
Harry Potter: Novice Swordsman

For every review I will release one extra chapter Harry Potter now lives in the magical world where every woman has a wand bigger than him. Watch how he combats opponents and feel his hardship. Enjoy the journey of a double-edged wand master, There is no plot. This was written for special people who enjoy special stuff.

maxphantom · Book&Literature
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66 Chs

Shopping and Reuinions 2

Gathering a few more books to take, Andromeda shrinks the items down before they leave. Back in Diagon Alley Andromeda guides Harry down to the entrance of Knockturn Alley. "Don't worry Harry, it may have a bad reputation but the place we want is just nearby."

Guiding him to a small red store Harry looks up at the sign above the door.

'Witch's Pleasure'

Blushing, Harry looks back at Andromeda.

"I figured this place will cover most of your Christmas shopping." She says with a smirk, before leading Harry inside.

Making their way into the building Harry takes in the luxurious looking store, the shelves lined with everything from lingerie and toys, to books and potions.

"Erin! So good to see you again." Andromeda calls out to a regal looking witch standing behind the till. Looking to be in her early 50s Harry can tell she's older than she appears, her silver hair held up in a loose bun topped by an exotic looking hat.

"Good to see you again Andi, and who's this handsome little thing?" The older witch asks, walking around the counter to reveal a black blouse overlaid with a corset, and tight black pants leading down to long, high heeled boots.

"This is Harry, I'm taking care of him now and he needs to take care of some Christmas shopping for his special friends."

"Wonderful! We always welcome younger wizards interested in helping out their fellow witches," The older witch says. "Feel free to browse and just shout if you need anything."

Picking up a basket, Andromeda begins to guide him along the aisles, the pair soon come to a stop in front of a series of packaged sweets and boxes of chocolates. "Here Harry, these should be perfect gifts for some of your classmates," Andromeda says. "We have cum enhancing chocolates, enlarging candies, lubricating licorice…"

Blushing Harry picks up several boxes, planning to decide who gets what later.

"Okay, anything in particular you have in mind for someone?" Andromeda asks.

"Well I was thinking a book for Hermione, and, erm, I thought about repaying Professor McGonagall with some underwear since she… gave me hers."

Smiling at the shy wizard Andromeda guides him to the clothing. "I think that's perfect Harry, here pick something out you think Minerva might like.

Deciding on an intricately made pair of black lace knickers Harry also grabs the matching bra to go with it, turning to Andromeda with a red face to help with the bra size. Harry doesn't notice when Andromeda places a few pairs in a smaller size within the basket.

Making their way to the books Harry begins to look before Andromeda quickly pulls a book from the shelf. "Here Harry, this will be perfect for Hermione."

Looking over the title Harry blushes. 'Sharing your Wizard: A Witches Guide to Loving a Slut.'

"Okay Harry, there's one last thing I think you should get, and it's a little selfish on my part too." Andromeda says before guiding him to a shelf stacked with boxes.

'Create your own sex toy: Ass Edition.'

"Here, they have the cock edition too, but I think you'd be better served with these." Andromeda says with a smirk. "All you do is cast the spell on yourself, and then transfer it to the molds included, then you can feel free to send them to whoever you like."

"I'm doing a special on those right now." Harry turns at the sound of the owner walking up behind them. "Mix and match, any 12 for 100 galleons, and I'll even throw in a batch of our cum flavouring candies."

Still embarrassed, Harry nonetheless selects the boxes he wants.

Making their way back to the counter Harry waits for the witch to count up the items before paying. "Thank you Harry, and here take one of our catalogues, we're happy to provide a mail service for our most loyal customers." She says with a wink.

Leaving the shop Andromeda leads them back in the direction of Diagon Alley. "Okay Harry, how about an ice cream before we leave?" She asks, smiling as Harry nods in response.

Making their way over to Fortescue's, the pair see the brightly coloured shop in the distance before they almost run in to an elegantly dressed witch.

"I'm sorry, excuse me… wait, Cissy?"

"Andi… good to see you again."

Looking between the two witches Harry is struck by the shared appearance. Standing slightly shorter, and with long flowing blonde hair, Narcissa Malfoy shares a striking resemblance to Andromeda.

"It's so good to see you, from your last letter I didn't think it would be until next week!" Andromeda exclaims, reaching out to hug her younger sister.

"Well that was before the DMLE were able to stumble across Lucius' hidden stash of dark goods, it made the divorce proceedings a lot simpler." The witch replies with a cunning smile.

Returning a grin Andromeda turns to introduce Harry. "Cissy, this is Harry, Harry this is my younger sister Narcissa Malfoy… or I should say, Narcissa Black."

"Please, call me Aunt Cissy." Narcissa says, holding her hand out for Harry to take.

Awkwardly pressing a kiss to the back of her hand Harry blushes as the older witch lets out a giggle. "Well he won't win any etiquette contests, but he's certainly cute."

Blushing again Harry thinks back to the introduction. "Wait, do you mean Malfoy as in Draco Malfoy?" Harry asks warily.

A grimace falling over her face Narcissa sighs as she speaks up once more. "Indeed, I'm sorry about my son Harry, he's taken after his father too much," She says. "I'm hoping to curb that behaviour this summer, a few weeks spent with a coven of witches should do him some good."

"Careful, Harry will be asking to join if you carry on." Andromeda teases. "If you're not busy why don't you join us for an ice cream?"

"Well… I suppose it has been too long since I've had this kind of freedom." Quickly agreeing the three make their way over to the store, taking a seat outside as they place their orders with a witch, her hair dyed a matching shade to the treats with a vivid bubblegum-blue colour.

Soon receiving their treats the two sisters begin to catch up as Harry listens on.

Having finished their ice cream, Andromeda turns to her sister once more. "So what were you doing here today anyway, I figured you'd be celebrating instead?"

A red tinge falling over her pale cheeks Narcissa looks away as she replies. "I was… When I bumped into you I was making my way to Erin's store, she still has that back room right?"

"You were rushing there?!" Andromeda exclaims. "That place is used by the younger crowd too impatient or cheap to make their way to a witch's bar."

Blushing further Narcissa looks pained as she replies. "Okay I know it's not perfect, but you have no idea how long it's been!" She says. "I've barely been touched by Lucius since Draco was born, and ever since last year he's even limited my other options at… relief."

"Sorry Cissy, I didn't realise it was that bad." Andromeda says with a frown, before her face quickly lights up again. "Why not ask Harry? I'm sure he'd be happy to help."

Turning to look at the young wizard Harry blushes at the two pair of eyes staring him down. One holding a calculating look while the other looks on in amusement.

"Is that true Harry, would you really be willing to help a witch like me?" Narcissa asks.

With red cheeks Harry looks away shyly but nods his head in response.

"I don't know Andi, Harry doesn't seem too eager to me." Narcissa teases, aiming to push Harry's buttons. "Maybe I'm just not as appealing…" Narcissa says with a dramatic sigh.

"No!" Harry quickly replies. "It's not that Aunt Cissy, I'd love to help you, it's just… anyone could see, the witches anyway..." Harry finishes with a whisper.

"Of course they can, and you should feel proud of yourself!" Narcissa says, before her voice lowers to a husky growl. "If you agree I'm going to take out my cock, and then you're going to get on your knees, polish my shaft with your mouth and beg me to shove it in your ass. And when you've done a good enough job I'm going to lay you over this table, and fuck you like the slut you are, no matter who watches."

"I've lived my life hiding my desires Harry, will you help me end that?"
