
Harry Potter: The Dark Path

Harry discovers an extraordinary power within himself: wandless magic. Fed up with being a pawn in the games of Dumbledore and Voldemort, Harry embarks on a quest to seize control of his own destiny. Seeking refuge and knowledge, he returns to the Chamber of Secrets, where he stumbles upon things beyond his wildest expectations. Join and witness the rise of Lord Harry Potter.

Dream_Guardian · Book&Literature
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Mysterious Disappearances

As for Harry, he was happy because he had gotten Fred and George to teach him the pin trick they had used to get his belongings two years prior. If the Dursleys had bothered to check the cupboard under the stairs, they would be shocked to find that his wand, books, Invisibility Cloak, parchment, and ink had all mysteriously vanished. As for the food, Harry was easily capable of stealing a few rations from the fridge every time the Dursleys left the house.

Harry quickly checked in the mirror before walking out of the bathroom. It seemed as though the starvation was finally beginning to catch up with him. Before the summer, he had finally been very similar to his dormmates in terms of health.

He had managed to grow over this summer, although his skin looked slightly paler than usual, and his eyes were slightly sunken. His height had increased by a few inches over the summer, making him one of the taller students in his year (although not tall enough to match his redheaded friend, Ron Weasley). He was very grateful for that, as it was more than a little annoying to look up at any of his friends when they spoke.

Harry also felt that he had become slightly more attractive over the summer (though he would never say it aloud). His features had become more defined in a way much more similar to his mother than his father. Harry was thankful for that; he no longer looked like a carbon copy of his father, and now held a clear resemblance to his mother. It wasn't much of a difference, but to Harry it made all the difference in the world.

Thankfully, his health decrease wasn't nearly as bad as it was in the previous two summers. Harry suspected his fortunate health had more to do with the monthly food slips that Sirius, Mrs. Weasley, and Hagrid had sent him (as well as the rations from the fridge) rather than the Dursley's Daily Food Donations, as Aunt Petunia called them, that he received once a day through the cat slip of his door.

Harry was more than a little put out that neither Hermione nor Ron had sent him anything for his birthday this year. Although it was true that he was receiving daily food supplies from Mrs. Weasley as well, Harry didn't think that really counted.

The young Potter heir quietly snuck back up the stairs, skipping the first step so as to avoid making a sound. Continuing down the hallway, he eventually reached his next destination: Dudley's bedroom.

Harry had carefully thought through how he wished to arrive at Gringotts, and then Diagon Alley. He had first thought of flying there on his firebolt while under the Invisibility Cloak. But the moment he had voiced the idea out loud, he instantly quieted himself. Ron was the moronic one in the group, not him.

He had also thought about asking Dumbledore to take him, but that too was dropped the moment he said it aloud. He had been asking Dumbledore at the end of every school year to let him stay at Hogwarts, to let him not return to the horrible care of the Dursleys.

Each and every time, Dumbledore gave him a firm no, stating that it was for his betterment. Each year Harry decided not to pressure the headmaster; it was clear that Dumbledore would request he return to the Dursleys. Besides, Harry assumed it was likely not within Dumbledore's power to allow him to stay at Hogwarts over the summer.

After getting tired of having to ask Hermione for everything concerning Hogwarts, he gave 'Hogwarts: A History' a read (if only to appease her). Upon arriving at chapter forty-seven, titled 'Hogwarts During the Summer', he quickly learned it was more than within the power of the Headmaster to allow students to stay over the summer. Harry still had the excerpt crinkled up in his pocket, tear marks indicating where he had ripped it from the textbook. He had taken to carrying it with him, a sort of bitter reminder for himself.

' - during the end of the seventeenth century (around 1692), witch burnings were an activity often practiced by muggles. They had been practiced since the beginning of Hogwarts' history, but never to such a large degree.

Although they never actually managed to burn a true witch or wizard (relatively basic spells allowed a magical to withstand the heat of muggle fires), they did manage to get a fair amount of wizarding children, who were unable to protect themselves. As such, the ministry (specifically Hogwarts' Board of Governors) allowed students the right to remain at Hogwarts during the summer if they felt the need to protect themselves.

This rule is still in place today, although rather than needing the approval of the Board of Governors (which would be a rather lengthy process), you simply need approval from the Headmaster or Headmistress of the school. Due to this being an issue of student safety, this only requires the approval of the Headmaster/Headmistress, and nothing from the Board of Governors, or anyone else. If a student is incapable of procuring permission from the Headmaster or Headmistress, they will not be allowed to stay, regardless of what anyone else - '

It was rather irritating to find out that Dumbledore had the power to help him, and still did nothing. To be fair, Dumbledore had not denied that it was out of his power, and even said that it was for Harry's betterment. Regardless, Harry was rather annoyed that Dumbledore could have potentially had Harry stay somewhere else, and still sent him to the Dursleys. He was beginning to understand why the Tom Marvolo Riddle of the diary had been so untrusting of Dumbledore. Of course, not to the same extent as Riddle had, but he wasn't nearly as blind to the headmaster's failings now as he was a few months prior.

Harry quickly stepped into the youngest Dursley's bedroom, looking around. It was a mess; clothes were thrown across the room, toys littered the floor, drawers were wide open. In the center of the room lay Dudley Dursley. Even while sleeping his resemblance to a swine remained, possibly even more than while awake; Harry couldn't help but compare Dudley's snores to the squeals of a dying pig.

Harry searched around the room, his eyes finally landing on a small box ten minutes later. It was the box Dudley had been using to store the money he stole from his father's wallet. Why he stole the cash, Harry would never know.

He simply had to look at something and his mummy and daddy would buy it for their precious Diddykins. Harry opened the box slowly and took out the bills. There were around seventy to eighty bills, totaling up around five thousand pounds. Harry quietly swiped 5 hundred pound notes, as well as 5 twenties.

It's more than fair.

Harry had always known when Dudley had been stealing money from Uncle Vernon; it was always around the same time he got locked in his cupboard for thievery by his uncle and aunt. He suspected that they both knew it had been Dudley, but they wouldn't let that stop them from punishing the Harry. Harry quickly felt rage build up in his mind, caused by the unfairness of it all.
