
Harry Potter: The Dark Lord Dudley Dursley

In a peculiar twist of fate, a brilliant scientist awoke to a new adventure in the world of the Harry Potter. However, this wasn't the sort of reincarnation that turned him into Harry Potter. No, the scientist, known for his extraordinary intellect and ambition, found himself reborn into the pudgy, pampered body of none other than Dudley Dursley. But now, the fates have changed, and Dudley would no longer serve as a mere cannon fodder. Still, some questions remain unanswered: - How will Dudley, a Muggle, find his way into Hogwarts? - What will happen when Harry evolves from a dimwit into a Sherlock Holmes under Dudley's tutelage? - Will Dumbledore be able to pull off his plans for the greater good when faced with Harry Holmes and his elder brother? - How will Voldemort react when he discovers that his beloved Death Eaters have a new master now?

Lotus_Lover · Book&Literature
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53 Chs

Unwanted Guest

July 30, 11:59:10 p.m.

With just 50 seconds left, Harry stared at the birthday cake he'd drawn with his fingers in the sand. It was the early morning of July 31, and in less than a minute, it would be his birthday. With the past behind him, he wanted to start his new year on a positive note.

As the seconds counted down, he raised his fists to make a birthday wish. The anticipation was building.

"Bang!" A muffled sound interrupted the moment. The wooden door of the tower crashed to the ground.

"Bang!" Another loud noise, and the door was completely down.

Outside the door, a burly figure pushed it open. The weather had taken a sudden turn for the worse, and it had started raining, which only added to the intruder's frustration.

"This darn ghost weather, it was perfectly fine before, and now it's raining out of nowhere. What rotten luck," the figure grumbled as he lifted the door and reattached it to the frame.

In the dim light, three figures became visible in the room. Two were huddled at the top of the stairs, and one was lying on the ground. The intruder took a step toward the house.

"Stop, you intruder! I order you to leave immediately, or I'll shoot!" Vernon, holding a double-barreled shotgun, warned the trespasser with a fierce look.

"Don't get all riled up, Mr. Vernon. Let me introduce myself first. My name is Rubeus Hagrid, but you can call me Mr. Hagrid. You see, you should have expected my visit today. After all, it's Mr. Harry Potter's birthday," Hagrid said, pulling a cake box from his coat pocket and handing it to Harry. 

"Happy Birthday, Harry! I hope this cake hasn't been sat on by my behind."

Harry, visibly surprised, took the birthday cake and whispered his thanks, "Thank you, Mr. Hagrid!"

"Harry it seems that your life with the Dursleys hasn't been very good. Your body is so thin, and your clothes are tattered. It's hard to imagine that you're the child of James, an outstanding graduate of Hogwarts. He was a genius in school. But starting today, you can say goodbye to those who mistreated you. No one will be able to bully you anymore, Harry!" Hagrid said with warmth in his voice.

Harry, a bit taken aback by the sudden revelation, asked, "Wait, Hagrid, do you know my parents? I heard that my parents died in a car accident. Is that true?"

Hagrid's expression grew more serious, "Don't kid around, Harry. In the world of ordinary people, the kind of power that engine had can't harm a true wizard."

Harry frowned, still trying to process this newfound information, "Hold on, what did you just say, 'wizard'? Mr. Hagrid, I think it's a bit strange to say this on my birthday. I can't be a wizard. I'm just a regular boy."

Harry took a step back, voicing his disbelief. His small world couldn't easily accept such a shocking revelation.

Hagrid was taken aback, turned to look at Harry, and spoke with a hint of frustration, "Dursley, what nonsense did you fill Harry's head with? I've lived for 63 years, and I've met many new students from Hogwarts. It's outrageous that he's questioning the existence of wizards!"

Hagrid, visibly annoyed, bypassed Harry and addressed the fat middle-aged man, Vernon.

Vernon, trembling with fury, declared forcefully, "I suggest you stop this nonsense and get out of here. Don't talk about wizards or such ridiculous things. They're a symbol of ignorance!"

Hagrid's expression grew more solemn as he said, "Mr. Dursley, I think you've gone too far with your words. If you haven't witnessed it with your own eyes, you shouldn't speak so carelessly."

Hagrid's imposing figure seemed to put an unusual pressure on Vernon. Involuntarily, Vernon squeezed the shotgun's trigger with his trembling hand

The gun went off, releasing a burst of flames.


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