
Harry Potter: The combat instructor

In the world of magic, Ciaran Frémont had spent eight years honing his skills as a graduate of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Despite the passage of time, his longing to return to Hogwarts lingered, this time not as a student but as a professor. His wish seemed to manifest when a letter arrived from none other than Principal Dumbledore himself, inviting him for an interview. Ecstatic yet conflicted, Ciaran's joy was tempered by the realization of an urgent task awaiting him. Before he could embark on this journey, he needed to tell his boss the current Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, the pinnacle of authority within the Ministry of Magic. I've decided to translate and fix up this fanfic in my spare time since it wasnt looking to good. No hate plz im trying my hardest :( translation 霍格沃茨新任教授

AssClappicus · Anime & Comics
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appointment notice

"Welcome, oh, welcome, returning students and newcomers," Dumbledore announced, rising from his seat. Despite his age, he exuded boundless energy. His flowing silver-white hair and beard, each several feet long, framed his face, adorned with half-moon spectacles, one askew from a crooked nose.

Ciaran knew Aberforth had punched him at Ariana Dumbledore's funeral.

Facing the students, Hogwarts' headmaster wore a gentle, welcoming smile.

Harry finally felt at ease since the dementors had invaded his train compartment, causing him to black out.

"Welcome back to Hogwarts, returning students, and a warm welcome to our new arrivals!" Dumbledore's voice echoed through the hall, candlelight dancing on his beard. "Before we dine, allow me to clarify a few matters, lest your enjoyment of this fine feast be clouded by confusion."

The young wizards chuckled softly.

Dumbledore cleared his throat, continuing, "As you may be aware, our school is currently under the watchful eye of several dementors from Azkaban, sent by the Ministry of Magic for official duties. Their presence was noted during the earlier search of the Hogwarts Express."

He paused briefly, visibly displeased by the Ministry's decision. When Ciaran had visited the headmaster's office, Dumbledore had been drafting a letter to Minister of Magic Fudge.

Ciaran believed this wasn't the first time Dumbledore had corresponded with Minister Fudge about the dementors this summer.

"They are stationed at every entrance to the school," Dumbledore went on. "Let it be clear that in their presence, no one may leave Hogwarts without permission. No tricks, no deceit, not even an invisibility cloak can elude the dementors."

He concluded quietly, prompting Harry, Hermione, and Ron to exchange uneasy glances at the Gryffindor table.

"Dementors are not swayed by excuses or pleas for mercy," Dumbledore cautioned. "I implore each of you not to give them cause to harm you. Prefects and our newly appointed Head Boy and Girl shall ensure no student comes into contact with a dementor, to avoid any conflict."

Percy Weasley, the new Head Boy, straightened with pride.

Dumbledore surveyed the Great Hall solemnly, met with silence.

"Enough of somber matters, let us turn to more pleasant subjects," Dumbledore announced. "I'm delighted to welcome two new professors to our ranks."

"First, Professor Lupin has graciously accepted the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher."

Sparse applause followed. Students seemed resigned to the revolving door of Defense Against the Dark Arts professors, especially as Lupin, unlike his colleagues in their finest robes, appeared in worn attire, lacking the expected air of authority.

Snape glared at Lupin with undisguised animosity, as though he wished to devour him.

"Our second addition requires no introduction," Dumbledore continued after the applause for Lupin had subsided. "With regret, Professor Kettleburn has retired from Care of Magical Creatures due to age, but I am pleased to announce that Rubeus Hagrid will be taking up the mantle alongside his duties as gamekeeper."

Ciaran and Lupin applauded. Some professors, like McGonagall and Flitwick, joined in, while others, like Snape and Trelawney, remained indifferent.

At the student tables, Gryffindor's applause was particularly fervent. Hagrid's face flushed red with pleasure, obscured by his shaggy black beard.

Hufflepuff's applause was moderate, neither warm nor cold, but Ravenclaw and Slytherin tables were notably silent.

"Enough formalities, let the feast commence!" Dumbledore declared.

Golden plates laden with sumptuous food appeared on long tables, accompanied by fragrant drinks in tall glasses.

"This tastes just as I remember. Hogwarts' food remains as delicious as ever," Lupin remarked, savouring his meal. Accustomed to thrift, he now indulged in abundance.

"Cheers!" Ciaran raised his wine glass. "Remus, here's to brighter days ahead."

"Haha, indeed," Lupin chuckled.

In a hushed tone, Trelawney asked, "Ciaran, do you know Lupin?"

"Quite well," Ciaran replied.

The feast was a delight, laughter filling the hall, dispelling the lingering fear from the dementors' encounter on the train.

As the last crumbs of pumpkin pie vanished from golden platters, Dumbledore announced bedtime. Ciaran bid farewell to Trelawney, exiting the hall with Lupin. Before they left, they witnessed Harry, Ron, and Hermione congratulating Hagrid.

In the original timeline, Hagrid's first class had been fraught with mishaps. While Malfoy was troublesome, Hagrid needn't have chosen such a perilous creature for his inaugural lesson.

"I ought to remind Hagrid," Ciaran thought, parting ways with Lupin. Their offices lay on different floors, so he proceeded directly to his own.


That night, before retiring, Sirius' head flickered in the fireplace, momentarily dazzling Ciaran.

Using Floo powder, Ciaran connected to Fremont Manor. This time, his head appeared in the manor's fireplace.

"What's amiss, Sirius?"

Sirius stood before the flames, fuming. "The papers report dementors at Hogwarts. Is Harry safe?"

"It's relative," Ciaran smiled. "Harry did faint due to the dementors on the train."

"Bloody Fudge!" Sirius cursed. "What business have dementors in Hogwarts? He's the Minister of Magic, not a blithering fool!"

"Fear not, Dumbledore oversees Hogwarts, and with the staff there, all shall be well," Ciaran assured. "But enough chatter, I retire for the night; classes await tomorrow."

"Very well. Goodnight."

Ciaran withdrew his head from the emerald flames, freshened up, then settled into bed.