
Harry Potter: The combat instructor

In the world of magic, Ciaran Frémont had spent eight years honing his skills as a graduate of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Despite the passage of time, his longing to return to Hogwarts lingered, this time not as a student but as a professor. His wish seemed to manifest when a letter arrived from none other than Principal Dumbledore himself, inviting him for an interview. Ecstatic yet conflicted, Ciaran's joy was tempered by the realization of an urgent task awaiting him. Before he could embark on this journey, he needed to tell his boss the current Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, the pinnacle of authority within the Ministry of Magic. I've decided to translate and fix up this fanfic in my spare time since it wasnt looking to good. No hate plz im trying my hardest :( translation 霍格沃茨新任教授

AssClappicus · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs


Bang bang!

Ciaran walked through the damp grass and reached the door of Hagrid's hut on the edge of the Forbidden Forest. She extended her hand and knocked on the door.

"Who's there?" Hagrid shouted in a slightly panicked voice.

Ciaran heard murmured voices emanating from the room. Hagrid wasn't alone; he probably guessed who the other people were.

"It's me, Ciaran."

The occupants of the room seemed relieved and opened the door. Ron's face flushed slightly, and he stuttered, "Um, Professor Frémont, let's check on Hagrid."

Harry and Hermione were also present. Hagrid wiped his tears with a ragged handkerchief. There sat a wine glass as large as a bucket in front of him, suggesting he had indulged in quite a bit of wine.

"Ciaran, welcome, thank you for coming," Hagrid said incoherently.

"Hagrid, don't worry. Buckbeak and you will be alright," Hermione comforted.

"Buckbeak?" Ciaran looked puzzled.

Harry answered, "That's the Hippogriff's name."

"I'm truly sorry." Hagrid burped, saying, "On the first day of class, I almost got expelled from Hogwarts. It's a record, truly unprecedented..."

The more he spoke, the more despondent he became.

"You won't be expelled, Hagrid," Hermione reassured him.

"Not yet," Hagrid said pitifully, taking another sip from the oversized wine glass, likely filled with his homemade brew. "But it's only a matter of time, isn't it? Injuring a student on the first day of class, Malfoy..."

Ciaran inquired, "How is he? Is he not seriously injured?"

He and Ron found seats in the room.

"Madam Pomfrey did her best to treat him," Hagrid muttered, "But he claimed he was still in excruciating pain and had to be heavily bandaged. He was moaning and..."

"He's probably faking it! Absolutely!" Harry interjected, "Madam Pomfrey can heal any injury. She's an excellent healer. Malfoy must be exaggerating."

"Without a doubt, the school authorities, especially Lucius, will know. He's on the board of governors," Hagrid said gloomily, "They'll surely think I made too much of a spectacle in the beginning. I should've saved the Hippogriff for later—Ciaran, you were right. I should've heeded your advice, but I wanted to make the first class more engaging—alas, it's all my fault. I can't blame anyone else if I get sacked."

"Malfoy brought it upon himself, Hagrid. It's not your fault. There's no need to blame yourself," Hermione sincerely said.

"Yes, Hagrid, Malfoy asked for it," Ron added.

"We'll all testify for you—me, Hermione, Ron, and all the Gryffindor classmates," Harry cheered Hagrid, "You said if someone offends the Hippogriff, it'll retaliate. Who told Malfoy not to pay attention in class? That's his problem. Students not paying attention and making mistakes isn't the teacher's fault! We'll tell Dumbledore everything that happened, and he'll help..."

"Ah, leave it be," Hagrid said, "Dumbledore's already swamped with the Dementors and Sirius. I can't burden him more. Originally, he appointed me as the Care of Magical Creatures professor. Some parents are unhappy, and now with this happening again, they'll be terribly disappointed in me."

"Don't worry, Hagrid, Dumbledore won't think like that," Ciaran said, "Although the Malfoy family is influential, they can't control the magical world single-handedly."

"Yes, Hagrid, we're all behind you," Ron reassured.

Tears welled in the corners of Hagrid's small black eyes. He embraced Harry and Ron so tightly they nearly cracked.

"Thank you, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ciaran, thank you for coming," Hagrid said tearfully.

"Hagrid, I think you've had enough to drink. No more for you," Hermione said sternly. She picked up the large wine glass from the table, emptied it outside, and returned.

"Ah, maybe she's right," Hagrid conceded, releasing Harry and Ron, who staggered back, rubbing their ribs.

Being a half-giant, Hagrid was quite powerful.

"Hagrid, you're incredibly knowledgeable about magical creatures. There might not be many in the wizarding world who know more than you," Ciaran remarked.

Hagrid smiled sheepishly.

"I reckon you should teach some more aesthetically pleasing magical creatures, ones that align with... well, public tastes. I know you find all magical creatures fascinating, but most students aren't at your level yet—like Unicorns or Nifflers. They're captivating—don't you think?—and magical creatures that young witches and wizards would definitely adore," Ciaran suggested softly.

"Unicorns?" Hermione's eyes lit up, "I've heard they're incredibly beautiful. I've always wanted to see one."

"What's a Niffler?" Harry and Ron asked, puzzled.

"It's a fascinating little creature, but when it comes time for a detailed introduction, Hagrid will handle it. I teach Defense Against the Dark Arts, not as much about magical creatures as Hagrid," Ciaran smiled.

It seemed Hermione's enthusiasm had swayed Hagrid. He nodded and said, "Alright, Unicorns and Nifflers. Yes, those are fascinating creatures. I believe the students will love them. What do you think?"

He finally asked tentatively.

"Of course!" Hermione, Ron, and Harry chimed in eagerly. Though they weren't familiar with Nifflers, they'd heard enough about Unicorns from legends to be curious.

"Thank you, Ciaran," Hagrid shook Ciaran's hand vigorously, then turned to Hermione and the others, "You lot caring about me like this, I really..."

He suddenly froze, staring blankly at Harry, as if just realizing he was there.

"What are you doing?" Hagrid suddenly bellowed, startling all three, "You shouldn't be wandering around after dark, Harry, especially you! And you two, why didn't you stop him? Holding him back?!"

Hagrid strode over to Harry, seized his arm, and dragged him to the door, saying loudly, "Ciaran and I will escort you back to the castle now. Don't let me catch you out after dark again, running about everywhere. Otherwise... I'm not living up to this!"

"Haha, Hagrid, you're a professor now. You can dock points from them," Ciaran winked.

Hagrid shook his head, "Let's let it slide this time. But next time, and the time after, I'll certainly deduct points from Gryffindor. Believe me, I'll follow through!"