
Harry Potter: The Dark Lord rebirth

On the night of Halloween 1981, Voldemort casts the killing curse on Harry Potter. However, he could never have predicted the result of his actions. Now he finds himself trapped in the body of the boy he wanted to kill.

Krio_Genix · Book&Literature
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105 Chs

First classes


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.




Chapter 14

First classes

The Hufflepuff dormitories were much better than whatever he thought they would look like. They were situated close to the kitchens. Behind a secret entrance between some barrels. There was no password. One just needed to memorize where to push in order to open the entrance.

Despite the abundance of yellow, it wasn't terribly decorated, and the bedrooms for the first years were spacious enough.

His male classmates tried to start some conversations with him, but they soon realized he was not interested and left him in peace.

Early in the morning, a boy named Justin woke him up in order to attend class.

He was joined at the entrance by Susan and Hannah. They were supposed to wait for their prefect so they wouldn't get lost.

"Good morning Potter," Susan said while Hannah waved at him.

"Good morning Ms. Bones Ms. Abbot. You two may refer to me as Harry if you wish." From all of the first years, these two seem like the most tolerable of the bunch.

They smiled at him and said, "Well then you have to call me Susan, Harry."

"You can call me Hannah then..emm Harry '' She seems to have more difficulty saying his name for some reason.

"You can also call her Hanny if you want" Susan teased. and Hannah blushed.

'Thank Merlin, the prefect is here.' Harry thought as soon as he saw the fifth-year prefect. A girl called Trisha Buttermere.

They were escorted to the great hall for breakfast, and near the end of it, the same perfect came to them and gave them their class schedule.

"Ohh no!. We have potions first thing in the morning. My brother told me Professor Snape is ruthless and does not tolerate any mistake." Hannah said.

'Severus ruthless?. He was always considered a softie among my death eaters. He was only part of the inner circle for his skills in potion-making.' Harry thought while finishing his bacon.


While still walking to the front of the class professor Snape made a big speech about how amazing potions are while giving Harry some nasty looks.

'Why is he looking at me like that? This is supposed to be the first time we meet and I haven't even had a word with him yet. And if I remember correctly he was very fond of my late mother. He even begged me to spare her life. Is he angry that the baby survived while the mother died?.' While Harry was pondering, professor Snape approached his table and slammed his hand against it.

"Apparently Mr. Potter thinks he is too good to pay attention in my class. As expected of such a celebrity." Snape said while some of the students seem to find his comment very amusing.

Harry just looked at the professor and said, "My apologies Se-Professor. It will not happen again." And gave him a smile.

This seems to anger the professor even more for some reason.

"Tell me, Mr. Potter, what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"

In his past as Tom Riddle, he has been considered a genius in many fields. Defense against the dark arts, charms, jinxes, mind arts…unfortunately potions were NOT one of them.

"Well….that would be…a calming draught I believe," Harry answered, not very sure. He hasn't touched a potion book since his time at Hogwarts, and that was a very long time ago.

"No, it's the Draught of the living dead. Let's try again. Where would I find a bezoar?."

'Ohh I know this one. Is in the stomach of something…'

"The stomach of a….cow?."

"A goat Mr. Potter. The stomach of a goat. " The professor answered with a serious face. "Let's try one more time. What is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?"

"No idea Sev…emm…profesor Snape." 'I need to get used to calling this man profesor now.'

Humph "It seems like fame isn't everything. Isn't Mr. Potter?" Snape said with a sneer and some of his classmates laughed.

He then looked around the class and said. "For your information Mr. Potter, they are the same plant. Now, why aren't you all taking notes?."


"Wow, what a start to the year. It seems like professor Snape is even worse than the rumors and has a grudge against you Harry. Did you do something to him?" Susan asked after sitting down for their next class of the morning.

"No. At least not that I know off." Harry said. He also found Severus's behavior strange, not to mention, very unprofessional. He will need a chance to enter his mind and find some answers.

At that point, the professor for their next class made his entrance. He moved very quickly towards the curtains and closed them up, leaving the classroom in almost complete darkness, then with a wave of his wand several torches lit up, illuminating the room and also giving it a creepy aesthetic.

He then turned around and they were able to take a good look at him. He was a thin, middle-aged, short man. He wore a dark gray tunic and a dark brown turban that covered most of his very pale face.

"My name is Quirinus Quirrell. You may refer to me as Professor Quirrell. I will be your defense against the dark arts teacher for this year." He said in a raspy voice. Then he looked around at his students who carried surprised expressions at the man's behavior and looks. He then proceeded to say.

"Before you ask. The reason I chose to cover my head is as follows. Last summer during a trip to Romania I was attacked by a dark wizard that left a cursed scar on my face. That is all you need to know. I will have no questions about it. Now let's get the class started."

'Defense teachers are usually weird, but this one takes it a bit far. ' Were Harry's thoughts.