
Harry Potter: The Dark Lord rebirth

On the night of Halloween 1981, Voldemort casts the killing curse on Harry Potter. However, he could never have predicted the result of his actions. Now he finds himself trapped in the body of the boy he wanted to kill.

Krio_Genix · Book&Literature
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105 Chs

Altercation in the halls


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.




Chapter 15

Altercation in the halls

The next day, Harry was having breakfast at the great hall, when several owls entered the hall and started to fly around and land in front of several students to deliver their letters.

One of the owls landed in front of Harry and placed a newspaper.

Hannah notices this and asks.

"Harry, did you subscribe to the Daily Prophet?"

"Yes, I like being informed." He then saw the front page and was surprised by the contents.

Susan got close and started to read the paper over Harry's shoulder.

"Mmm let's see. Ohh there has been a break-in on Gringotts? I can't believe it. Who can be that crazy to steal from the goblins?"

"Crazy... or very desperate," Harry said. He noticed the vault number. It was the same vault that Hagrid opened during their trip to the bank. The vault containing the philosopher's stone.

'This can't be a coincidence, the thief somehow knew the contents of that vault. If Dumbledore is keeping the stone in Hogwarts now, there is a chance the thief will come here to try again. I need to get my hands on that stone before that happens, but I have no idea where it could be.'

"I believe this is the first time a thief escapes the goblins. They must be very mad." Hannah Smiled.


After the afternoon classes, Harry was walking through Hogwarts alone when he encountered Draco Malfoy, his two goons, and a girl with short black hair.

The moment Draco spotted Harry he gave a cruel smile and quickly approached, standing in front of him.

"Ei, look who we have here!. The famous Harry Potter himself. Where are those two harlots that follow you everywhere Potter? Did they dump you?" He started laughing, and his followers started laughing too.

Harry was starting to lose his patience with this mini-Lucius. He seems firm about antagonizing him. He has given the little Malfoy some leeway about his constant disrespect because of his father's contributions in the past.

"What do you want, Malfoy. I am busy" Harry said with a cold expression.

Draco seemed to hesitate for a moment under Harry's stare, but then he remembered that he was surrounded by his trusty followers, while Harry was alone.

"Look at the loser badger, acting all brave. Be careful on how you treat your betters, or you are going to end up like your mudblood mother " Draco tried to give his most intimidating stare.

"I am losing my patience Malfoy. Get lost." Harry stared at Malfoy and his green eyes seemed to shine for a second.

Draco could not move a muscle or look away from those green eyes. For a moment he thought he was about to die. But then one of his goons stood in front of him, and that seemed to break the spell.

"Draco, should we teach him a lesson?" Coyle said.

Draco seemed to regain his wits, he shook his head and looked at Goyle.

"emm, yes. I mean YES, let's teach him a lesson." He said, while still avoiding looking into Harry's eyes.

Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle took out their wands. Pansy Parkinson stood behind, not knowing what to do.

Harry was staring coldly at the trio. 'Well, it seems the little Malfoy is stubborn about becoming a permanent nuisance. I am sorry Lucius, I'll find a way to compensate you.'

Before anyone could make a move, a seventh-year Hufflepuff with pink hair intervened.

"Put your wands back in your robes!. There is no fighting in the halls. Unless you want to spend the rest of the year cleaning the floors with Filch."

Draco stared at her and was about to yell at her when Pansy put a hand on his shoulder and whispered to his ear. "Draco, that's the head girl. Please." She begged him to stop.

"haumph, FINE, let's go." Draco then looked at Harry and said. "You got lucky today Potter, but this is not over."

'No, it is not.' Harry thought. He then looked at the pink-headed girl. "Thank you…miss…"

"Tonks, seventh year. I am the head girl by the way. If anyone bothers you, come tell me. After all, we badgers have to protect each other." She smiled at Harry.

Harry still was not used to people just being nice to him without expecting something in return. His experience in Slytherin taught him that. But the Hufflepuffs seem different.

"Thank you, Miss Tonks."

"Do you want me to accompany you to the house dorm? I was on my way there."

"There is no need, miss Tonks. I still have two hours before curfew and I want to explore the castle a little bit."

Tonks smiled at him. "Alright. But be careful, this castle is very tricky. If you get lost just ask any of the older students. Although I would avoid the Slytherin ones if I was you."

She then waved at him and left. Afterward, Harry made his way to the seventh floor of Hogwarts. He kept walking until he reached the portrait of Barnabas the Barmy.

He paced in front of the painting and saw a door appear.

'The room of requirements. One of the most fascinating places in Hogwarts. And…home of an item of mine.'