
Harry Potter: Pureblood

This is my first fan-fiction ever, so please be understanding if my skills are currently a bit lacking. But I’m eager to improve myself with your feedback and update frequently. Update Rate: 2 ch / week, else there will be a note at the end of the latest chap I’m happy for corrections and any kind of feedback, regarding my writing or the plot. If you have any questions, you can ask them in my pinned review above, it works as a faq MC will not be forced to do any quests by the system. — Synopsis: Mordred, an 10 year old orphan lived a life of misery, his mother died by his birth and his father became an alcoholic after that incident, he was beaten up almost every day till one day, on his sixth birthday his dad went to a convince store down the road they lived and got killed in a traffic accident. After that he came into an orphanage, since he had no other living family or they didn’t wanted him, he wasn’t entire sure. So in the orphanage nothing really changed, his caretaker was drunk every evening and beat the shit out of him. So he decided to run away, was hit by a car. In his last moments he saw a window pop up in front of him as he was lying there full of pain [ System loading … ] And then everything went black, when he woke up again, he was lying in the most comfortable bed he every slept in, not that he ever slept in a good bed. As he looked around, he realised that he didn’t knew where he was. Everything seemed luxurious and expensive. Where was he? As he was thinking about what he should do, another window popped up. [ Welcome Host ] [ You died! ] ‚‘WTF, what are these windows? Have I finally lost it?’ „“Hell, what?“ ‚‘But as he thought about it, it made sense, he was hit by a truck lol …’ [ Since the system is optimised in magic, you were reincarnated in a world full of magic ] ‚‘Magic, for real? Like pointing a stick somewhere and saying some weird words? He was in another world? What was the meaning of this?’ [ You have been reincarnated in the body of Mordred Black ] [ Memories of this body will be loaded in your brain ] And with that a flood of memories forcefully entered his brain, about how the body he now occupied lived, about his parents, about the world … [ The current date is august 1. 1991 ] ‚‘this was about the date we had in my original world, so the world should be most likely be the same, since this is probably no coincidence’, he thought [ Currently the System only has two features available: Status and Quests ] [ Please call or think strongly‚ ‘Status’ or ‚‘Quests’ to open the matching window ] And that was it … So he said „“status“ and another window popped up in front of him [[ Status ]] [ Name: Mordred Black ] [ Age: 11 ] [ STR: 10 ] [ DEX: 10 ] [ STA: 10 ] [ VIT: 10 ] [ MP: 10 ] [[ — — — ]] And that’s how the story of Mordred Black starts … — Warning: MC is not a good person, he is straight up evil, he has no problem using a cruciato curse on some muggleborn … DISCLAIMER: I do not own the literary works upon which this fanfiction is based. All rights belong to J.K. Rowling. — Tags: Harry Potter, Fantasy, Reincarnation, System, Dark, Anti-Hero, Villain

Sovereign_Of_Snow · Book&Literature
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9 Chs

Chapter 8: Spell Control

{August 4, 1991, Black Manor Courtyard}

Mordred eyed the snarling ape construct warily as it fixed him with a hate-filled glare, saliva dripping from its gnashing fangs. He took a steadying breath, raising his wand as he centered himself.


A torrent of golden flames erupted from his wand tip, roaring towards the ape like a breath from an aroused dragon. The magical beast reared back, opening its maw to unleash a deafening howl as the inferno engulfed it.

The fire completely immolated the ape, hungrily consuming its form as Mordred fought to contain the blazing torrent. He could feel sweat beading on his brow from the strain of concentration required to both summon and bind such potent magic.

For a moment, the ape-shape burned bright and defiant amidst the firestorm. Then, like a snapping twig, its fortitude failed. First the outline sagged, then it collapsed entirely into a smoky pyre of charred embers and ash.

Mordred allowed the flames to fully extinguish, dispersing the last tendrils of smoke with a wave of his wand. A glance behind revealed several scorched patches where his fire had lashed out beyond its confines, searing the courtyard stonework.

"You succeeded in subduing the target," Narcissa's measured tones broke the silence, "but at the cost of imprecise control."

She strode over to the burnt areas, crouching down to delicately run her fingers over the scarred rock.

"Absolute mastery over any powerful spell requires rigorous and disciplined practice over months...years in some cases. Gaining even a rudimentary level of control would take at least a week of dedicated efforts with the Incendio."

For the next hour, Mordred repeated the exercise tirelessly, Narcissa conjuring the fiery ape construct again and again. With each attempt, his grasp on shaping the blazing energy grew more refined. While still unable to fully bind the inferno, he could now eliminate the wayward tendrils that had previously scorched the ground.

"Better," Narcissa appraised as the last flames winked out. "A marginal but noticeable improvement in restraint. You clearly have impressive reserves of willpower and potential to draw upon."

Standing once more, her steel gaze bored into Mordred.

"Which is prudent...for we have uncovered merely the surface of your future training so far. Sustaining that determination will prove critical in the challenges yet to come."

With a sweep of her wand, the courtyard was cleansed of all burns and detritus, restored to its original pristine condition.

"Take a brief respite. We reconvene within the hour to begin exploring more advanced offensive and defensive disciplines." Narcissa paused, allowing a thin smile. "And soon you'll need to acquire your equipment from Diagon Alley before joining your studies at Hogwarts."

Narcissa turned on her heel and strode away, leaving Mordred alone with the echoes of roaring flames.

Rather short chapter, tomorrow's will be longer. Had some emergency today in the morning and so my time to write was quite limited ... xD

Soon we will go to Diagon Alley, doing some Hogwarts shopping lol Maybe we will meet some other characters

Sovereign_Of_Snowcreators' thoughts