
Harry Potter: Novice Swordsman

For every review I will release one extra chapter Harry Potter now lives in the magical world where every woman has a wand bigger than him. Watch how he combats opponents and feel his hardship. Enjoy the journey of a double-edged wand master, There is no plot. This was written for special people who enjoy special stuff.

maxphantom · Book&Literature
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66 Chs

Exchanging Gifts

I know I promised this would be the night at Bones manor, but I kinda got a little carried away at the setup and, well it got out of control...

So enjoy a bonus chapter full of Harry being teased in public, and as a warning just a touch of pee included too. Apologies for those that may not like that.

DMLE Office, the following day

Walking alongside Andromeda, Harry makes his way through the building to the head office on the top floor. Spotting Amelia's office Harry stops to shyly greet the familiar witch sitting at the desk in front.

"Harry! It's so good to see you again." Connie says as she stands to make her way around the desk. Her blonde hair held in a tight ponytail, as she stands Harry takes in her tight white blouse and the professional looking pencil skirt below.

"Hi Connie, it's good to see you too." Harry says, blushing as the witch in question gives him a soft peck on the lips.

"You guys can go right in, Amelia's waiting for you," Connie says, before leaning close to whisper in Harry's ear. "I look forward to seeing you again soon, Harry." She moans, a hand reaching down to subtly grope his ass.

With a red face Harry follows Andromeda into the office.

"Andi, good to see you," Amelia says with a smile, walking over to hug the other witch. "And of course it's good to see you too Harry." She says, leaning down to give him a quick but eager kiss.

"Good to see you too Amy, I hope you don't mind that I wanted to accompany Harry here, ever since you told me about his present I wanted to be there to see it in action." Andromeda says with a grin.

Grinning back at the other witch Amelia turns to look at Harry. Dressed in her auror robes and with her hair held in a bun she cuts a very impressive figure, with the gentle glint in her eyes helping to relax Harry.

"I can't blame you, ever since I got the approval I've been itching to give it to him." Amelia says.

Now more than curious Harry watches as Amelia holds out a small gift-wrapped box.

"Merry Christmas Harry." Amelia says.

Accepting the box with a smile Harry begins to unwrap it as the two witches watch on encouragingly. Opening the box Harry finds a small piece of leather, just large enough to fit his wrist.

"It's a wand holster Harry, like ours." Amelia explains. "It's covered in a wide number of charms, like notice-me-not, anti-theft, resizing and more. But it has one very unique charm… It contains a permanent Witch's privacy charm."

"Y-you mean the one…"

"The very same one," Amelia replies with a grin. "It requires extensive approval from a council of witches for a wizard to be granted one of these, we take great measures to ensure our magic can't be abused by those unable to cast it, I don't think there's been one given away in Britain for 50 years."

"Really?" Harry says in awe.

"Really Harry," Andromeda says. "You see not only does the charm cover you, but it includes you…"

Seeing Harry's confused expression Amelia explains further. "That means that while you're wearing this, magic itself will see you as a witch, and you won't be effected by the charm when it's used by other witches." Amelia says. "That's why we restrict its use, as it would take a very trustworthy wizard to be able to intrude on our privacy like that."

"Luckily you have a lot of powerful witch friends." Andromeda says from the side. "I believe no less than 6 witches on staff at Hogwarts came forward to vouch for you, I think you might have a lot of thank you's to make when you get back there." Andromeda says with a smirk.

Staring at the gift in awe Harry feels touched by the actions of the older women in his life. "T-thank you." Harry says.

"He's so cute." Amelia gushes. "We get him a present that only helps him to pleasure us and he's still nothing but grateful. Never change Harry."

"Harry's the only boy I've met who will take a you deep in his throat with a smile and then thank you after." Andromeda says giggling. "And I love him for it." She says sincerely.

"There's one other witch you should thank as well Harry, Perenelle Flamel." Amelia says. "I have to admit, I'm very curious just how it is you came to know a 600 year old witch to the point where she's breaking her and her husbands seclusion to come and speak on your behalf."

Remembering back to this first year Harry explains the story to the two astonished witches, who throughout look on in a mixture of awe and horror.

"Okay, I definitely need to talk to Minnie some more about Albus." Amelia mutters. "But we'll deal with that another time. Mrs Flamel did pass on this note for you as well."

Dear Harry,

Thank you for your help in protecting our gift, I'm not sure how much Albus told you but we were very unhappy with his actions. I'm afraid we didn't discover the full story until just recently, when Amelia raised your name to the witch's council she shared your selfless story of how you protected the school from a basilisk.

After this we decided to look closer at a few of the half-truths Albus shared and the true tale soon fell into place, and after contacting Minerva we soon confirmed the full story. We've made steps to ensure something like that won't happen again, something I'm sure Amelia will soon be helping with.

In the meantime, when you arrive in France I would very much like to show my appreciations in person. I hope to see both you and the lovely Miss Granger then.

Gratefully yours

Perenelle Flamel

Puzzled by the end of the note Harry turns to Andromeda. "Are we going to France?" Harry asks in confusion.

"What do you mean? I've spoken with Emma about possibly taking you along with them during the Summer, but we haven't set any dates yet." Andromeda replies, surprised by Harry's question.

Holding out the note, Andromeda reads through it before giggling at the end.

"Of course she would know about that before we do." Andromeda says laughing. "Sorry Harry, while she's become very reclusive these days it was often speculated that Perenelle had the gifts of a seer, at least to a small extent."

Passing the note over to Amelia, Andromeda smiles back to Harry. "Looks like you and your girlfriend will be taking a summer trip after all." She says. "You think I can sweet talk Emma into letting you share a room? Actually, think I could sweet talk her into sharing my room?" Andromeda says with a grin.

Smiling back Harry laughs at his now excited Aunt.
