
Harry Potter: The Dragon Emperor.

Hello guys, This is my first Harry Potter fanfic. I like Harry Potter but I am not a Potter head so don't expect it to be similar to the main story and you can find many things different from the plot. This story is from the time when Severus Snape and Lily Evans were taking their classes at Hogwarts. Synopsis: This is the story about a boy who got reincarnated in Harry Potter after getting some op wishes from God. Now we have to see how will he change the plotline of the Harry Potter universe after he became invincible. This story can have some parts similar to other fanfic as I like those parts very much so don't complain about it. Disclaimer: I don't own anything in Harry Potter.

INSANE_GAMER · Book&Literature
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44 Chs

Chapter 9 Invitation For Dinner.

After telling Lily and Hope to convince their parents to meet his mother so she can tell their parents more about Wizarding World. Severus was walking towards his house which was repaired by him and now looks more pleasing to the eyes.

he walked into the house and when he came to the living room he didn't find his mother there so he went to the kitchen but he didn't find her there either but then he suddenly heard an explosion from the basement.BOOM!!

Severus:" Fu%k!"

He ran towards the basement and immediately go down from stairs. he was feeling anxious about what could've his mother have done because after gaining management of a potions store from Professor Slughorn of Hogwarts. she continues to research new potions and that's what makes him anxious. He doesn't know how she got that Job and how she knows Professor Slughorn, his mother also never told him about it.

Her talent in Alchemy is very good and it also explained from where Severus got his Alchemy talent but she always researches new potions and gets herself in danger like these.

He came to the basement and looked at Eileen who was coughing and her face was black from the explosion. Severus sighed and asked.

Severus:" what was it this time Mom."

Eileen with a smile:" Oh hello Sevy, I was just trying to make a portion which can help people break their limits for some time so that we could support light side."

Severus sighed and said:" you know that how hard is to create such a portion and even you achieve the results, do you want the whole dark wizard community to run after us?"

Eileen:" Oh, I never thought about that. I am sorry Severus dear for being so reckless about such a potion and I will take proper precautions."

Severus:" of course you should and I am here to tell you that Lily has awakened her magic and Hope is also a witch. I invited them to talk with you about the Wizarding world so I hope you can guide them."

Eileen looked teasingly at Severus and said:" oh, are you talking about that Evans girl who you are training for more than 3 years and Hope should be also a girl you told me about 1 year ago."

Severus with a cold face:" you should not smile like that, we are just best friends."

Eileen: "Yeah, I believe you."

Severus:" You know what? you should not talk to your 9-year-old son about such things."

Eileen:" come on Severus, we both know you are not a normal 9-year-old kid. the reason why I think they are special to you is that. first, you never taught anyone even they ask you to. second, no matter how annoying being with them is for you but you never complained about that. you even complain about my childish actions sometimes but never about Lily and Hope."

Severus:" Think what you want. now can you tell me are you going to tell them about the magic world or not."

Eileen:" if it's your request then I have no complaints but as a responsible guide, I will not conceal anything related to the Wizarding world, not even the difference between Muggles and purebloods."

Severus:" you know if you told them about it they will never send their daughter to a place where a person is judged on his blood."

Eileen:" it's your choice but I think you should tell them before they find it by themselves."

Severus didn't say anything because he knew she was right. it will be more difficult for him to convince them if they went into the Wizarding world and saw all those conspiracies happen there.

He nodded at Eileen and said:" you are right, but I hope you will be able to convince them."

Eileen:" I will try my best and I also think you should go to their house as it will be difficult for Lily and Hope to convince their parents about magic."

Severus nodded and went to change his clothes, soon he come out in a black T-shirt, white jeans and black shoes. he said goodbye to his mom and went to Lily's house praying everything to happen alright.

At Evans Household

Susan:" Come on Lily, the joke is only for one time but you are so persistent on about Magic is real."

Lily:" because I can indeed do magic."

Petunia:" oh come on Lily, you have been behaving weird from the first day you come after training with that freak."

Lily:" don't drag Severus into this and don't think I don't know why you are saying this. it's because Severus doesn't like to talk to you and you are jealous of it right?."

Petunia:" Shut up Lily, don't talk nonsense if you don't know anything."

Both of them started bickering non-stop then suddenly the doorbell rang and Susan shout at them:" Stop!!."

Susan:" both of you will not talk about this again and Lily open the door and see who come on the door."

Lily stands up and went to the door. she opened the door and saw Severus was standing there with his normal bored eyes.

Lily:" Severus what are you doing here."

Severus:" I thought that it will be difficult for you to convince your parents for magic so I came to talk."

Lily's face brighten up and she said:" Really!!, please Severus you are the only one who can convince my mother about magic."

Lily pulled Severus inside hurriedly and said: "Mom I know you won't believe me but you will believe him." she said pointing towards Severus.

Susan sighed and said in a serious voice:" Severus I always thought of you as a sincere and responsible child but if it's a new game to irritate parents I am not playing it."

Severus with a straight face:" I know Mrs Evans and I won't force you to believe me. I am here to invite all your family for dinner at my home tonight and I am sure you will know your answers then."

Susan looked at him for a minute and said:" ok, we will come."

Severus bowed lightly and said:" thank you for accepting my invitation and I will be here by 7:00 to pick all of you up."

Susan nodded her head and Severus excused himself saying that he had to go to Hope's house also.

At Mikaelson Household.

Hope:" mom what are you saying, why can't I go to meet Severus again."

Hayley:" I can't tell you that but you can't go to meet him again, it will be very dangerous for you."

Hope has tears in her eyes as she asked:" but.. he and Lily are my only friends."

Hayley: "I am sorry honey but you should stay away from him and his kind."

Then suddenly Hayley looked at the door and then she looked at Niklaus who was standing there hearing mother and daughters conversation and nodded at Hayley.

Nicklaus went to the door and open it he saw a boy who was looking like 11 year old with black hair and eyes with a Purple glow in them.

Severus:" Hello sir, My name is Severus I am here to meet Hope Mikaelson."

Nicklaus realized who this boy is and nodded, he let him and when Severus come inside Nicklaus closed the door and both of them come to the living room and Severus saw Hope tearing up and asked:" Ummm, what's happening here."


Thanks for reading.😊