
Harry Potter: Novice Swordsman

For every review I will release one extra chapter Harry Potter now lives in the magical world where every woman has a wand bigger than him. Watch how he combats opponents and feel his hardship. Enjoy the journey of a double-edged wand master, There is no plot. This was written for special people who enjoy special stuff.

maxphantom · Book&Literature
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66 Chs

Playing Dress-up 2

Blushing further Harry brings up his courage and quickly lowers his boxers to the ground.

Her eyes quickly glancing at the small, hardening shaft revealed, Sarah lets out another encouraging smile. "Very nice Harry, that's such a cute cock."

His length quickly hardening in response, Harry shyly looks away, a smile forming on his face.

With a grin the younger witch soon directs Harry up onto a platform, standing just a couple feet from the ground but with room to walk around on, and begins to take Harry's measurements, leaning close to Harry with a measure of tape rather than using her wand. Running it down his back she gently gropes his bum as she moves, smirking as Harry moans in response.

Moving back around to his front she pulls the tape around his waist, pausing as she encounters his hard length standing in the way. Giggling to herself she gently presses her hand against Harry's hard cock, tilting it down out of her way.

"Sorry little guy, just need to get past you." The witch coos to his firm cock, her hand gently stroking down the length as she pulls back.

With red cheeks Harry stands still as the witch finishes taking the measurements. "All done!" She declares. "You just hold still and I'll go pick out some things for you to try."

Turning to leave Sarah is gently pulled to the side by Andromeda, who whispers into her ear. The pair sharing a grin as the younger witch leaves.

Standing in place Harry looks over the store, with the measuring area tucked in at the back Harry is provided relative privacy from the windows to the Alley, but his momentary relief is put to an end as he hears the door to the store open once more.

With wide eyes Harry looks across the racks or clothing as he spots a group of three middle-aged witches begin browsing the selection, looking to be in their mid-30s all three wear fashionable robes, each looking to be pureblood witches in appearance. Frozen in place Harry stares as one of the witches, a slim woman with pale skin and short red hair, looks over to see him standing in place.

Unashamedly looking over his body the red-haired witch gives him a kind smile, before not so subtly pointing him out to her friends, a beautiful Asian woman with long black hair, and a brunette with bronze skin with curled hair framing her face. Now with three witches staring at him, grins forming on their face, Harry feels the embarrassment creeping up. Before he can panic further, he feels the soft touch of Andromeda's hand against his leg.

"Don't worry Harry, they're just pleased to see you." Andromeda says, watching as the three witches begin moving about the store once more, occasionally throwing glances in Harry's direction. "See, you've got nothing to worry about."

Interrupted by the return of Sarah, Harry is relieved to be handed the first set of clothes to try on. Turning his head Harry looks back at the open dressing rooms behind him.

Seeing his gaze Andromeda speaks up. "It's up to you Harry, but did you really want to have to walk back and forth all day, we've got a lot to try on after all."

Blushing still, Harry decides to follow his courage and begin dressing on the platform he's stood on, all the while feeling the gaze of the two women, and the not at all subtle glances of three more.

Turning to look at the outfit in a mirror Harry glances over the new look, pleased at how much better they look and fit to this old clothes.

"Very nice."

Startled by the new voice Harry turns to find the red-haired witch staring at him in appreciation.

"Sorry to interrupt dear, I just thought that outfit looked very cute on you," The witch says. "Not that you weren't very cute already." She finishes with a wink, her eyes running down to the noticeable tent in his trousers.

"T-thank you…" Harry stammers.

Watching as the kind witch goes back to browsing the store, Harry blushes at her praise.

"Told you." Andromeda says with a smirk.

A couple hours of outfit changes later

Beginning to feel tired Harry watches as Sarah comes back with a new selection of clothes, the purchase pile already looking quite large. To his side Andromeda sits chatting with the three witches that had entered the store earlier, having invited them to join her for some tea while they happily watch Harry try in various outfits, each complimenting him along the way.

"Okay Harry, just one last thing for us to cover before you can go," Sarah says. "Here, try these first." Holding out her hand she smiles as she hands Harry a pair of soft light blue panties.


"Remember Harry, you promised." Andromeda says from the side, a wide grin on her face as her plan pays off.

Blushing deeply Harry accepts the small pair of underwear, giving in he begins to pull them up his legs.

Standing straight once more he hears the soft gasps come from the women watching.

"Oh perfect!"

"They fit him so well!"

"Look at how cute it looks."

With his still hard shaft pressed in against the cloth Harry stands in place embarrassed.

"Hermione would love those." Andromeda softly says, watching as Harry perks up instantly.


Smiling Andromeda nods. "Really. You wear a cute pair of panties like that and you'll have any witch falling over themselves to get at you."

"Here Harry, try this pair too."

Looking back to Sarah Harry accepts the green lacy pair she holds out, soon finding it to be a thong. Feeling more confident he slides the blue pair down his legs before quickly trying then on.

"Wow, I think we have a winner." Sarah says, her eyes roaming to his back, staring at his soft cheeks revealed clearly.

"Definitely, add a number of those in a variety of colours, and some other varieties too, I'm sure Harry will enjoy them for special occasions." Andromeda says.

Writing down a note Sarah nods in agreement.

"Okay, and with that we're all done, unless there was anything else you needed?" Sarah asks.

"Just one thing," Andromeda says, before turning to Harry with a smirk. "Harry would like to offer a personal thank you."

Blushing once more Harry soon finds himself nodding in agreement as the blonde-haired witch turns to face him.

"How can I say no to that." The witch says with a smile.
