
Vacation In France

(The Next Day)

I had just exited the airport, arriving at my destination, France. I decided to take a plane to France since it would be much easier to go unnoticed by the Ministry of Magic of both France and Britain. I walked through the crowd of people, getting stared and gawked at every which way imaginable but I guess it was natural. You don't see a boy with long white hair and crimson red eyes too often. I would stare too if I was them. I flag a taxi and have it drive me to a five star hotel. Since I'm only eleven, there is no way the the lady at the front desk would let me get a room so I compelled her to do it and just like that, I had the penthouse suite. All this time, Ruby was hiding herself underneath my clothes, her body wrapped around my torso.

When I reached my suite I immediately started enchanting it with runes and warding it. I extended my claws and started drawing the runes and wards in the air. The air glowed wherever I touched causing the shapes of the runes to shine brightly. When I was finished drawing the runes and wards all the symbols faded into nothingness but the effects had taken root. I had placed several muggle repellent wards as well as basic intent wards that will tell me if someone who has ill intent towards me enters the room. Of course this is just a basic version of the ward so a competent wizard or witch could just overpower them with the right spell.

Now, as for the reason I came to France. There are two main reasons. The first being that I wanted to get the chance to see a few veelas. The second was that I also wanted to meet the Delacours. They were a very prominent family in France and having close relations with them would definitely help spread my influence world-wide. I wasn't quite sure how I was going to accomplish the second item on my agenda but I was sure it would work itself out somehow and if not I could always wait until the Goblet of Fire.

After I was finished warding my hotel room I exited the hotel and started to walk around the city. I was scanning the tip of the minds of the passerby's with legilimency, hoping to scan the mind of a wizard that knows the french equivalent of Diagon Alley. Surprisingly, I only find one such person and I can only gleam the most minuscule information from his head so as to not draw the wizards attention. I was hoping to get the location of the place, names of the different shops, and what they sold but I only got the location which I guess is good enough. I find out the entrance is inside an abandoned church on the outskirts of the city.

Alastair: "Ruby, will the church hurt me because of my vampiric condition?" I ask the serpent.

Ruby: "No, it won't hurt you. If you were a much weaker vampire then it could do some damage but you're an origin vampire so it shouldn't apply to you."

Alastair: "Origin vampire?"

Ruby: "It's what wizards refer to vampires who survived the ritual of turning. They can turn other vampires and have them join that vampire's coven. Then there are true vampires which are born between two vampires and finally the turned vampires which are the lowest of the vampiric social caste besides thralls of course." She explains as we continue to walk to the abandoned church.

The church is what you'd expect it to look like. Old, rickety. It had a steeple on the top in the shape of a crucifix but that was the only thing that remained of its previous grandeur. I stepped into the church and felt it try to repel me at first but I overpowered the repulsion. I walked towards the podium at the center of the church and used the levitation charm to slide it to the side, revealing a tunnel hidden to muggles by wards, the same as the outside of the church. I step into the tunnel and the podium returns to its previous position as I walk towards the light and the sound of bustling commerce.

When I exit the tunnel I am immediately greeted with the smells of various foods and different people going every which way. Some were buying school materials, some getting their first wands, and others buying their first pets. Of course there were adult wizards doing whatever they did but I only focused on the children since I had just been in their spot a few months ago.

I walk through the conglomerate of shops, drawing the attention of the passerby's. I walked into different shops, buying whatever I thought was interesting and things that couldn't easily be obtained in Britain. I eat various foods and do all the things you'd expect a tourist to do at a tourist destination alas, all good things must come to an end.

As I was walking through the shops I had gotten the attention of a rather unpleasant group of older boys who were quite annoyed at all the attention I was getting because of my appearance. I felt one of the boy's rough hands grip my shoulders as they pulled me into one of the abandoned alleyways.

Boy 1: "I bet you think you're all that, huh? Just because of your stupid hair and eyes." He says with a sneer.

Boy 2: "Yeah. You're nothing special, just a freak. That's all you are. You hear me? A freak." The second boy continues with a similar expression as the first.

Alastair: "I feel like I've heard this before. I can't quite put my finger on it." I think to myself as I sink into my thoughts.

Boy 3: "What's wrong? Too scared to say anything?" He says as he turns to the other boys and laughs. "He's probably pissed his pants already." He tells them and they all share a laugh.

Alastair: "Ohh that's right." I think as I place the bottom of my fist onto my open palm. "I completely forgot about Harry Potter." I finish my thought when suddenly, several leg locking jinxes are fired towards the group of boys from behind. "Ohh would you look at that. The problem did indeed fix itself." I think as a small grin crosses my face when I see the girl that had just fired the spells.

The girls walks over the fallen bodies of the boys and pulls me out of the alleyway.

Girl: "You should really be more careful around these parts. It's less safe here than it is where all the shops are." She says and looks at my face, causing a small blush to permeate her face. "I didn't expect him to look so cute." She thinks before quickly shaking her head. "What am I saying. I just saved him. Nothing more and nothing less."

Alastair: "I see. I'll make sure to take your advice to heart." I say with a smile. "May I have the name of my mysterious hero?" I tease her with a smirk.

The girl blushes before composing herself and remembering her etiquette lessons.

Girl: "Of course. How rude of me. My name is Fleur Delacour. And you are?"

Alastair: "I am Alastair Serpent, from Britain."