
Harry potter: Multiverse story

Let me tell you the story of how i died, met some self proclaimed god, And got a ticket to the multiverse. First world: Harry potter. Second world: Haruhi suzumiya. . . . This is a wish fulfillment story. i am trying to give it regular updates but dont have great expectations on the character. it will have twists and turns like a roller coaster that phineas and ferb would have made. i see many over complicate and give too op golden finger. i want to give a non op bit still op( if you know what i mean) experience

atharva_saraf · Movies
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31 Chs

Daigon alley ii

McGonagall and i got to the entrance of the ' Leakey couldren'. as she entered the pub i noticed that the couldren sign appeared on the board just like in the movies.

the place was very shabby and dirty, there were many wizards and witches drinking.

as we passed tom the bartender he greeted McGonagall and she nodded.

we finally reached the bridge b/w the wizarding world and the mundane world.'The brick wall'.

"Miss Granger this is the entrance to the wizarding world.", then she tapped on the wall with her wand and it started moving.

" welcome to the daigon alley"

she said with a proud smile, i understand that she had much work but she probably enjoyed showing muggleborns the wonders of magic.

As we walked further inside the alley i could see many children with their parents. first we went to the gringotts.

It was a majestic white tall building, it towered over others as if declaring its superiority.

As we entered i could see the warning and it simply made me laugh, 3 seventeen year old wizards broke into it with such a simple plan, it was humorous.

"we would like to exchange money" said McGonagall.

"How much" asked goblin in a gruff tone.

300 pounds said McGonagall while giving him the money that dad provided.

as we changed money i looked around, there were many people waiting to exchange, i think Hogwarts students had a special privilege to not have to wait in line.

After that we exited the building. it was one of a kind experience.

Next we went to the madame malkin's, nothing noteworthy happened there, got some new robes and comfy dresses.

The next shop was the one for which any hp fan will be exited as hell.

'The olivanders'. as described in the books, the shop was mysterious and filled with suspense.

"Ah hello ms granger, i have been waiting for your arrival" said olivander popping from who knows where.

"Good morning to you mr olivander" i greet nervously.

"Lets get your wand without further ado otherwise readers will be unhappy."said olivander glancing upwards.

"What?" i ask a little bewildered.

"Nothing", he says and rushes off to find the right wand for me.

I think he somehow knows about the multiverse, but what he said about the readers??

He came with a black box with a name written on it.

"linda H"

ignoring the name i concentrated on which type of wand would be in it.

As he opened the box, i could feel that something's about to happen.

inside the box was a purely white wand and it was short in stature just like a-

before i could complete my thought mr olivander gestured me to pick the wand.

As i grabbed it i was enveloped by a feeling of immense relief.

hohoho it was the right choice , i was correct it is the situation i was most convinced of occurring in the reality.

with that he moved away to go inside the shop.

Ah and you dont need to pay for it, this is heavens blessing that the wand is not in my shop anymore, probably now the destruction will not happen to my small shop.

with that i left the shop and met with McGonagall outside and then we departed towards our home.

(AN: my school have started and i dont think i will have the time, so if i posted then its your good luck and if not then ...

and also comment it motivates me to make more chs, in this ch i phone meme was mentioned
