
Harry Potter: The Dark Path

Harry discovers an extraordinary power within himself: wandless magic. Fed up with being a pawn in the games of Dumbledore and Voldemort, Harry embarks on a quest to seize control of his own destiny. Seeking refuge and knowledge, he returns to the Chamber of Secrets, where he stumbles upon things beyond his wildest expectations. Join and witness the rise of Lord Harry Potter.

Dream_Guardian · Book&Literature
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Silencing Charms and Age Restrictions

"And have you ever done them in front of millions of people?" asked Hermione.

"They're using the Recorder Glass thing, you'd only be able to see the people in the stands!" argued Ron, "That would only be about a thousand people!"

"And have you done anything dangerous in front of a thousand people?" asked Fred scathingly.

"You think it's unfair for you, what about us?" asked George, indicating to his brother and himself, "We turn seventeen just a few months after the selection, how's that fair?"

The Gryffindors continued to argue amongst each other, causing Harry to develop a rather irritating headache. He closed his eyes, bringing his fingers to his head.

If only they'd shut up, end this infernal ruckus. Please just SHUT UP!

The entirety of the Gryffindor common room had suddenly gone quiet.

Harry opened his eyes. Fred, George, and Ron, as well as many others, were clearly trying to speak, though no sounds left their mouth. Harry had the strange feeling that if he, and only he, were to open his mouth, noise would come out.

After a few moments, someone had managed to perform a nonverbal spell to reverse the silencing effects. After that, many of the older students went around the common room, pointing their wands at younger students and muttering, "Finite Incantatem!". After they were done, Angelina turned to Fred and George, her eyes narrowed.

"I swear it wasn't us." muttered George. Fred nodded his head in agreement.

Angelina's eyes narrowed further, before she sighed.

"It's probably just a prank or something. The prefects can tell Professor McGonagall in the morning." she said tiredly.

The Gryffindors slowly made their way up to bed, many still complaining about not being allowed entry into the Triwizard Tournament.


" - and everyone just went silent?" asked Salazar for the third time, curiously.

It was about midnight, several hours after the silencing incident in the Gryffindor common room. Harry had taken his Invisibility Cloak with him and snuck into the chamber (as he did every night). He was currently sitting on the carpeted floor of Salazar's study.

"Yes, they all just shut up." Harry repeated exasperatedly, "Not a word, nothing. No noise at all."

Salazar sat in his frame, stroking his goatee. After a few moments, he muttered, "It appears as though you wandless magic is developing faster than I thought."

"That was my Mage Magic?" Harry asked, "I thought they were only related to elements?"

The portrait's expression suddenly morphed to one of confusion, before switching to annoyance.

"Forget what that blasted goblin told you in Gringotts." said the portrait, "While they are correct in some parts, they still understand and know very little. Simply put, a Mage is a witch or wizard who can use magic normally, with a wand, but also in a different way. This different way is through intent and power. All they do is imagine what they want to happen, focus upon it, and supply the power. Because this has a lot to do with imagination, a mage could use their power to create and control elements."

"But then how come I kept on accidentally creating lightning?" asked Harry, "How come lightning was, before now, the only thing I could do with Mage Magic?

"You clearly associated your Mage powers with lightning and storms." stated the portrait, "And as I informed you previously, lightning, and fire, I suppose, are two of the easiest forms for saturated magic to assume, of course it is easier to produce. Most other elements are also very easy to use, though not to the extreme extent that those are. That remains true for all mages, it's the reason they use elemental magic so often! But forget that, did you begin to unconsciously associate your wandless magic with lightning?"

Harry thought back, remembering his conversation with Bogrod at Gringotts. He slowly nodded his head.

"Well there you have it!' Salazar exclaimed in annoyance, "Stop making that association and you will have more control over your wandless magic."

"Can you please just begin to teach me the basics of wandless magic?" asked Harry, "Nothing too much, just the basics so I understand it better, and don't accidentally kill someone or something."

The portrait paused for a moment, his eyes narrowed.

"I'll give you spoken lessons until the end of the year, with no magic being used." said Salazar, "If you don't destroy the place, I'll begin teaching you Occlumency and control, and slowly begin teaching you how to control it."

The portrait paused, before seemingly remembering something important.

"Your Mage Magic draws from your magical core, just as your normal magic." Salazar informed him, "When you get drained from using it, that is your magical core that is drained."

"So all those times I couldn't feel the energy in my veins, I was magically drained?" asked Harry, slightly panicked.

"Yes." sighed Salazar, "If you had actually tried using your normal magic during those times, you would soon realize you would be incapable of doing so."

"Right." said Harry, "Good to know."

"All wizards are technically capable of Mage Magic." continued Salazar, "All wandless magic is Mage Magic, and vise versa. They have the same general principle, requiring intent, focus, willpower, and so on, rather than an incantation and wand motion."

"So Dumbledore and Voldemort can technically use Mage Magic?"

"Mage Magic and wandless magic are the same thing with different names. They do not work the same as normal magic. But yes, Riddle and Dumbledore can both use it, although they will never be even remotely close to your level, regardless of how hard they try."

Harry nodded curiously.

"We must move on, but know this: while they are similar, wandless magic and wand magic can not accomplish the same things." noted Salazar, "You can not use curses, hexes, or jinxes wandlessly, just as you can not create constructs based solely on your imagination with a wand. I will explain more once you have developed a deeper understanding with your emotions, so we can safely and truly begin Occlumency. The art will make it much easier for you to use your magic with control, wandless or not."

"Now, you told me the delegations arrive today." said Salazar, "Any thoughts on who the foreign champions might be?"

"From Durmstrang, Victor Krum." said Harry, "He's the most famous and skilled seeker in the world."

Salazar nodded slowly, "And for Beauxbatons?" he asked.

"This girl I met during the feast, she's definitely a Veela." said Harry, "She seems to be very powerful."

Salazar's eyes narrowed, before asking Harry what he thought to be a rather odd question.

"How attractive was she?"

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me, how attractive was she?"

Harry paused for a moment, humoring the portrait, "She made the Veela I saw at the World Cup look ugly."

"If that is the case, I believe you may be correct," said Salazar. He continued upon seeing the confused look on Harry's face, "A Veela's beauty is proportional to the strength of their magical ability. She is most likely impressively talented, especially for her age."

"I didn't know that." noted Harry, "Oh, they put an age restriction on the tournament, nobody under the age of seventeen can enter."

"How did your friend take that?" asked Salazar in a joking tone.

"Swimmingly, quite literally as well; I swear he was trying to drown himself in the showers."


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