
Harry Potter: The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

In a twist of fate, Lynn, who sacrificed himself in a fire, finds himself transported to the magical world of Harry Potter. Awakening with the power to control flames, he wonders if this is an innate magical ability or a reward for his past deeds. At Hogwarts, he encounters Irina, a girl with the power to control ice. United by their unique abilities, they vow to forge a new path in the magical world. The convergence of fire and ice unleashes a force to be reckoned with, as Lynn declares Dumbledore foolish and Voldemort lacking in wisdom. They believe that the magical and non-magical worlds will inevitably collide, and rather than succumb to silence, they choose to erupt in the face of it all. Lynn states, "If wizards are tigers, then ordinary people are packs of wolves. None can be subservient to the other. Only through cooperation can there be mutual victory!" In the era of information, the magical world will have nowhere to hide, and before it's too late, someone must step forward to correct its course. Everyone talks about the Dark Lord and the Light Lord, but what if above them both are magical deities? Lynn and Irina emerge as the most powerful Fire and Ice deities in this magical realm. With no system, a hint of deviation from the original story, a single female lead, and an original character, the story tends towards a sweet tone. The pacing is deliberate in the early stages, but by the 40th chapter, the main plot unfolds. MC is 1 year senior of FMC.

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Chapter 56: Hagrid who grew up drinking truth serum

"Yeah...it's mine...I bought it from a Greek chappie I met in a pub last year, an' I lent it ter Dumbledore ter guard..."

Hagrid's big mouth kept yammerin' on. 

"What?!" Harry asked eagerly.

Hermione and Ron glared at him, and Harry's question directly interrupted Hagrid's desire to speak.

"Okay, stop askin'! That's top secret, unnerstand?" 

Hagrid said rudely, he would never reveal the secret.

Harry was not convinced: "But Snape wanted to steal it!"

"Nonsense," Hagrid glared at Harry, "Snape's a Hogwarts professor, he wouldn' do such a thing!"

Hermione questioned: "Then why did he try to kill Harry?"

What happened during the Quidditch match changed Hermione's view of Snape. She had already determined that Snape was trying to harm Harry, so she naturally no longer wanted to respect someone who wanted to kill her friend.

"I know a curse when I see one, Hagrid! I've read all about them! You have to keep eye contact, and Snape wasn't blinking at all, I saw it!" 

Hermione tried to explain.

"I'm tellin' yeh, yer wrong!" Hagrid said angrily. "I dunno why Harry's broomstick was actin' like that, but Snape wouldn' try an' kill a student!" 

"Now listen ter me, all four of yeh! Yer meddlin' in things that don' concern yeh. It's dangerous! Forget that three-headed dog an' what it's guardin'. That's between Professor Dumbledore an' Nicolas Flamel..."

Hagrid said seriously. 

"Aha!" Harry stood up excitedly, "So there's a Nicolas Flamel involved, isn't there?"

On the side, Irina held her forehead speechlessly. 

Hagrid, Hagrid!

You didn't grow up drinking Veritaserum, did you?!

Irina thought.

"I shouldn'ta said that! I should not have told yeh that!" 

Hagrid said with great annoyance, angry at himself.

Hagrid was no longer willing to talk to Harry and the others. He rudely shoved the four of them out of his hut, not even offering his typical rock cakes.

On the way back to the castle, Hermione said firmly: "Since we already know this involves an old man named Nicolas Flamel, then we need to start looking for information about him. Let's start in the library!"

Irina couldn't help but say, "No, Hermione, I know who Nicolas Flamel is!"

Irina really didn't want her best friend to struggle to find someone's information, so she had to use her own spoiler method.

Hearing this, Harry, Ron and Hermione all turned their eyes to Irina. 

Irina paused and said, "Nicolas Flamel is the most famous alchemist in France. He created the Philosopher's Stone!"

Hermione asked, "Irina, what is the Philosopher's Stone?"

In the original books, Hermione had borrowed a library book a few weeks before the Christmas holidays which recorded information about the Philosopher's Stone, but she hasn't had time to read it in this timeline.

Irina explained, "This is recorded in a book in the library. Ancient study of alchemy involved creating the Philosopher's Stone, which is a magical substance with amazing powers. It can turn any metal into pure gold, and it can also be used to brew the Elixir of Life, making the drinker immortal."

For centuries, there have been many stories about the Philosopher's Stone, but the only confirmed Stone currently belongs to Nicolas Flamel.

Hermione suddenly realized: "I understand, the three-headed dog must be guarding Mr. Flamel's Philosopher's Stone! I'd wager Flamel asked Professor Dumbledore to keep it safe for him because they're friends, and he knew someone was after the Stone, so he moved it out of Gringotts!"

Irina nodded repeatedly. 

However, if Lynn was here, he would definitely refute it.

After all, if Professor Dumbledore hadn't asked his mentor Nicolas Flamel to set up a trap with the Philosopher's Stone to lure Voldemort, I'm afraid the Stone would still be safely in France, and Voldemort would never dare to go after Nicolas Flamel, the great alchemist. 

You know, Nicolas Flamel is not only a brilliant alchemist, but also an exceptionally powerful wizard. Even though Flamel is over 600 years old, he is definitely not something a mere remnant of Voldemort's soul could defeat.

"If that's the case, it makes sense Snape wants to steal the Philosopher's Stone. No wonder, who wouldn't want immortality?"

Ron said.

The four returned to the castle during their discussion. They unanimously decided to be on guard against Professor Snape. 

Of course, Irina's target was also Quirrell, the wolf in sheep's clothing.


A month passed quickly, and Christmas in mid-December was coming.

In this nearly one month, Lynn refined more Dampening Stone's magic fire, and now his stockpile could fill half of the Slytherin dormitory.

According to Lynn's conservative estimate, before the end of the school year, he should be able to refine enough to fill the Potions classroom.

If this Dampening Stone's fire could be spread, it may be possible to cover the secret chamber guarding the Philosopher's Stone!

That morning, when Hogwarts Castle woke from slumber, it found itself covered in several feet of fresh snow. The beautiful snowflakes blanketed the sturdy castle walls. 

Outside, the Weasley twins were magically controlling several snowballs, making them chase Quirrell around before exploding forcefully on the back of his head.

Not far away, Irina silently prayed for the Weasley twins, hoping they would not earn Voldemort's wrath, who was living as a parasite on the back of Quirrell's head.

"Hey, Lynn, good morning!" 

The Weasley twins stopped pelting Quirrell with snowballs and waved in the direction of the castle gate.

Lynn came over with a smile: "Still playing with snowballs? How's your alchemy study going?"

The twins looked at each other, and George said with a grin: "Well, you underestimate us too much. We've read all the alchemy books you showed us, and we can complete the engraving of the simplest array sequences!"

Lynn nodded slightly. 

Being able to use the word "sequences", a non-wizarding term, it seemed the Weasley twins had indeed studied the Muggle electricity books he provided.

At this time, Lynn turned and saw Irina not far away.

"Senior Lynn!"

Irina greeted him when she noticed his presence. 

Fred said, "Hey, Lynn, let me introduce you to our dear brother Little Ronnie's friend, Irina Lowell! But, do you two already know each other?"

Thanks for your support!

(End of chapter)