
Harry Potter: Novice Swordsman

For every review I will release one extra chapter Harry Potter now lives in the magical world where every woman has a wand bigger than him. Watch how he combats opponents and feel his hardship. Enjoy the journey of a double-edged wand master, There is no plot. This was written for special people who enjoy special stuff.

maxphantom · Book&Literature
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66 Chs

Private Tutoring Arithmancy

Little change of pace for this one, focusing on a series of smaller scenes with different witches as Harry has a very long day with his favourite teachers.

Arithmancy Classroom, the following morning

Setting down his quill Harry is relieved to have been able to follow the lesson with only some small tips from Hermione, gathering his books he stands up to follow her out the room.

"Mr Potter, could you stay behind a moment?" He hears Professor Vector call.

Waving off Hermione he turns to meet his new professor.

"Don't forget Harry, my Runes lesson starts in 30 minutes." Hermione says as she leaves, giving her friend a knowing smile.

Fighting off the blush threatening to hit his cheeks Harry looks to his Professor.

"I just wanted to see how you were doing Harry," The older witch speaks up. "Nothing too challenging I hope?" She asks.

Harry looks over at the Professor sitting at the large desk at the front of the room. Professor Septima Vector sits with robes decked in her usual shades of deep greens, proudly displaying her Slytherin heritage, as well as enhancing the soft curves of her body and her firm breasts beneath. Her brunette hair falling in light curls across her shoulders, with a pair of short, small rimmed reading glasses sitting on her face, her hazel eyes sparkling beneath. His attention quickly falls on her plump lips coated in a deep maroon.

Realising he had been staring for too long Harry speaks up quickly. "N-no professor!" He replies. "I only had to ask Hermione a couple of questions."

Receiving a smile in return the professor speaks up again. "I'm glad to hear," She replies. "But should you ever find yourself struggling please let me know, I'd be happy to give you some… special tutoring."

Her words quickly sinking in Harry feels his cheeks begin to redden once more. Before he begins to panic further he musters up his Gryffindor courage once more.

"I would really appreciate that Professor," He replies. "Could you maybe give me a quick… tip now?"

With a wide smile Septima gestures the young wizard to approach her desk, turning her chair to the side as he walks over.

Wasting no time Harry falls to his knees in front of her seat, smiling as the older witch soon spreads her knees apart for him to move closer.

Picking up her wand Harry watches as she begins to slowly point it down her body, as she reaches her feet Harry sees a pair of vivid emerald panties on the ground, smoothly stepping one foot out to allow them to sit against her ankle.

"All yours Harry." She says, reclining back in her seat.

Her words being all the permission he needs Harry reaches up to begin parting her robe, revealing the soft pale skin of her legs as he goes. Finally reaching her hips Harry lets out a deep breath as a smooth thick cock falls against her thigh.

Seeing the mast already begin to harden Harry gently wraps his hand around her shaft, slowly pulling back the skin to reveal the soft pink head of her cock. His other hand coming to rest against her sack he gently caresses her balls as he begins stroking the cock before him.

Watching the young wizard stroke her cock Septima quickly feels herself begin to harden, a soft pleasure running along her shaft. Her length firmly hardening to a girthy 9 inch cock.

Feeling his mouth begin to water Harry can't hold himself back any longer before eagerly leaning forward to wrap his mouth around the soft bulbous head of her cock.

Swallowing down a moan Harry soaks in the taste of her flesh, the sweet tones of her precum hitting his tongue. Running his tongue along her tip Harry quickly coats it in his spit before moving to swallow more of her thick shaft.

With a hand still softly massaging her balls Harry soon feels her begin to enter his throat. Moaning around her shaft Harry feels the pleasure run through him as her worships the thick cock of his professor. Soon feeling her bottom out in his throat.

With her entire length buried within the eager young wizard Septima softly places a hand behind his head.

"I'm going to fuck your face now Harry," She says with a groan. "If you don't mind?" She asks, waiting for her young partner to approve.

Hearing a deep moan of approval she lets out a smile before slowly pulling her length from within his throat. With half her shaft removed she forcefully powers back down, groaning in satisfaction at the feeling of his tight throat.

Feeling her thrusts pick up speed Harry slides his hands around to her firm ass and holds on, letting her power her cock deeply as she begins to facefuck him. Sharp stabs of pleasure spoke through each thrust as his cock sits firm, untouched in his pants.

Soon thrusting with all her might Septima moans freely as spit flows from Harry's mouth as he chokes on her cock. Feeling her balls begin to tighten Septima firmly lodges her entire length down Harry's throat before unloading with a deep yell.

Feeling her cock begin to fire Harry's body tingles as thick ropes of cum fire straight into his stomach. For seconds her shaft continues to unload as hot blasts of seed are deposited within.

With a groan of satisfaction Septima slowly begins to pull her shaft from Harry's mouth, smiling as he takes deep breathes along the way. As her tip falls from his lips she gently wraps her hand around her shaft before firmly slapping her now softening length across his face.

With her cock still resting against his head the pair begin to come down, Septima basking in pleasure as Harry takes deep breaths.

Looking at the time Septima leans forward for a quill and parchment, her slick shaft pressing against Harry's face as she does.

"Here Harry," She speaks up. "I'll write a note for Professor Babbling to explain why you're late, but you better run along quickly."

Seeing the time Harry thanks the witch before scrambling to his feet, note in hand.

"Oh and Harry," She speaks up as he reaches the door. "Make sure to give her my apologies." She finishes, smiling as Harry quickly makes his way from the classroom, note in hand.

Five minutes later, the Ancient Runes classroom

"…Mr Potter, I do expect all my students to arrive on time." Professor Bathsheda Babbling chides the young out of breath wizard entering the room.

"I'm sorry Professor!" Harry quickly replies. "I have a note to explain." He says, holding the note for the young professor to take.


Pleasure excuse Mr Potter for being late, he was providing me with some wonderful assistance.

As an apology please do allow for young Harry to assist you as well once your class is over.


P.S. He enjoys a firm touch, and his throat is to die for x

Seeing a wide smile fall on his professors face Harry takes the note back before taking a seat next to a smirking Hermione.

"Do I even need to ask?" His friend asks softly, pleased to receive a tell-tale blush in return.

Curious to see how he got off so easy Harry reads over the note in his hand. His cheeks quickly reddening further in response. Looking over his shoulder Hermione lets out a giggle as she reads the note.

"Well she's not lying." She whispers in his ear, sliding her hand over his lap to firmly squeeze his still hard cock.

Letting him go with a smile the two turn their attention to the class as they take notes over the lesson.

