
Harry Potter: The Dark Lord Dudley Dursley

In a peculiar twist of fate, a brilliant scientist awoke to a new adventure in the world of the Harry Potter. However, this wasn't the sort of reincarnation that turned him into Harry Potter. No, the scientist, known for his extraordinary intellect and ambition, found himself reborn into the pudgy, pampered body of none other than Dudley Dursley. But now, the fates have changed, and Dudley would no longer serve as a mere cannon fodder. Still, some questions remain unanswered: - How will Dudley, a Muggle, find his way into Hogwarts? - What will happen when Harry evolves from a dimwit into a Sherlock Holmes under Dudley's tutelage? - Will Dumbledore be able to pull off his plans for the greater good when faced with Harry Holmes and his elder brother? - How will Voldemort react when he discovers that his beloved Death Eaters have a new master now?

Lotus_Lover · Book&Literature
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53 Chs


Dudley stared at the [Wizard's Genetic Record] on the table, where the page that should have represented the [Island Experimental Base (VII)] was blank. It was now July 29, London time, around two o'clock in the morning, and nearly five days had passed since the last injection of the [Magic II Virus].

He realized that a dire situation was unfolding. The [Magic I Virus] had been inside his body for almost two weeks, engaged in a relentless battle with his immune system. The virus had become like a relentless predator, constantly evolving and mutating in its quest for survival. Dudley's body was the battleground where the virus fought to live and reproduce.

The Magic I virus had mutated and developed resistance to his immune system. The small amount of [Magic II Virus] he had administered couldn't effectively combat these mutated viruses.

New text appeared on the [Wizard's Genetic Record-Island Experimental Base (VII)] page: [What the hell should I do....] Dudley's body was deteriorating rapidly, his muscles shrinking, his skin changing colors, and his breathing and heart rate slowing. He was on the brink of giving up, as survival seemed impossible.

But then, more text emerged: [I felt like my brain was abnormally awake. It was a wonderful state, I couldn't control my body, but I could lift my arms whenever I wanted. Not a normal lift; something pulled my arm up. I realized that I could control some "things"... Such "things" may be called magic, but it is not understood what they are...]

Dudley described an incredible awakening, a newfound power that allowed him to levitate. His decaying body remained, but he had discovered a strange and unexplained magic within himself. He floated and then teleported outside the island tower. With his new abilities, he could feel his family within the tower and observe himself in the glass window.

Dudley was amazed by his newfound powers but couldn't fully embrace them because his decaying body was reaching its limit. He understood that if his body died, his brain would follow, rendering his magical abilities useless. Despite his extraordinary abilities, he couldn't escape the reality of his impending demise.


[Wizard's Genetic Record - Island Experimental Base (8)]

July 31, 4 a.m. London time.

As anticipated, Harry's "wizard" talent has finally awakened. After quickly ending the confrontation with Hagrid, I revealed to them that I have indeed developed magical abilities.

It seems that my magic is triggered by my conscious desires. For some reason, they assist me in manifesting what I intend. Merely thinking about the truck crashing into Hagrid twice exerted a significant strain on my body.

Once I returned indoors, I realized that my body had reached its limits. My nails had darkened, a troubling sign that the nail tissue is beginning to die. It's challenging to accept, but I'm undoubtedly limited in numerous aspects.

The envisioned combination of the [Magic I Virus] and [Magic II Virus] has proven to be a failure. The human body is a delicate instrument, and viruses, although seemingly inconspicuous, possess tenacious vitality. Yet, perhaps this isn't the final outcome.

In my previous genetic research, I delved into tacit knowledge and made assumptions. If my current hypothesis proves accurate, it may validate those earlier suppositions. Lily Potter, Harry's mother, was a talented witch. Her sister, Penny, is also my biological mother, an ordinary person, but, according to genetics, she should carry a recessive wizarding talent within her. The same applies to Biran. My current physical condition, where my body is decaying and normal cells can no longer divide and multiply, is possibly due to the [Magic I Virus] taking over a significant portion of my body.

My body has been invaded by a virus. To avoid dying in such a manner, cells within the body may evolve during this fierce battle. Viruses can evolve, and the body's own cells are constantly learning and adapting. Even in a losing battle, some cells may prevail. With sufficient time, they can evolve white blood cells or specialized antibodies capable of defeating the [Magic I Virus]. I firmly believe that there must be such cell tissues within certain organ tissues in my body, albeit in minuscule quantities.

These cells are dormant, awaiting stimulation, and have been in a dormant state. Though the odds are slim, my belief in science and genetics remains steadfast.


Dudley raised his head in astonishment, and he felt his heart beginning to beat with increased vigor. The accelerated pulse rate, coupled with the gradual rise in body temperature, instilled a newfound excitement within him.

Despite his emaciated, corpse-like appearance, Dudley's eyes shimmered with enthusiasm. If science operates on the principle of equivalent exchange, then what an extraordinary spectacle it would be to apply science to the realm of magic! This signifies a transformation from 0 to 1 and is a monumental achievement in genetics for the microscopic world of wizards.

The "wizard genetic factor" that has long remained dormant within his body has finally come to life, actively uncovered and embraced.


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