
Harry Potter: Origin Magic

(This fic's previous name was 'Harry Potter: Chill Adventures') One year had passed since Jace, a destitute fifteen-year-old boy, had lost his parents. One day, a mysterious young man named Alexander walked into his home and greeted Jace with a casual "Hi Jace, name's Alexander, and I'm here to show you the ropes of being a magician," as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Jace was taken aback, but he had no say in the matter. As he embarks on his journey as a magician, Jace finds himself navigating through the complexities of life at Hogwarts, a prestigious school for young witches and wizards. With each passing day, Jace delves deeper into the world of magic, facing challenges and making new friends along the way. From mastering spells to discovering hidden talents, Jace strives to live a full life, embracing the wonders and dangers of the magical realm. Join Jace on his thrilling journey as he discovers the true meaning of being a magician. _____________________________________________ If you want to know more, you are welcome to read the fic. A lot of OCs such as Dumbles, Grindelwald, Tommy Boy, Harry, Hermione, and others will be students at Hogwarts. Can you imagine all of them studying together under the same roof? It's going to be quite a spectacle! Oh, and here's another interesting twist: the starting age at Hogwarts is now 15 years old, a small change that's sure to shake things up. Exciting, isn't it? R-18 -> maybe harem ->not. ---------------------------------------- I don’t own any characters other than my OCs. The cover picture is mine. So no one can say shit. Hope you got attracted :L

FakeViolinist · Book&Literature
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23 Chs


Enjoy the chapter :)


Over the ensuing weeks, Jace could frequently be found immersed in the library, spending countless hours devouring book after book with unwavering determination. It seemed as though he had set a personal goal for himself to read every tome in the library before he graduated. However, he was not alone in his scholarly quest. Hermione, Tom, and even Sky could often be seen sitting alongside him, equally absorbed in their studies. And while it was a rare occurrence away from prying eyes, Jace also studied in tandem with Katherine. They had first met on the first day at school during a class and their conversations had continued seamlessly since then. For some reason, he felt oddly comfortable around her, even more so than his friends.


As Jace, Tom, and Hermione along with their other housemate's entered their History Class, they found themselves in a dimly lit class with old and dusty textbooks lining the shelves. They were met with the news that they would be sharing the lesson with the Slytherins, much to their house's dismay. Rumors about the behavior of Slytherin students had circulated among the older students, setting a tense atmosphere in the classroom. However, Jace's emotions were different from those of his friends, as he saw an opportunity to catch up with Katherine.

Spotting Katherine sitting in the back of the class, Jace made eye contact with her before glancing at his friends. "I'm going to the back of the class. There's someone I know there," he announced, disregarding any potential objections from his friends.

He also noticed Albus sitting with his white-haired friend and gave him a nod, which he returned with a smile.

With determined strides, he made his way to Katherine's desk and sat down beside her, unfazed by the curious looks from both his housemates and the Slytherins.

"Jace, we finally meet again!" Katherine exclaimed with excitement, her greeting bringing a smile to Jace's face.

Katherine's exuberant greeting brought a smile to Jace's face, but he couldn't help but roll his eyes playfully at her exaggerated excitement. "Come on, you're exaggerating. It hasn't been that long," he replied, settling into his seat beside her.

Katherine mock-pouted, giving him a playful glare. "As if you care. You didn't even come to find me on the train ride," she retorted with a teasing tone, nudging him playfully.

Jace raised his hands in defense, grinning. "Hey, it's not like you tried either. But I'm here now, aren't I? That counts for something," he replied, trying to sound convincing despite his teasing tone.

Katherine chuckled, shaking her head in mock disbelief. "Fine, fine. I'll give you that," she said, flashing him a mischievous grin. "But don't think you're off the hook that easily, Jace."

Jace chuckled in response, enjoying the playful banter with Katherine. He felt good talking to Katherine.

Just as the class was settling down, a ghost suddenly emerged from the blackboard, introducing himself as their history professor. The students were taken aback and some of them exclaimed loudly, but they were quickly shushed by the professor.

The lesson began, and Jace and Katherine, along with their classmates, turned their attention to the front of the classroom, eager for their first history lesson of the year.

An hour into the lecture, Jace glanced over at Katherine. He leaned in and whispered, "Hey, is it just me, or are you also finding it hard to stay awake?"

To his surprise, Katherine didn't reply. He lightly shook her arm, but there was no reaction. Jace looked around the class and realized that some of his classmates were also dozing off, while others looked bored and disinterested.

It soon became clear that Professor Bin's teaching style was not engaging the students. His lectures were dull and uninspiring, delivered in a monotonous voice that failed to capture their attention. Jace couldn't help but feel disappointed, as he had been looking forward to the history lesson, but it seemed that Professor Bin's teaching left much to be desired.

As Jace glanced back at Katherine, he noticed that her eyes were closed and she was fast asleep. Her usually fiery demeanor seemed subdued in her slumber, and her relaxed posture contrasted sharply with her usual alertness. He couldn't help but find her sleeping form endearing, her features softened in repose.

He hadn't seen Katherine so calm and peaceful, as she was always full of energy and enthusiasm during their interactions. Her closed eyes revealed long lashes that gently brushed her cheeks, and her lips were slightly parted in a serene expression.

With a soft sigh, Jace turned his attention back to his own notes, determined to make the most of the remaining class time. But a small part of him couldn't help but steal occasional glances at Katherine.

As the history lesson finally came to an end, Katherine finally woke up and felt a flush of embarrassment when she realized that she had fallen asleep in front of Jace. She repeatedly asked him with an accusing look on her face, "Why didn't you wake me up?"

Jace couldn't help but chuckle at her mortified expression. "I tried shaking your arm, but you were out like a light," he replied, his tone teasing. "Don't worry about it though. Professor Bin's lecture was putting everyone to sleep anyway."

Jace had managed to stay awake and even make some notes, a feat that only Hermione managed to replicate.

"Whatever," Katherine said with a playful eye-roll, a hint of a smile on her lips. "But I do hope that if I ever fall asleep in class again, you'll wake me up next time," she added teasingly, forgiving Jace.

Jace chuckled, nodding. "Sure thing," he replied, relieved that Katherine wasn't too mad at him for not waking her earlier. "Although I have to say, you do look kind of cute when you're sleeping," he teased.

Katherine blushed slightly, playfully swatting Jace's arm. "Oh, please," she said, trying to hide her embarrassment with a confident smirk. "Don't let it get to your head. I won't be caught napping in class again anytime soon," she added with a mock stern expression.

Jace laughed, enjoying the banter with Katherine. "We'll see about that," he said, raising an eyebrow in challenge. "But don't worry, I'll make sure to keep an eye on you in case you doze off again," he added with a wink, earning a playful shove from Katherine.

End of flashback:

With a heavy sigh, Jace closed the ancient tome that lay before him. It was a book he had picked up from the library, hoping to learn more about the history and significance of Halloween in the wizarding world. However, despite his efforts, he found the dense text to be dry and uninteresting, and his attention had waned.

As he had skimmed through the pages, the only seemingly useful information he gleaned was that Halloween was associated with powerful and dark forms of magic. It was believed that on that fateful night, certain spells and rituals were more potent than usual, and some wizards and witches used the opportunity to perform powerful magic or engage in dark practices. However, the book lacked the captivating details he had hoped for, and he found himself growing increasingly disinterested.

Jace had been motivated to research the topic after hearing older students discussing it. With the current date being the 30th of October, he had hoped to uncover fascinating insights about the significance of Halloween in the wizarding world. However, the dry and unengaging nature of the text was making it a challenge to stay focused.


Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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Sorry for the late release.. I kinda forgot to post it :P


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