
Harry Potter System Gamer

With his life turned into a Game, Harry now has to raise a Phoenix, uncover the Founders' darkest secrets, deal with political manipulations and live through Hogwarts all while trying desperately to not swear too much . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ---------------------------------------------- Translation ----------------------------------------------

William777 · Movies
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263 Chs

Chapter 242

Witness Rubeus Hagrid placed Black on the scene of the Potter Incident, where Black attempted to take the infant Potter from him. Having failed in his attempt to do so, Black ditched his flying motorbike, presumably because it was too easy to trace, and escaped.

Peter Pettigrew, another close friend of the Potters went after Black himself out of rage. Muggle eyewitnesses tell of how the man confronted Black, throwing angry accusations at him. Witnesses say that he went for his wand, but was too slow. He was blown to smithereens, leaving behind a giant crater and twelve dead muggles as casualties.

The next page was just a bunch of articles, and that was the end of the file.

And even as a fiery burst of hatred flowed through Harry, tinting his vision red, he had noticed that something was off.

Inside every single one of the files he had looked through in his search for #C34, there was always a Wizengamot document of some sort. Either it was a short statement about the result of the hearing, or it was a long transcript of the trial that was held, but there was always, without fail, a document that talked about the Trial.

File #C34 had none.


For making an accurate Observation, take +1 to Int!

And so, Harry was left with a feeling of unrest, knowing that something was off, but not knowing quite what.

Putting the file back into the spot where he had pulled it out from, he patted his pocket to make sure he still had the photos he was supposed to take before heading out of the shelves and towards the Librarian's desk, where Esther McGoogly still sat, peering through her horn-rimmed glasses at a piece of parchment.

"Found your way alright Harry?" she asked, seeing Harry approach, "You were in there for a while."

"I did ma'am. Thank you," Harry said, before pulling out the half dozen pictures he had taken and handing them to her, "I took these ones from the file."

Madam McGoogly took the pictures, pulled out a large binder before she opened it and scribbled something down into it. She looked through the photographs as she made notes in the binder, chuckling fondly at the photo of Harry driving his broom into his father before handing the set back to Harry.

"Thank you ma'am," He said, just as the Library door opened behind him and someone walked in, accompanied with the sound of boots clip-clopping loudly. Harry looked to see who it was and frowned.

It was the Lord Wentworth Wright chap whom he had encountered at the Malfoy Ball and had seen sitting in the shadows in Wizengamot.

"I'll be in the archives Esther," the man said, not even looking at the Librarian as he headed in towards the archives. Harry was pretty sure the man hadn't even noticed him.

Remembering how he was curious about why the man looked so familiar back when he had first encountered him, Harry quickly cast an Observe at the man's vanishing back. And this time, the Observe did show relevant information.

Wentworth Wright

(Relationship Meter: 0%)











Wentworth Wright is a wizard and a powerful member of Wizengamot. He practices traditionalistic leaning politics. He believed his son Johnathon to be dead, only to find out recently that he'd been turned into a werewolf. He has a dead grandson, who he recently learned about, and has made it his life's purpose to bring who he believes to be her killer to justice.

He is feeling worried and troubled about tomorrow's trial result.

He thinks Harry is a growing power but is resentful of him because Harry is coming in the way of him using his political power to convict the killer of his grandson.

The realization of what he was looking at hit Harry like a slap in the face, and he was left frozen with shock.

"Harry?" Madam McGoogly asked worriedly, having noticed Harry freeze up, "Are you alright?"

Hearing that broke Harry out of his daze. He quickly assured her that he was alright, and promptly left the library, still reeling from shock.

Harry had immediately returned back home after that, and it had taken him the entire afternoon to fully comprehend the information that Observe had given him.

Not only had he found the pureblood Lord who was Dean's grandfather and the father of the man he had accidentally killed all that time ago, but was also the man who was influencing the trial from the shadows to streamline it against Lisa.

There was a nightmare worth of stuff in just that one statement that set Harry on the fence.

Regardless, Harry had immediately sent off a short note to Dumbledore using the Flamel's owl, seeing as Hedwig still had a couple of days before she'd be back to travel worthy.


Dean once mentioned to me that his father's name was Johnathon Wright and that he was a pureblood from an old family. Today at the Ministry, I saw a Wizengamot member whose name was Wentworth Wright. It might be a coincidence, but I thought best to let you know in case it was relevant.

Harry Potter

The owl must have caught Dumbledore before he had left the Ministry because his replying letter came within the hour.

Dear Harry,

Thank you for letting me know. That is indeed vital information, and I am taking appropriate steps to counter it.

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

Harry felt slightly better after that reply, having made sure that his own moral dilemmas wouldn't in any way be screwing with Lisa's chances of getting out of that mess of a trial.

With that particular load off his chest and the evening fast approaching, he had gotten ready and headed out with Nicholas and Perenelle for dinner at the Burrow.






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