
Harry Potter: The Boy Who Eats[COMPLETE]

How bad can life be? For Happy Lestrange, an ordinary boy from an ordinary world, after being diagnosed with stomach cancer at three, the hospital became his permanent home. As a result, he never got to make friends, never got to play, run, swim, and worst of all—eat. His only respite to his boredom was various novels, movies, manga, and comics. But one of them stood above all others: Harry Potter. He was always interested in its lore and slowly fell in love with everything about the Wizarding World. But the thing he envied the most was not the magic but rather the Hogwarts feasts. So, with no cure in sight, at the age of 15, in a coma, he was put to eternal sleep. But that was not the end of the journey for Happy. "Speak, young child, what do you desire? Heaven, or reincarnation?" "Grandpa God, I want to go to Hogwarts and eat lots of tasty food!" "..." "Child, are you sure?" "YES!" "Young child, I bless you with luck. So go, taste the food, and experience all the mouthwatering scents! Go and eat to your heart's content." And so began the journey of the boy who eats. But, there was a surprise for Happy. One that could also be a curse if used unwisely. In a world so dark, and hurdles in his way plenty, can he overcome them and be...Happy? ___________________ WARNING: I write wholesome, Slice of Life stories where a greater and more serious plot is slowly expanded as the story goes. If that's not your thing, then you won't like this book. Peace!!! MC has the power of luck, but it's not omnipotent. People can and will scheme against him. People can come after him. But luck is supposed to ensure Happy gets the best out of all the troubles. ___________________ A/N: This is a light-hearted fic with a bigger plot being slowly introduced. I hope you like it. Join my discord for discussions: https://discord.gg/misterimmortal

MisterImmortal · Book&Literature
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107 Chs

10. Authentic Muggle School Experience 

If you want, you can read 35 chapters in advance on -patreon.com/misterimmortal.]


"That was awesome!" Ron exclaimed when Happy stood up and patted his robes clean.

"That was reckless of you! You could have gotten hurt!" Hermione worried for him, which was expected of her.

Happy shrugged and stepped back, "Yes, but injuries can be healed with magic. While he could have died from this. Madam Hooch, do you need help taking him to the Infirmary?"

Madam Hooch shook her head and easily picked up the unconscious Neville with magic. "No need, and good work, Mister Lestrange. Five points to Gryffindor! Everyone's to keep their feet firmly on the ground while I take Mister Longbottom to the hospital wing. Understand? If I see a single broom in the air, the one riding it will find themselves out of Hogwarts before they can say 'Quidditch'."

Most of the children nodded, but her words mostly fell on deaf ears.

When Madam Hooch disappeared into the building, Happy instantly got on his broom because he wanted to experience it.

It was one of his dreams, after all. Flying on a plane was boring, but a broom? That was a dream come true; to soar through the air on a broomstick, feeling the wind on his face and the exhilarating rush of speed.


Happy didn't find it hard to move on his broom. At first, he slowly hovered it around to get used to it, but gradually increased the speed, as it seemed pretty exciting.

'Wait, Malfoy isn't moving. Neville didn't drop that orb? But this means Harry won't get selected for Quidditch? Wait, should I also try out for it? It's an amazing excuse to remain out of the classroom. More time to eat!'

Happy quickly came up with an excellent idea to enter the Quidditch scene of the school. He didn't even care about playing. Just being a reserve was fine.

"Harry, come up! Let's play and see how well we can do." He invited the boy-who-lived.

But Harry was hesitant, and Hermione was the sane voice there too. She shouted at Happy to come back down, "It's dangerous, Happy! You just earned five points. Do you want to lose them now?"

But Happy smirked and looked at Harry intently, "Your father was a legendary quidditch seeker, Harry. Don't you want to see if you can be as good as him? Malfoy, why don't you join me too? You're good with brooms, right?"

'Seeker?' Harry was still a bit puzzled.

"Sure." Draco didn't flinch from kicking off the ground.

Seeing that, Harry did the same and rose to the air and hovered near Happy. "What are we playing?"

Happy grinned and took out a small, palm-sized ball from his pocket, "I planned for this game. We are going to throw this ball around, and each of us must fight to catch it as many times as possible. Each one of us can't hold the ball for more than three seconds after catching it and must throw it again."

"Sounds dangerous," Harry muttered.

"Sounds exciting," Draco said the opposite.

With that, everything was set, and Happy held the ball high. They all hovered in the same spot, prepared to move.

"One! Two! Three! Go!"


Happy threw the ball right towards the tower where Professor McGonagall's office was. He didn't know when she'd show up at the window, but the best option was to continue to throw it there.

All three zoomed past the grounds and rose in the air according to the ball's trajectory.

At first, Draco was in front since he had experience, but Harry adapted to flying quite quickly. His wobbly motions stopped, and he confidently tilted forward to gain more speed.

"Caught it!" In time, Harry finally arrived near the tower window and masterfully caught the ball by doing a strange axis turn on the broom. "Your turn! Catch!"

This time Harry threw it, and Happy easily flew past Draco. It wasn't that Happy was a better rider, or his broom was better. He was just closer to the area the ball was thrown at.


Eventually, he also threw it away. That way, all three of them played catch with the small ball, slowly growing more confident with their movements and getting better. Harry was the most skilled, pushing himself to try out new and strange tricks.

At that moment, even Draco smiled like an ordinary boy, just playing around and having fun. However, each of them was panting with exertion and excitement by the end. Meanwhile, the other students on the ground cheered for them.

Eventually, they ended the game and headed back toward the ground. Surprisingly, both Gryffindor and Slytherin students surrounded them and cheered, some patting them on the back, some asking if they could join next time.

"Harry Potter!" As expected, Professor McGonagall appeared in her oversized robes. "Follow me."

'Wait! What about me? I'm supposed to be the lucky boy.' Happy wondered in silence as the professor took Harry away.

"Mister Lestrange!" She suddenly stopped and looked back. "Report to the Quidditch trials next week. You too, Mister Malfoy. The three of you are quite talented with brooms. With talent, you can be selected for the reserves at least."

With that, McGonagall took Harry away.

Certainly, Harry was the favored child of the plot, and Gryffindor desperately needed a seeker, nothing else. But still, Happy had enough confidence to at least make it to the reserves. When that happens, life would be good.

"Well, Madam Hooch shouldn't mind what we did now..." Happy muttered and regrouped with the other students.

Soon, the class was dismissed, and everyone headed to the Great Hall for dinner.


The long school day had come to an end. The ghosts were already talking about Harry becoming a seeker.

'I wonder if Neville remembers what I did? I don't want more headaches from him.' Happy wondered and took his seat at the long table. This was always the best part of his day, on any day.

As the other joined him in grabbing some dinner, Happy remembered something. "Ah, isn't your birthday coming, Hermione? What would you like as a gift?"

"How do you know about my birthday? I never told anyone." Hermione asked, shocked and somewhat flattered.

Happy smirked and fixed his nonexistent glasses with a finger in the middle, "Fuh… I know everyone's birthday. Harry's comes on the thirty-first of July, Ron's comes on the first of March, and yours comes on the nineteenth of September."

"How do you know all that?" Harry asked him with interest.

Happy scoffed and spread his arms wide. "Well, I'm a simple boy who likes tasty food, and birthdays are when special treats are made. Cakes, sweets, and more of such special delights. Do not disappoint me, Hermione Jean Granger."


Hermione rubbed her forehead. "Honestly, sometimes I don't know why I bother talking to you about anything. How about reading a book on Charms instead of thinking about food all the time?"

Shamelessly, Happy replied. "Never!"


The four laughed, joked, and merrily ate at the dinner table.

The teacher's table was also full, but the Headmaster was missing, surprisingly. Although he was pretty old, his presence was usually always felt.

Eventually, the time came to head to the common rooms.

Harry's selection as Seeker had everyone in Gryffindor in high spirits, and the atmosphere was one of celebration. With the permission of their House Head, the students ordered a variety of treats to enjoy in the common room that night.

It hadn't been too long since the term had started, but Happy had made progress, and now a few students talked to him regularly. Dean Thomas and a few others were the usual ones who always surrounded him since he had the best secret stash of treats.

Like always, he focused on the food and fed his pet goose, Koko, on the side.

Koko, the goose, was usually bored and alone, but when the students brought in some new furry, feathered, and scaled companions, the loneliness quickly dissipated. Cats, rats, rabbits, and owls. The animals gathered every day to form their own little crowd and play.

"Let's just go and sleep now." Happy decided.

"Harry, do you have a broom?" Ron asked as they moved towards the shared dorm room.

Harry was confused. "Doesn't the school provide one?"

"Yes, but they're the outdated ones. You should definitely get a Nimbus 2000!" Ron suggested.

Eventually, they arrive at the shared dorm room and move toward their beds. But something was off as they looked at Happy's bed that rested between Harry and Ron's.

"Who did this?!" Ron exclaimed angrily.

Happy sighed wearily as he surveyed the destruction around him.

Everything had been thrown around, his bedding overturned, his luggage, clothes, and books thrown around deliberately. The mirror beside his bed now cracked, and water spilled over his blankets—It was a mess.

Frowning, Harry helped him. "Who would do such a thing?"

Of course, Happy wasn't pleased with what had happened.

"Well, Gryffindor House is known for its overzealous sense of pride, courage, and bravery. But, sometimes, it can be very misplaced." Happy replied and picked up his books that had been ruined due to water damage.

"How could they!" Ron also helped, but he looked more enraged.

Happy knelt down and saw a small tie pin. He picked it up and looked closely. 'School uniform does not require a tie pin. It shouldn't be too hard to catch the culprit.'

He got up and chuckled, "On another note, this is quite exciting—Isn't this the authentic muggle high school bully experience?"

"They do this in muggle schools?" Ron asked, fascinated.

"Of course." Happy said while cleaning the place. "Spoiling things, throwing eggs, dropping someone's pants, and so much more."

Ron stopped moving and confusedly looked at Happy. "But...That's not bullying. Fred and George did that with me when I was younger."


"At least you didn't get beaten," Harry added.



See Illustrations on Discord: https://discord.gg/misterimmortal

Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Franklin Walley* *Qul* *phong thanh nguyen* *Dillon Tyler* *andy cohen* *Martin Bosley* *Jason Jimenez* *Devor*

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