
Harry Potter: The Dark Lord Dudley Dursley

In a peculiar twist of fate, a brilliant scientist awoke to a new adventure in the world of the Harry Potter. However, this wasn't the sort of reincarnation that turned him into Harry Potter. No, the scientist, known for his extraordinary intellect and ambition, found himself reborn into the pudgy, pampered body of none other than Dudley Dursley. But now, the fates have changed, and Dudley would no longer serve as a mere cannon fodder. Still, some questions remain unanswered: - How will Dudley, a Muggle, find his way into Hogwarts? - What will happen when Harry evolves from a dimwit into a Sherlock Holmes under Dudley's tutelage? - Will Dumbledore be able to pull off his plans for the greater good when faced with Harry Holmes and his elder brother? - How will Voldemort react when he discovers that his beloved Death Eaters have a new master now?

Lotus_Lover · Book&Literature
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53 Chs

No Letters

Dudley meticulously organized the [genetic records of new species] in his hands, focusing on his research. Meanwhile, Totoro, after savoring the cheese provided by Dudley, suddenly vanished into thin air. In the blink of an eye, it reappeared on top of Dudley's head, curled up, half-squinted, and began to nap.

It seemed that even as a new species, Totoro couldn't escape the universal characteristic of the juvenile stage: frequent napping.

Leaving the laboratory's utility room, Dudley headed to the laboratory's medicine storage area. This served as another experimental site for him. Checking the wall clock, he noted that he had sufficient time for analysis.

In the cryogenic refrigerator, he retrieved two vials of newly prepared reagents: [Magic I Virus] and [Magic II Virus].

Wearing white gloves, Dudley stashed the vials in his pocket and secured a disposable syringe. With a bit of time to spare, he returned to the electron microscope.

Replacing the previously prepared wizard virus "material," he observed the details on the screen closely, his brow furrowing.

The results suggested that ordinary people aspiring to attain magical abilities in the near future, even at a great cost, might find the endeavor incredibly challenging.

Dudley had prepared by extracting a small piece of skin from his lips in advance. He proceeded to inject [Magic I Virus] into his lip cells, and he knew he would need to wait for a while before injecting [Magic II Virus].

He then carefully observed the status of the cells.


[Wizard Virus Experiment Report (1)] - For the first time: After a day, it split at low temperatures in the nutritional reagent, and 70% of it crystallized after being actively removed from the reagent, turning into organic matter without any distinctive activity.


[Wizard Virus Experiment Report (2)] - The second time: Waiting for three days, their cells, with activity, divided automatically in the nutritional reagent. After actively removing them from the reagent, 40% crystallized and turned into organic matter without any distinctive activity.


[Wizard Virus Experiment Report (3)] - The third time: After five days of waiting, 35% of the cells crystallized and turned into organic matter after being actively removed from the reagent.


[Wizard Virus Experiment Report (4)] - The fourth time: After waiting for a week, 30% of the cells crystallized and turned into organic matter after being separated from the reagent.


Now, as Dudley gazed at the electron microscope, he noticed the cells on his lips, having received an injection of [Magic II Virus], showed signs of crystallization again. The probability of them turning into organic matter was now at 20 percent.

This development opened up new possibilities in Dudley's research. According to this conclusion, the longer he persisted while injecting [Magic I Virus], theoretically, the more likely he would achieve the desired outcome. Injecting [Magic II Virus] before reaching the limit value could potentially trigger cellular reactivity.

However, it was essential to note that these findings were still theoretical. To truly master magic, one needed a body capable of enduring extended periods of pain and torment, or the ability to resist the influenza virus abruptly. Dudley's quest to uncover the secrets of magic continued.

The data was still too scarce, and time was running out. Dudley hadn't even had a chance to verify what changes might occur if he injected the [Magic I Virus] for over a month. However, it was now June, and with just over two months left before the start of the magical school in September, time was running out.

Dudley knew that if he wanted to take this opportunity to join Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, he had to fulfill a crucial requirement. According to school rules, only children with magical talents could enroll, and to prove their magical ability, they had to perform magic. The two vials of reagents in his hands were his precious experimental crystallization.

After carefully packing up his experimental setup and ensuring there were no abnormalities, Dudley left the room.


July in London, specifically at 4 Privet Road in Little Whinging, Surrey. It was a Sunday.

Dudley continued with his usual exercise routine, and it had been more than a month since he had acquired the two vials of reagents. However, he was in no rush to inject them. After all, he understood the value of his own life, and any mishap could mean bidding farewell to the magical world.

His footsteps quickened as he approached the two-story bungalow up ahead.

Curiously, their family hadn't received any letters related to "Hogwarts" lately, which was a relief to Vernon and Penny. The anxiety that had surrounded the family had gradually dissipated.

Upon arriving home, Dudley changed into a pair of slippers and entered the living room. There, he saw Harry placing a plate of cookies on the table.

"Good morning, cousin Dudley!" Harry greeted, to which Dudley politely replied, "Good morning, cousin Harry!"

Vernon, who was sitting nearby, shifted his ample frame, picked up a cookie, and chewed thoughtfully. He then asked, "Hey, my dear son Dudley, do you think today feels different?"

Dudley couldn't help but chuckle, "No, Dad. It's just a lot better than London's unpredictable, sometimes rainy weather!"

Vernon grinned and turned his gaze to Harry. Harry nodded in agreement, "Well, Uncle Vernon is absolutely right. I think what's making Uncle so happy is that we haven't received any letters during this time!"


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