
Harry Potter: The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

In a twist of fate, Lynn, who sacrificed himself in a fire, finds himself transported to the magical world of Harry Potter. Awakening with the power to control flames, he wonders if this is an innate magical ability or a reward for his past deeds. At Hogwarts, he encounters Irina, a girl with the power to control ice. United by their unique abilities, they vow to forge a new path in the magical world. The convergence of fire and ice unleashes a force to be reckoned with, as Lynn declares Dumbledore foolish and Voldemort lacking in wisdom. They believe that the magical and non-magical worlds will inevitably collide, and rather than succumb to silence, they choose to erupt in the face of it all. Lynn states, "If wizards are tigers, then ordinary people are packs of wolves. None can be subservient to the other. Only through cooperation can there be mutual victory!" In the era of information, the magical world will have nowhere to hide, and before it's too late, someone must step forward to correct its course. Everyone talks about the Dark Lord and the Light Lord, but what if above them both are magical deities? Lynn and Irina emerge as the most powerful Fire and Ice deities in this magical realm. With no system, a hint of deviation from the original story, a single female lead, and an original character, the story tends towards a sweet tone. The pacing is deliberate in the early stages, but by the 40th chapter, the main plot unfolds. MC is 1 year senior of FMC.

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Chapter 43: You are embarrassing Malfoy!

However, Hogwarts will not punish Irina for a non-offensive spell like the Aguamenti Spell. After the flying class, everyone rushed to the Great Hall to eat.

In the Great Hall, Harry, who was released by Professor McGonagall, came to the Gryffindor table. 

After seeing Harry, Draco Malfoy came over from the Slytherin table, and Crabbe and Goyle followed him.

"Are you having your last meal, Potter? When will you take the train back to the Muggles?"

Malfoy, whose mouth was washed by Irina with the Aguamenti Spell, still had a hard time changing his nature. He arrogantly mocked Harry.

Harry naturally couldn't stand it, and he immediately retorted.

Malfoy raised his head and invited Harry to a wizard's duel: "If you have no objection, then tonight, a wizard's duel, only with wands!"

Ron, who was standing beside him, agreed without waiting for Harry to speak. He was so fast that Irina almost thought he was an undercover agent: "No problem! Who is your second?"

Malfoy glanced at the two big idiots behind him, thought for a while, and said: "Crabbe. How about midnight? We'll meet you in the trophy room, which is never locked!"

After that, Malfoy walked away arrogantly.

Watching Malfoy leave, Harry looked at Ron with a confused face: "Ron, what is a wizard's duel? What about a second?"

Ron said lightly: "Oh, if you die, the second will take over."

Ron's calm appearance once again made Irina wonder if he was an undercover agent sent by Malfoy.

However, after Ron caught the horrified look on Harry's face, he hurriedly added: "But people will only die in a proper duel with real dueling spells. Malfoy can only shoot sparks at best and can't hurt the other party."

Come on, you are not much better than him!

Irina was speechless listening to the side.

Just then, Hermione, who was holding Irina's hand, couldn't sit still.

"Sorry to bother you! I couldn't help but overhear your conversation, but you must not wander around the castle at night. Think about it, if you are caught, how many points will Gryffindor lose!"

Hermione said indignantly.

Irina didn't feel anything. Although she was also a Gryffindor, with the famous Harry Potter here, you can deduct as many points as you want. Anyway, Gryffindor will still be Gryffindor at the end of the term!

Fortunately, it was Harry. If it was someone else, Gryffindor would have lost the House Cup long ago!

Harry didn't take it seriously: "This is a duel between Malfoy and me, it has nothing to do with you!"

Just then, Harry seemed to have thought of something. His eyes lit up and he looked at Irina and said, "Irina, your magic seems to be very good. Can I invite you to be my second?"

The silent Aguamenti Charm that Irina had cast before shocked Harry. You know, he even had difficulty casting the most basic Levitation Charm!

Hearing this, Irina spread her hands and made a helpless expression: "You know, Harry, I was given a week's detention by Professor McGonagall."

Harry was a little disappointed, but he was too stubborn to ask Hermione for help, so he could only ask Ron to be his second.

Ron agreed without hesitation.

After the dinner, Slytherin common room.

Lynn, who had taken out the Desert Eagle and was about to continue alchemy, saw Malfoy, who had been laughing non-stop since he came in from the door.

"Hey, Rowle, you know what? Harry Potter from Gryffindor is a fool! I asked him to duel in the trophy room at midnight tonight, and he actually believed it. I will report it to Filch directly later, and Potter will be finished! Hahahaha!"

Malfoy laughed non-stop, and he said to Lynn as if showing off.

In his opinion, being able to trick the famous Harry Potter was definitely a capital for showing off.

However, Lynn did not agree with him, but asked quietly: "You are Malfoy, one of the sacred twenty-eight pureblood families, right?"

Malfoy was stunned: "Of course!"

Lynn sighed and said: "But what you did, is there anything you should do as a Malfoy? Look at what you are going to do, breaking the rules of wizard's duels, using the cleverness of snitching to defeat the opponent? You are a descendant of an ancient pureblood family, but you do not defend the honor of the purebloods at all, but instead trample your own honor under your feet. You are embarrassing the Malfoy name!"

Although Lynn does not value the so-called pureblood status, he can only teach people like Malfoy in the way of pureblood families.

After all, Malfoy attaches great importance to the nobility of pureblood wizards, and naturally does not allow himself to tarnish the reputation of purebloods.

At this time, Malfoy was stunned, and he looked at his hands in disbelief. 

Yes, what was he thinking?!

Wizard's duels were invented by pureblood families as a way to win glory, but he wanted to trample on that tradition himself?!

"Sorry, Lynn, I..."

Although Malfoy was arrogant, he was not stupid. He immediately looked at Lynn with shame.

Lynn waved his hand dismissively. He had no interest in the petty grudges of these children: "Since you have agreed to a duel, then you just fulfill the agreement honorably. Don't disturb my alchemy next!"

After that, Lynn raised his hand and cast a Silencing Charm to isolate his desk and block outside noise.

Malfoy was not annoyed when he saw Lynn like this. He just nodded vigorously and said to himself: "I understand! Crabbe, you should keep up your spirits and go with me to participate in the duel with Potter later!"

When Malfoy made up his mind, Lynn had already started his alchemy work.

A Desert Eagle will be enchanted by multiple alchemical arrays at the same time, and each alchemical array must have its core alchemical rune.

Therefore, after Lynn completed the energy source and rune hub last night, the first thing he had to do was to complete the engraving of the core alchemical runes of the four alchemical arrays of "agility", "lightness", "precision" and "reinforcement".

These four alchemical runes are the main runes of the alchemical arrays they are in, and after engraving the main runes, it is necessary to engrave their auxiliary runes.

For example, the auxiliary runes of the "agility" attribute include "speed", "smoothness", "change of direction" and other alchemical runes that help to enhance its agility.

According to Lynn's plan, he needs to complete the refining of a complete alchemical array every day, and complete the four alchemical arrays of the Desert Eagle for four consecutive days. On the fifth day, he will supplement the missing parts and connect them in series or parallel to complete the enchantment of the Desert Eagle.

(End of this chapter)