
Harry Potter: The Dark Lord rebirth

On the night of Halloween 1981, Voldemort casts the killing curse on Harry Potter. However, he could never have predicted the result of his actions. Now he finds himself trapped in the body of the boy he wanted to kill.

Krio_Genix · Book&Literature
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105 Chs

Trains and dementors


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.




Chapter 55: Trains and dementors

Kings Cross Station

"Have a good year my dear" Xeno hugged his daughter and then looked at Harry.

"You too Harry and take care of my Luna" He shakes Harry's hand.

"Stop worrying so much, Hogwarts is the safest place in Britain, right?." Harry said with a deadpan delivery.

Xeno gave him a pat on the shoulder.

"Yes, very funny... Go on then, don't miss the train."


After finishing their goodbyes, Harry and Luna went inside the train. Luna pointed in a direction.

"They are in one of the cabins at the end," Luna said.

Harry raised an eyebrow. "I'm surprised you can distinguish anyone in the middle of this chaos."

"After spending so much time with someone is easy to memorize their patterns," Luna said.

"Yes, that is called 'magical signature', everyone is supposed to be unique in some way," Harry commented while making his way through the train.

"Can you also see it? you always knew when I was about to knock on your door." Luna looked at Harry quizzically.

Harry shook his head.

"No, what I do is merely sense my surrounding by expanding my magic. Is like closing your eyes and feeling around with your hands, except I use my magic instead of my hands. Everyone magic has a slightly different feel to it and it can be memorized. " Harry explained.

"Is that a unique ability of yours, like my eyes?." Luna asked.

"No, this is something that anyone can learn with enough time and effort. But you don't need it. " Harry reached the door of the cabin. "We are here." He ended the conversation there and opened the cabin door.

"Harry, Luna!" Hannah rose from her seat to greet her friends.

"Is it good to see you again, did you have a fun summer?." Susan smiled at the two of them and then gave Luna a knowing look.

"Yes, It was very fun." Luna gave Susan an intense look and then smiled.

Harry felt that He was missing something but didn't care enough to pry, so he just took a seat and waited for the train to start.


Four hours into their trip to Hogwarts, Harry was peacefully sleeping and the three girls were still happily chatting about their summers.

All of the sudden, the temperature started going down very fast and the glass on the cabin windows was starting to be covered in condensation.

"Why is it getting so cold all of a sudden?" Hannah started rubbing her arms to warm up.

Harry opened his eyes when He noticed several presences have entered the train.

"Has the train stopped moving?." Asked Susan with a worried face.

Luna looked in the direction of the halls and used her magesight.

She gasped "What is that?!" Luna said while looking very startled.

"Luna? what is it?" Hannah was starting to get scared.

Harry did not see what Luna was seeing, but He was very familiar with this presence. Before they could say anything, Harry stood up from his seat.

"Stay here, don't leave the cabin, no matter what you hear." He walked to the door and turned to face the trio. "Understood?."

They all nodded, looking very frightened, especially Luna, after whatever She saw with her ability.

Harry left the cabin and turned right, towards the front of the train. He only took a few steps before one of the beings that invaded the train, stood before him.

A ghastly creature dressed in a pure black tunic floated before Harry.

'What are you doing here?'

Harry created a mental connection with the dementor and sent a message. Dementors can understand spoken language, but they can only answer if you use this method. This is how He manage to communicate with them during the last war and turned them to his side.

The dementor however didn't seem interested in conversation and instead keep approaching Harry while extending his bony fingers towards him.

As soon as the dementor was only a foot away, this one tried to grab hold of Harry.

A thin silvery white chain appeared out of nowhere and started wrapping itself swiftly around Harry's right hand. He then took hold of the dementor's approaching arm.

The moment the chains made contact with the dementor's putrid skin, this one started to make a fizzing noise and emit some black smoke.

The dementor's voice now started to resound inside Harry's mind.


'Then answer my question. Why are you where?.'


'Well, He is not here. You and your brothers can leave now.'



Harry's eyes shone as bright as the killing curse and more of those silvery white chains appeared and started to wrap themselves around the Dementor's arm.

'PAIN PAIN STOP' The Dementor begged and tried to break free from Harry's hold to no avail.



Harry released the Dementor and this one flew out of the train in a rush, his brothers soon follow him.

He could already feel the temperature start to raise back up and the windows have started to clear up.

'So it seems that the Ministery is sending dementors to kill Sirius Black. And they sent them to the train filled with students…the current Minister is either very stupid or is very desperate to get rid of Black for some reason.'

His musings were interrupted when an adult man approached Harry in a rush.

"Harry!, are you ok?. Where did the dementors go?" The man asked.

He looked at the man who must be around his mid-late thirties, dressed in a cheap suit who has seen better days. He also seems very worried about him for some reason.

"Who are you?" Harry asked.