
Harry Potter: The God of Magic (BEING REWRITTEN)

---THIS STORY IS CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN--- (Disclaimer: the first few chapters are a little rough due to me trying to find my footing with this story but after that, the story cements itself as in my opinion a pretty good one. and let's be honest, there is way worse out there lmao. Enjoy!) 'Why? Why must this go on? When will it end?' these words were the first thoughts that a "new" baby had. Alaric Reinhardt has lived through countless lifetimes, reincarnated every few centuries. the baffling thing is, he keeps reincarnating into the same bloodline. From the dawn of man to the height of the roman empire, to the discovery of the Americas, he has seen it all. It wasn't until he was reincarnated into the 11th century that he realized he was in the world of harry potter. After countless times of being reincarnated, he has finally made it to the 20th century in Britain. How will he live this life, will he stay secluded, will he venture out and make a name for himself, only time will tell, and he has plenty of it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hi guys, this is my first attempt at fanfic, if there are any grammar, spelling, or even issues with the harry potter continuity that I didn't purposely change, please tell me. With that being said this is a slight AU, there won't be any giant changes like Harry's parents being alive, no, they are very much dead. with that being said, a character or two or an event or two might be slightly changed for the betterment of the story With that being said I hope you all like my story!

LazyCaveman · Book&Literature
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30 Chs

My Disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.

Utter Disappointment.

That is all Alaric has been feeling for the past year now.

At first, when he started magic control lessons under his uncle he expected more, but he foolishly forgot how backward the British wizarding community was in the 20th century.

'Sigh, it seems I need to learn occlumency quickly so I can do a total recall of all of my memories of this world.' Alaric thought while mentally facepalming during one of his lessons

'with that "all-powerful" brat dumbledore running around, who knows if he'll read my mind or not.'

'I just hope he isn't some closet dark lord like so many fanfic authors love to write him as, sure he's made some... questionable decisions, but he still seems like a decent guy, I hope.'


"Ah! shit!" yelped Alaric in surprise at being zapped by a few dozen volts




"bloody hell, that woman has punishment down to a science!" exclaimed Osric as he stifled a laugh at Alaric's predicament

"Yeah she sure does," replied Alaric as he glared at the spot Helen had just disappeared from

"Now concentrate, you were doing pretty well with conjuring a flame with just a thought, but it flickered out as you got lost in thought, what were you thinking about anyways?" asked Osric who was in the middle of teaching Alaric how to create a flame

Over the past year of training, Alaric had become pretty proficient at controlling his lightning much to the chagrin of Osric who as a kid took way longer to get it under control.

Since Osric only has a week before he has to leave back to the ministry to continue his work as an Auror, he had decided to leave Alaric with a basic training method for producing fire since he seemed to have a decent affinity with that element as well.

"Now come on, get back to training," said Osric as he zapped Alaric one more time for fun

"Gah! ok fine!" said Alaric as he shot a glare that promised retribution toward his uncle

--A Week Later in the Reinhardt Manor--

it was currently the last day before Osric had to leave so he was sitting around talking with Theodoric and the children.

"Hey half-pint, show father your new trick," exclaimed Osric with a laugh

'that settles it, once I get my magical focus the first thing I'm using it on is him' thought Alaric with a dark smile

While Osric was laughing at his nephew's facial expression, he couldn't help but feel a chill run down his spine. It was almost like he was in danger

As Osric looked around him trying to find the source of danger, Alaric showed his grandfather the new parlor trick he came up with when he was bored one day.



"Interesting, so you've managed to gain enough control over your magic that you can make a miniature storm cloud."

"I'm impressed Alaric, good job," said Theodoric with a soft smile

"I just wish your parents were here to see it," Osric said with a solemn smile after calming down from earlier

After that remark the mood dropped down quite a bit, even Alaric was a little sad.

No matter how many lifetimes you live, it always hurts when you wake up to find your parents are dead, in each and every life it has been like this for Alaric. This is a fact that he made peace with a long time ago.

Despite the depressing mood lingering in the air, it didn't stay long.

In quick succession, two sounds played out.

A *pop* signifying that someone just apparated into the living room of the manor.

accompanied by a painful yelp that was let out by a grown man with shaggy dark hair and dark eyes

"Gah, bloody hell!" yelled Sirius as he was immediately assaulted by a flash of blue lighting toward his chest the second he apparated into the manor

"Hahaha!" roared Osric in laughter at seeing his best friend's plight

"Alaric it's okay, this is Sirius Black, a friend of mine from Hogwarts and my partner at the DMLE." said Osric between laughs

"oh, I'm sorry Mr mutt," replied Alaric while trying to act like an unassuming child

"Who told you to call me that!" Sirius let out

To answer his question Alaric simply pointed toward his uncle and watched as the funniest fight broke out in front of him.

Stinging hex after stinging hex was fired between the two as they dueled it out in the large living room of the manor

this petty duel between two "great" wizards came to an abrupt end as Alaric's grandfather finally got tired of their childish antics and immobilized them both with two quick Immonbulus charms.


Both Osric and Sirius came to a sudden halt and face-planted into the ground as they were frozen in place

"Huh, maybe wand spells aren't that useless after all," muttered Alaric to no one

"Now that you two idiots have calmed down, Osric, why don't you go ahead and formally introduce Sirius to Alaric, only Sofia has actually met him," said Theodoric with a stern yet amused tone

"ah yes right, sorry," said Osric with a chuckle as he dusted himself off

"Well Alaric, this is one of my best friends, Sirius Black, or as I like to call him, mutt, or Padfoot."

As Sirius was about to launch himself at Osric again, Theodoric shot him a quick glare that promised more than just a harmless freeze charm.

'"in audible mumbling"

"Sigh, well as stripes said, my name is Sirius and it's nice to finally meet you." said the now disheveled Sirius while extending out his hand toward Alaric

Seeing the hand extended out, Alaric went to shake it, however right before their hands made contact, he saw a glint of mischief flash through Sirius's eyes.

Remembering what he knew of Sirius from the source material, Alaric rightly guessed that he was about to be pranked, so instead of just sitting there and taking it, he decided to do a little prank of his own.



"Gah! merlins crusty toes, what the hell was that!" yelled Sirius

'huh, I guess Helen won't pop up to punish an adul-



"ah, bloody hell!" exclaimed Sirius after he was smacked in the head by Helen who quickly disappeared away again.

'Well, I stand corrected.' thought Alaric

--A couple of hours later--

"Well, it's getting late, I think it's time to head back to the ministry, apparently there's some new big case going on and it's all hands on deck," said Sirius as he was getting up from the couch

The four Reinhardt's and Sirius were sitting on one of the large couches in the living room just talking and getting to know each other, mainly Sirius and the kids were talking but Osric and Theodoric were perfectly fine with sitting there listening.

"What is the case about, if you don't mind my asking?" asked Theodoric

"I would say it's a ministry secret, but let's be honest, is there really any secret that can get past the Reinhardt family?" said Sirius with a sarcastic tone

"No there isn't," said Osric with an amused smile

"Sigh, well whatever, from what Madam Bones told me, there's apparently been a string of magical and muggle murders, all killed by the killing curse," said Sirius with a serious expression

"we'll talk more about this later," said Osric as he didn't want them to talk about such things in front of the kids.

"Bye uncle Osric, bye uncle Sirius," said Sofia and Alaric

"Goodbye, you two," replied Osric with a smile

"See you later brats," replied Sirius with a smile

"Mutt," muttered Alaric under his breath

As Sirius was walking out he couldn't help but feel like someone just said something bad about him, but he decided to shrug it off.

--Later in the day--

It had been a few hours since Osric and Sirius had left and night had descended all across the Reinhardt Estate.

Currently held up in his room was Alaric who was working on trying to cast a few different spells without any wand.

Despite his vast knowledge of most things magical and the feats he had accomplished in his past lives, he could never get past the fact that when he was reborn he had to restart EVERYTHING.

Alaric was currently trying and failing to cast the simple charm, incendio.

Although he could produce a small flame by itself without any incantation, he was having quite a tough time trying to cast the first-year charm.

"How interesting..." mumbled Alaric

"It seems that these charms and "spells" that modern wizards use truly are dependant on wands and other magical foci."

"What baffles me, however, is the difference in magic that I felt between my family's inherent ability to control the elements compared to regular wand magic."

"Why is it that the magic used by wizards today feels almost... diluted, compared to the magic that was wielded only half a millennia ago?" asked Alaric to himself

"Haha, I really need to work on my habit of thinking out loud." chuckled Alaric

'But seriously, it is quite odd that I feel... less magic in the air.'

"What's with the oh-so-serious look on your face?" Asked Theodoric with a slight chuckle

While Aalrioc was in the middle of his thought, his grandfather walked into his room and caught sight of quite a funny scene.

His little seven-year-old grandson with a terribly stern look on his face, it was quite cute.

"Well, whatever it is I'm sure you'll figure it out."

"Haha, sorry grandfather, what did you come up here for if you don't mind my asking?"

"I was going to tell you that lessons on ballroom etiquette will begin for not only you but also your sister in these months leading up to her eleventh birthday," Theodric said with a more serious expression

"But why?"

"Because of the coming-of-age ball, we will be hosting for your sister before she goes off to Hogwarts."

In all honesty, Alaric had completely forgotten about all things outside of getting back to his magic peak. being held up with training for so long would surely do that to you, so it's not a surprise that he forgot about all of the quite honestly shit things that one of the upper class had to do.

"Sigh, fine, I guess ill try my best to listen to whatever teacher you bring in," exclaimed Alaric with an almost dismissive tone

"Oh, I'm sure you will pay utmost attention, especially considering Helen will be the one who will teach you and your sister."


Alaric's grandfather had just dropped a massive bomb on him with zero warning.

The absolute last thing he wanted was to spend more time than the bare minimum with that vile woman.

While Alaric was having an early life crisis at the thought of spending most of his days for the next half a year with the she-devil known as Helen. Theodoric on the other hand was having quite the hardy laugh at his grandson whose eyes seemed to have lost all of their light.

'I'm so fucked' was all Alaric could think


Authors note:

Thank you for all of the comments and power stones it really means a lot to me!

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And make sure to comment and give a quick review, this Lazy Caveman needs any kind of motivation he can get