
Harry Potter: The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

In a twist of fate, Lynn, who sacrificed himself in a fire, finds himself transported to the magical world of Harry Potter. Awakening with the power to control flames, he wonders if this is an innate magical ability or a reward for his past deeds. At Hogwarts, he encounters Irina, a girl with the power to control ice. United by their unique abilities, they vow to forge a new path in the magical world. The convergence of fire and ice unleashes a force to be reckoned with, as Lynn declares Dumbledore foolish and Voldemort lacking in wisdom. They believe that the magical and non-magical worlds will inevitably collide, and rather than succumb to silence, they choose to erupt in the face of it all. Lynn states, "If wizards are tigers, then ordinary people are packs of wolves. None can be subservient to the other. Only through cooperation can there be mutual victory!" In the era of information, the magical world will have nowhere to hide, and before it's too late, someone must step forward to correct its course. Everyone talks about the Dark Lord and the Light Lord, but what if above them both are magical deities? Lynn and Irina emerge as the most powerful Fire and Ice deities in this magical realm. With no system, a hint of deviation from the original story, a single female lead, and an original character, the story tends towards a sweet tone. The pacing is deliberate in the early stages, but by the 40th chapter, the main plot unfolds. MC is 1 year senior of FMC.

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137 Chs

Chapter 91: Ice Crystal Wood


Seeing Harry being held by Lockhart in Flourish and Blotts, Irina was stunned. She hesitated whether to rescue her friend.

However, Irina thought that with her fame of repelling Voldemort's remnant in Hogwarts, she might be temporarily captured by Lockhart to be used as a hype tool, so she decided to let Harry enjoy the attention alone.

After a while, Lynn and Irina saw Harry staggering to the wall with a thick stack of books, and then pouring all the books signed by Lockhart into Ginny's cauldron as a gift for his future wife.

However, just as Harry and Ginny were about to talk, Malfoy, who loved and hated Harry, appeared and mocked him.

The quarrel between the younger generation soon alarmed their elders, and Lynn and Irina watched Lucius Malfoy and Arthur Weasley fight in the bookstore.

"Should we go and mediate the fight?" Irina said hesitantly.

Lynn shrugged and said, "Mr. Malfoy is my roommate's father, and Mr. Weasley is my good friend's father. It's not appropriate for me to help either of them! But aren't you a friend of Harry and Ron? Go and help."

Hearing Lynn's words, Irina nodded, drew out her wand and squeezed into Flourish and Blotts.

"Oppugno!" Irina waved her wand, and an invisible force separated Lucius and Arthur.

However, as a good friend of Harry and Ron, she naturally had to take sides.

After being hit by the spell, Arthur just stumbled back two steps, while Lucius, who was also hit by the spell, flew backwards and fell into the bookshelf behind.

With Irina separating them, the two adults who had to maintain their dignity naturally felt embarrassed to fight again.

"Here, little girl, take your book. I'm afraid this is the best thing your father can give you!" Lucius said viciously, throwing a worn-out notebook into Ginny's arms.

Lucius waved to Draco and rushed out of the store.

"You shouldn't pay attention to him, Arthur. This guy is so bad!" At this time, Hagrid, who was originally going to persuade them to stop fighting, came over. He smiled at Irina and then said to Arthur.

Hagrid led everyone out of Flourish and Blotts. The clerks seemed to want to stop them and compensate for the losses, but after seeing Hagrid's huge body, the clerks backed off.

"Irina, thanks to you, otherwise Weasley would be so embarrassed!" Mrs. Weasley, who was furious, glared at Arthur fiercely, and then smiled at Irina like a Sichuan opera face-changing.

Just as Mrs. Weasley was blaming Arthur, Envee, the Bowtruckle in Irina's backpack, poked her head out and looked around curiously.

Hagrid, who already loved magical creatures, noticed the Bowtruckle in Irina's backpack. He said with some surprise: "A Bowtruckle! Is this yours, Irina?!"

Seeing that Hagrid noticed Envee, Irina simply stopped hiding her. She carefully held Envee in her palm and introduced her to everyone: "This is Envee, the little girl I met when I was traveling in Scandinavia during the holidays!"

"Envee? This seems to be a unique name!" Arthur said.

Irina nodded and said, "Yes, the reason why I gave her such a name is that Envee is not an ordinary Bowtruckle, but a Bowtruckle whose bloodline has mutated and evolved new abilities. As for the new abilities, I won't talk about them on the street."

In the more than half a month that she had been with Envee, she had already regarded her as her partner. In addition, Envee was a female Bowtruckle, so Irina called Envee "her".

Hearing this, everyone stopped talking about Envee.

It was not uncommon for Bowtruckles to live with wizards, but Bowtruckles with evolved bloodlines were unheard of by them. Such secret things naturally could not be discussed on the street.

At this time, Irina saw Lynn coming out of Flourish and Blotts Bookstore.

"When you went to persuade them to stop fighting just now, I went to buy this year's books, and bought your copy by the way!" Lynn said, throwing a bag full of magic books to Irina.

Irina opened the bag and found that except for the Defense Against the Dark Arts book, all other textbooks were complete. She thanked him in surprise: "Ah, thank you! Here, this is the money to buy books!"

At this time, Mrs. Weasley greeted Lynn with a smile: "Good afternoon, child, did you have a good summer vacation?"

Lynn, who knew his true life, nodded calmly in the face of Mrs. Weasley's care and said: "Very good, thank you for your concern."

Mrs. Weasley continued: "We have finished shopping and are ready to go back. Would you like to visit the Burrow, Lynn and Irina?"

Lynn shook his head and said: "No, I just returned from a trip to France and haven't gone home to report to my mother yet!"

Mrs. Weasley looked at Irina.

Irina hesitated for a moment, but declined politely: "I have to go to Ollivander's Wand Shop later. I'm afraid it will take a lot of time, so I won't bother you."

Hearing this, Mrs. Weasley nodded with some regret, and she didn't say much.

So, Lynn left in another direction, and Irina came to Ollivander's Wand Shop alone.

"Good afternoon, beautiful lady! Oh, it's you, Miss Lowell."

After noticing someone coming in, Mr. Ollivander came forward to greet her.

Irina nodded and said, "Good afternoon, Mr. Ollivander."

Mr. Ollivander said, "I'm sorry that I couldn't choose a suitable wand for you last time, Miss Lowell. I wonder why you came here? If you want to try my new wand, you can follow me."

Irina shook her head and said, "No, Mr. Ollivander. I want you to see if this wood can be used to make a wand?"

As she spoke, Irina took out the branch of the mysterious magic tree that Envee gave her in the Scandinavian Mountains.

Seeing this magical branch, Mr. Ollivander's eyes lit up.

"A branch that can emit frost must be from a magical tree, but why have I never heard of a magical tree that can release frost?!"

Mr. Ollivander stroked the branch as if he was stroking some rare treasure, but there was a hint of doubt on his face.

Irina explained: "This is the magic tree I encountered during my holiday travel. It should be a species that has never been discovered!"

Mr. Ollivander nodded thoughtfully, and then said: "It is actually a brand new species! Miss Lowell, as the discoverer of this brand new species of magic tree, you have the right to give it a name."

Irina was stunned, then she lowered her head and pondered for a while, and said: "Then call it Ice Crystal Wood!"

(end of chapter)