
The Wand, Quetzalcoatl

(2 months later)

After two months on reading up on wand lore and studying the creation process I finally feel like I have enough knowledge and understanding to create my wand. I entered the laboratory and took my seat at the desk. I had long since planned out my wand and all the materials were laid out on the desk. The final outline is as follows:

Yew wood with Ruby's scales that would be plated over the wood

Basilisk fang for the core

Enchanted Silver (witch is one of the best conductors for magic) is what the handle will be made out of

Various jewels will decorate the handle

The wand will look like a serpent's tail coiling around a stick with the mouth forming the bottom of the handle and will be a total of 14 inches.

The hardest material to get was the enchanted silver. I couldn't find any in the family vaults so I had to owl order it which took some time but it was worth it. I immediately got to work. I took the block of Yew wood and fashioned it into a 14 inch stick. I then took the enchanted silver and cased it around the bottom of the stick, creating the handle. I made a few holes in the silver and placed the precious jewels inside so that it was pretty to the eyes. I took Ruby's scales and forged them onto the rest of the wand, finishing the stick. Next, I wrapped the enchanted silver around the wand so that its tail formed the wand and head formed the handle. This last part was the most difficult. I had to insert the core into the wand. I formed a small hole on the bottom of the wand, no bigger than the core itself. Then, with the help of the interface and magic I slid the basilisk fang into the hole.

Core has been successfully fused with wand.

Core bonding with wand in progress.

I waited for a few seconds and admired my work before the interface popped up again.

Core bonding succesfull.


Name wand.

I thought for a few minutes. I wanted the wand to radiate strength and wisdom and I wanted it to keep the theme of a snake. After a three minutes I finally decided.

Alastair: "Name the wand Quetzalcoatl."


Name: Quetzalcoatl

Length: 14 inches


Core: Basilisk Fang

Wood: Yew with Enchanted silver and Serpentine Devil scales

Ruby: "Excellent work, my lord." The snake said as she slithered around my arm to take a better look at the wand. "You should be very proud of yourself. Not everyone can craft with these kinds of materials. I was definitely correct in my choice of naming you as my master."

Alastair: "I'm satisfied with my work as well. Now, on with the testing faze."

I then exit the laboratory and walk to the same coliseum I was in two months ago. Everything looked exactly the same, save for the cleaning the the elves had done. I walk in front of a training dummy and brandish my wand, pointing it at the dummy.

Alastair: "SECTUMSEMPRA" He yelled as white light illuminated the tip of the wand.

He made a slashing gesture with his hand and just like that, a deep slash appeared on the dummy.

Alastair: "AVADA KEDAVRA!" He yells again and the familiar green lightning shoots towards his target, a direct hit.

Ruby: "I think the wand likes you." She says with a little laugh.

Alastair: "I think you're right." I say, holstering my wand with a satisfied smile.

Ruby: "Now, as promised you need to take a break. You're already well ahead of everyone your age as well as the entire Hogwarts curriculum. You need to slow down now. Just focus on your spell training and body training until Hogwarts." She says as I exit the coliseum.