two were in, three explosions sounded out around the dueling duo

'Hopefully, someone heard the loud explosions.' Marcellus hoped in his mind, not knowing that Alaric set up an intricate ward around the room that would not only stop the damage from spilling out but also block all sounds from within, he did this to make sure nobody would come in and ruin his fun

The duo continued to duel it out for several more minutes before Alaric finally got bored of blocking rudimentary curses and hexes, so he decided to finish things up quickly.

"Locomotor Mortis," Alaric said with a single finger pointed toward Marcellus

Before he could even react, Marcellus was hit by the speeding curse that he could barely even see.

""Gah! Please don't hurt me, I'll give you anything you want, do you want galleons, i have plenty!"" Marcellus pleaded

"Pathetic." one word was all Alaric said

As he looked down upon the man who was currently scared shitless in front of him, Alaric was thinking about how he wanted to deal with Marcellus, should he give him a fast or slow death?

Seeing that his foe was currently mentally occupied, Marcellus took a chance.

""Avada Kedav-

As soon as Alaric heard the man begin to chant the incantation to the killing curse, Alaric decided that the bastard should die slowly for even thinking about trying to kill him.


Before he could even finish his incantation, Alaric swiftly cast the cruciatus curse onto the pitiful excuse for a man.

After around ten minutes of torture, Aalric lifted the curse on Marcellus, who surprisingly was still sane of mind.

'Gotta give it to him, he sure is one persistent bugger.' thought Alaric

'Let's fix that.'

"Magna illusion."

The spell Alaric just cast on Marcellus was one of his own creations from his time as Alaric I.

This spell was an illusion spell, but not just any illusion, it was the most powerful illusion a wizard could cast, it threw the victim into a world of continuous torture, whether that be physical or mental, it did it all, and the best part was, all though it was all in the victims head, the effects of it were just as real as any other curse.

As Alaric stood there watching the man squirm in hellish pain and anguish, he had absolutely no remorse for the man, at this point in his existence, Alaric had lost all of his morals when it came to dealing with those he deemed unfit to live in this world any longer.

Alaric wasn't even above using the killing curse, the only reason he doesn't isn't because of the effect on the soul, but because of the extremely obvious traces it leaves behind, plus, he felt that a quick and utterly painless death was not something he would grant to his foes.

The reason why he isn't worried about the effects of the killing curse on his soul is not only because at this point his soul is damn near indestructible, but also because of the fact that it only chips away a very minuscule amount of your soul, however, with that being said, that amount adds up over time, hence why people like Voldemort and his followers are so unhinged.

Alaric went on to sit down and start messing around with transfiguration, he grabbed a rock that was on the ground and turned it into all sorts of things ranging from a sword to a dog, and even a gold bar, when he got to the last item, a bar of pure silver, he "accidentally" added to much magic to the transformation and instead of transfiguring it he transmitted the rock into a true solid bar of silver.

"Haha, oops," Alaric said with a slight chuckle

It was around this time that Marcellus' twitching finally came to a stop, thus indicating the filthy poacher and magical auction house owner was fully brain dead hence the sudden halt of all motor functions.

Alaric promptly made a hand motion towards the body and a bright blue fire was ignited and brined away any last traces of the man and his pitiful existence, the same was done to his brother's headless corpse.

Moving on from there, Alaric cast multiple different confundus charms on all of the innocent workers, save for all of the ones who knew about and even helped in the poaching efforts of the brothers to acquire "merchandise".

"That should be everyone, now, how should I bring this auction house tumbling down?" Alaric mused to himself for a while until he decided to not make things more difficult than they needed to be and he set a fire to multiple parts of the auction house to ensure maximum fire damage.

As Alaric walked out under the cover of his disillusionment charm, he couldn't help but look back at his work of art, when he looked back he witnessed the once great and mighty auction house crumbling down into a hellish scene of fire and destruction.

'And to think, this is only 1/10 of my original power, sometimes I scare myself.' Alaric thought with a chuckle

--Flashback end, several hours after breakfast--

Alaric was in his bedroom at the moment with the magic beast suitcase in front of him on his bed.

He had planned last night to personally modify and change the charms and other spells on the suitcase to make it a paradise for all kinds of magical creatures.

It only took him around an hour to modify the charms to create a self-sustainable ecosystem in the suitcase, after which it took him another few hours to split it up into different sections, all with their own environment.

For now, Alaric had split the "Suitcase World", a temporary name, maybe, into 4 different Major biomes, within these biomes would be more specialized areas that he would make for any creature that needs it.

The four biomes he made were as follows; the plains and forest biome, inside this biome, were pockets of forests and wooded areas with a few caves dotted around the area.

The next biome was the ocean biome, in this area, there was a decent-sized beach that led out to the open water area for any aquatic beasts he may come across.

The third biome was the tundra and mountains biome, in this area, there were multiple mountains and hills spread all around a tundra area for any beasts he comes across that live in colder environments.

The last biome was the jungle biome, in this biome there, of course, was jungle all throughout the area with an assortment of cave systems spread around it.

Taking inspiration from Newt Scamanders suitcase, Alaric also created a study that would act as the entry point of the suitcase and would have four doorways leading to the biomes. In the study, Alaric had brought several pieces of firewood and transfigured them into the furniture he needed.

Once he was finished setting up the suitcase, he moved the creatures over to the new area, the two Griffins created a nest atop one of the tallest trees in the forest biome, seeing how close they were with each other, Alaric expected to see some griffin eggs in the nest sometime soon.

The Griffins weren't the only creatures to move into the plains and forest biome, the five Hippogriffs also moved into the biome. the five siblings all chose to stick together as one herd, Alaric made a mental note to get all of them a mate.

The few Granians that he had bought because of his sister's nagging were all kept in the plains and forest biome, but upon arrival back in Britain, they would be released to be taken care of by the magical beast caretakers of the Reinhardt Estate.

The Demiguise that Alaric had bought to rescue from a less than favorable fate had grown, to say the least, attached to Alaric.

Not only had the creature refused to move into the suitcase, but he also was refusing to leave Alaric's, it took quite a lengthy conversation for Alaric to convince the poor creature to move into the suitcase, however, he did promise to visit the Demiguise at least once a week.

After the creatures had all gotten situated in their new homes, Alaric was going to put the magic wolf pups with the hippogriffs who had shown their support in taking care of the young wolves, but before he did that, Alaric came up with a better idea, taking small amounts of inspiration from the stark family.

--Duval Manor living room--

Theodoric, Sofia, Louis, and Silas were all sitting in the living room conversing with one another just relaxing as time went by.

While they were talking, Silas noticed his cousin walk into the room, following the young wizard was five adorable wolf pups.

the five wolf pups all had the same coloring signifying their relation and their species.

The coat of the five pups was black and grey, and along with the regular colors, they had streaks over bright glowing blue fur that confirmed their magical heritage.

These five wolf pups were of the Nordic Magic Wolf species, they are known for being one of the larger species of magic wolves, they

(picture of a Nordic magic wolf full grown--->)

during the 8-11th centuries, Viking raiders would employ full packs of tamed Nordic magic wolves along with their tamers, the Nordic shamans, to raze villages and castles alike.

The use of such powerful beasts went down after Christianity spread throughout the Nordic kingdoms, and it even became a tradition and sport to hunt down these beautiful creatures and use their pelts to create clothes and cloaks.

The famous Norwegian king, Harald Sigurdsson, better known as Hardrada would hunt down these creatures yearly as sport and would wear a cloak made of their fur at all times as a show of power against the "Pagan Beasts".

The thought that magic was evil was quite laughable to Alaric, especially considering that the church has its own branch of magic that they use to this day.

Back to a wide-eyed Silas who was currently jumping out of his spot on the couch and rushing toward the adorable puppies.

At first, when the boy had frantically run to them, the pups had been quite afraid due to their experience with being abused by the Felern brothers, however, sensing the pure, childish joy that the boy felt seeing them, they became less afraid and more intrigued.

"Woah, calm down Silas, you will get to pet them in a minute, first i need to address you and the others," Alaric said with a smile seeing that his cousin was so excited to see the creatures.

After the commotion Silas had made with his actions, Alaric now had the attention of everyone in the room.

"Well, now that I have your attention, I would like to make a proposition."

"Oh, and what would that be Alaric?" Theodoric asked with a chuckle after seeing how the puppies were all over the boy, licking and rubbing their bodies against him.

"I was thinking, since there are five pups and five of us, what say you all to becoming the proud owners of a magic wolf?"

Hearing what he just said, the other four were justifiably shocked, after all, these creatures were quite rare beasts.

"Are you sure Alaric? I mean, you were the one who bid for them." Theodoric said

"Yes Grandfather I am sure, but I'm not giving them out of the goodness of my heart, I do have a selfish reason, that being I want you all to always have someone to protect your back," Alaric said with conviction.

No matter how many lives he has lived through, Alaric would care about and love his family, always and forever.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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