
Harry Potter, Monkey King Campione(Being reworked)

My "family", in the loosest sense of the word, thought it would be a good idea to go on a trip to Italy. I'd enjoyed my days away from them at Hogwarts over the last 3 years, so having to deal with them again was a pain. I was surprised they even decided to take me with them. What I didn't expect was for a monkey with a giant staff to attack me.

DanteMustDie · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

World Cup

Mr. Weasley led us to our tent, which had a magical charm on it to expand the inside. It was almost like it was a small house with how big the inside of it was. We all quickly put our stuff down inside and then went outside to explore the area.

Ron, Hermione, and I walked in one direction while the others went in another direction. As we walked, Ron talked about the game that would happen tonight.

"I mean, Krum's amazing. He's only a little older than us and he's the best seeker in the league." Ron said.

"Ha, you sound like a fangirl Ron." I responded.

"He's just really good, that's all." Ron replied, looking sheepish.

"Well I for one wonder more about who the new DADA teacher is going to be, then who will win a quidditch game." Hermione said.

"Not a quidditch game Hermione, the quidditch game. It's the most important event of the year." Ron protested.

From there the two started bickering and I tuned them out, wandering a little ways away from them to get on my own. I walked between different tents, looking at all of the different people that had gathered for the game. It was as I was walking that I could feel a weird aura in the air, moving towards different people, but it completely avoided me.

'What is that?' I thought and activated my authority to try to track down the source. I was assaulted with tons of life signatures at once, but after a second I got used to it and tracked the aura to its source. Walking towards where I could sense the source, I rounded a corner to find an ethereally attractive girl walking around.

'She's the one putting off the aura?'

I moved towards her, not really sure what I was going to say, but I was curious what it was. It turned out I didn't need to say anything because as soon as I neared her she suddenly sharply turned around and looked at me in surprise.

She then rushed towards me and looked at me curiously.

"You are the newest Campione? I didn't expect it to be someone so young, and I especially didn't expect for it to be Harry Potter." she said.

"Wait, how the hell can you tell that I'm a Campione." I asked, suddenly worried that more wizards would figure out what I am.

My worry apparently showed on my face because she began giggling. "You don't have to worry about other people figuring out what you are. I'm a special case."

"What's so different about you? I mean besides that aura you're putting out everywhere."

"Oh so you can sense the allure. That is precisely the reason I knew you were a Campione. I'm quarter veela and our allure behaves strangely around Campione. You're like a dead zone, so it's easy to tell when you're near."

"You're allure?" I asked, a little less confused, but still not sure what she meant.

"You don't know what veela are? We're a magical species that gives off an allure that draws in men, making them have a hard time focusing in our presence. It's passive unless we focus, so it's a bit of a hinderance for me." she said.

"Yeah I can see how that would be. Sorry, I never got your name." I sheepishly said.

"Fleur Delacour. It would be hard to not already know who you are Harry Potter." Fleur said with an amused smile on her face.

"Huh, I thought maybe I would be less recognizable without my scar."

"Your scar is gone? I had thought it was just hidden by your hair, but your eyes and hairstyle are distinctive as well."

"Yeah, becoming a Campione got rid of it. I'm not mad at that at all, though." I responded.

"The attention can be bothersome, can't it. I wish there was a way for me to turn off my allure, so maybe I could avoid the attention for a little while. It can get annoying when people can't even hold a conversation with you without drooling." Fleur said.

"Well maybe you'll figure out a way to turn it off. In the meantime, you'll just have to look for special cases like me to talk to."

"I guess I will." Fleur said.

"Fleur, where are you!" was heard being yelled somewhere a little ways in the distance, by what sounded like a little girls voice.

"Sorry, that's my sister Gabby. I need to go meet up with her. It was nice talking to you, hopefully I'll see you again." Fleur said.

"I'll be sure to try to catch you before the World Cup ends." I responded. Fleur nodded and turned to walk away towards her sister, giving me a wave as she left.

'Veela huh. Well at least I don't have to worry about other people finding out I'm a Campione.'

I turned around and began to walk back to where Ron and Hermione were.

'Hopefully they're done bickering by now.'

It took a little searching with the help of my Senjutsu, but I found them. When I walked up to them, they had stopped arguing and were looking for me.

"Harry mate, where'd you go?" Ron asked.

"I thought I'd check out the area while you two were arguing."

"That was irresponsible, what if we couldn't find you." Hermione lectured.

"It was fine, I found you guys easily enough. Let's go back to the tent, the game will start in a little while." I replied, not wanting Hermione to really get going.

We slowly made our way back to the tent. Once we made it back, we stood outside the tent and took in more of the sights for a little while until Mr. Weasley came back and told us it was time to head to the stadium.

He led us through the mob of people making their way over and up the stairs at the colosseum until we reached the top box, surprisingly.

"I helped Ludo Bagman out, so he got me these seats." Mr. Weasley explained.

Entering the box, we found Minister Fudge already there attempting to speak to a man. The surprise, however, was Fleur sitting in the box next to a tall blonde man, a woman who was putting off a slight allure, but it was much more tightly controlled than Fleur's was, and a little girl.

"Are you enjoying yourself so far." Fudge said slowly.

The man just looked at Fudge confused. It was then that Fudge took notice of us, getting out of his seat and rushing towards us, shaking my hand.

"Harry Potter, how nice to see you again. Pardon me, I was attempting to talk to the Bulgarian minister, but he doesn't speak English. Over there is the French minster and his family as well."\

"Nice to see you again Minister. I'm going to just take my seat if you don't mind." I replied.

"Yes yes, of course, be my guest." Fudge said, moving out of the way.

Fleur and her family had taken notice of us when Fudge made his commotion, so she saw me after he moved out of the way.

"Harry, come sit over here." She said, gesturing to the seat next to her. Shrugging my shoulders and ignoring the surprised looks from the Weasleys and Hermione, I made my way over and sat next to her, with the rest of the group following suit and sitting either behind me and Fleur, or on the other side with Fudge and the Bulgarian Minister.

"I didn't know you were the French Minister's daughter." I said to Fleur.

"Well you didn't ask. I didn't expect to see you up here." Fleur responded.

"My friend's dad managed to get tickets to sit up here. Oh, this is Ron and Hermione, they're my friends from school."

"Nice to meet you two." Fleur said to the two of them.

"Hi" Ron slurred a little, having difficulty talking to Fleur due to her allure.

'So this is how someone acts around an allure.'

"So you're a veela then? I've read so much about you." Hermione said.

"Quarter-veela and most of what English books say about us is wrong anyway." Fleur responded.

"How could they be wrong, books contain facts." Hermione said.

'I can already tell this conversation is going nowhere.'

"Fleur, do you want to introduce me to your family." I cut in.

"Oh, my apologies I got distracted. This is my mother Apolline, my father Jean, and my little sister Gabby. She's a huge fan by the way." Fleur said, faking like she was whispering a secret to me at the last part.

"You're Harry Potter right. Do you really fight dragons and save girls from danger." Gabby asks, bouncing in her chair excitedly.

"Well I haven't met any dragons yet. Maybe I will soon. If you get in any danger though, I'll be sure to save you." I responded.

"You better." Gabby said, pointing her finger at me with a serious look on her face.

Someone else came in through the entrance. Turning around, I found Draco and his family entering the top box.

"Lucius, come sit over here." Fudge called out to him. Lucius made his way over to them, while Draco stopped in front of me for a second.

"Found your way up to the top box, now have you Potter." Draco said.

He then turned and looked at Fleur while saying "You'd be better off sitting with me, I'm sure scar head isn't very entertaining."

Fleur looked at him strangely and said "Yes, I'm sure the talking ferret would be much more entertaining. Do you do shows?"

I started laughing, with Ron doing much the same in his allure addled haze.

Draco turned red before swinging on the balls of his feet and going over to sit with his father.

"That was amazing Fleur. He somehow got tired of bothering me at school and decided to bother me in public too." I said.

"Yes, well those type of people are the most annoying." Fleur said while smiling.

It was at this point that horns were sounded and the game was beginning to get started, so we stopped talking for the moment.

First, the teams flew out with their mascots. The Irish team flew into the air with a giant leprechaun following them. It threw gold into the air in all directions, with some of it falling towards us.

Picking up a piece I looked at it closely. I could sense magic coming off of it, but I wasn't sure what it did.

"It's leprechaun gold. It will disappear after a little while." Fleur said.

After the Irish team came the Bulgarian team. They flew out with Viktor Krum in the lead. After they flew out, a group of women came onto the field, dancing and swaying to music. I could feel a concentrated allure surround me as the people around me began to act up.

Ron was rushing towards the edge of the box, attempting to climb out of the window. Quickly running forward, I pulled him back inside and sat him down in his seat.

"Your friend is particularly susceptible to allure." Fleur said, looking amused.

"Yeah, between you and me, he's a little weak willed." I whispered back to her.

The veela display went on for a little while longer, until the leprechaun threw some gold at them. They responded by shifting, changing into a bird like hybrid form and began to throw fireballs at the leprechaun.

Turning to Fleur, I looked at her curiously. "Can you do that?"

"Get me angry enough and maybe you'll see." she said teasingly.

It took a little while, but the mascots were calmed down and the game began. Watching professional quidditch was an entirely different experience to the school games. Everything was so much more fast pace and intense. I was sucked into the game, having some small conversation with Fleur, but mainly concentrating on the game.

The Irish team got up by a lot of points early on, with the Bulgarian team slowly bringing it back. It was during the game that I felt someone go in my pocket and take my wand. They were small, so it was probably someone's house elf. I just let them run away with it, waiting for a little bit before recalling it back to me.

'Why would a house-elf try to take my wand? I'm just glad I fused it with my staff beforehand.'

Ignoring it for now, I continued to watch the game. Krum suddenly dived towards the ground, with the Irish seeker following him. Right before he hit the ground, he suddenly pulled up, streaking into the air. The Irish seeker wasn't so lucky, crashing into the ground head first.

"Oh and Krum pulls off a Wronski Feint." The announcer said.

Right after that, Krum flew solidly in a direction and caught the snitch, ending the game in a loss for Bulgaria.

"Ha, we guessed it." The twins cheered. Apparently that had put a bet that Krum would catch the snitch, but Ireland would win.

Everyone in the box began to get up and slowly make their way towards the exit.

"Well this has been fun Fleur. Hopefully I'll get to see you again sometime." I said.

Fleur surprised me by giving me a hug before standing back and smirking. "I may be seeing you sooner than you think." was her response before she started to follow her family out of the box.

After she left, Ron was a lot more clearly able to think. "Harry, you have all the luck."

"Maybe if you could actually talk without drooling, you'd have some luck to Ron." Hermione said, looking annoyed at Ron.

This of course set the two off to bicker. I tuned them out, ignoring their arguing as we made our way back to the tent. I laid down and went to sleep for the night soon after.

I was woken up abruptly when Mr. Weasley rushed in.

"Wake up, everybody wake up. Death Eaters are attacking."

I jumped up quickly getting dressed and summoning my staff in the form of my wand. Joining with Ron and Hermione, we headed outside with everyone else.

"Ron, Hermione, Harry stick together. Meet at the portkey." Mr. Weasley said. We nodded and moved as a group towards the portkey. People all around us were rushing about, trying to get away from where spell fire could be heard. Fires were raging around us.

As we were moving through, the stampede of people slowly separated me from the group.

'Damn it, I have to find them.'

I activated my Senjutsu to track them down, when I felt Fleur and her sister surrounded by a group of people near me.

'It could be guards, or it could be death eaters. It wouldn't hurt to check it out.' Rushing towards that are quickly, I stepped into a clearing to find a group of death eaters surrounding Fleur. I didn't need to worry that much, however, because she was making short work of them, taking them down while simultaneously protecting her sister.

Moving to join her, I fired off quick disarming spells at a couple of the death eaters that were left. They looked surprised as their wands flew out of their hands, giving me the element of surprise to hit them with a stunning spell, sending them down for the count.

"Harry look out." I heard Fleur yell behind me, causing me to turn around for a spell to impact my chest. it just washed down, doing nothing.

'Campione magical resistance is nice.'

Taking the opportunity while the death eater looked surprised, I hit him with a stupefy spell as well. Moving over the bodies on the ground that Fleur left, I made my way over to her and Gabby.

"Are you two alright?" I asked.

Fleur looked a little worn out, but otherwise fine, as she replied "Yeah, we're alright. Gabby it's safe now, look Harry Potter came."

Gabby slowly peaked out from behind her sister, before her eyes lit up when she saw me. "You said you'd save me and you did." She then rushed forward and came me a hug, but she only came up to my legs so she was just hugging one of my legs.

"Fleur, Gabby where are you." I heard a voice calling out.

"Here." Fleur called back. From the trees emerged their mother and father, along with another group of men.

"Are you two alright?" their parents asked, coming towards them.

"We are fine, Harry and I managed to deal with them" Fleur said.

Jean turned to me and held out a hand, which I took for a strong handshake. "Thank you for helping my daughters."

"It was no problem sir." I responded.

The family began to check up on each other, and I began to feel awkward, not really sure what to do in these situations. Inching my way out of the clearing, I was about to leave to go find the Weasleys when Fleur noticed me leaving.

"Harry you're leaving?"

"Yeah, I just need to go find the Weasleys, I'll be fine."

Fleur came towards me and gave me one more hug before pulling back and saying "Be careful. Although, out of anybody here, I'm pretty sure you're the one with nothing to worry about."

"I will, I'll be seeing you Fleur. Hopefully not like this though."

I walked out of the clearing and used my Senjutsu to locate the Weasleys. Making my way over to them, I found the group standing around the portkey waiting for me.

"Harry what happened?" Hermione said while rushing towards me.

"I got a little side tracked. Are you all ready to go?"

Everyone nodded and we all grabbed ahold of the boot to head back to the burrow. We made our way back from the hill towards the Weasley home. Once we got there, we entered to find a frantic Mrs. Weasley, who upon our entrance, rushed forward and pulled the group into a big hug.

'I'm getting a lot of hugs today.'

"I'm glad you lot are alright." She said.

From there, everybody calmed down and had a little food since it was breakfast time before either heading up to take a nap, or staying downstairs. Most of the group went to take a nap, while I pulled out the card I had received from Paolo.

"I'm going to head into the city for a little while. I'll be back soon." I called out to Mrs. Weasley.

She poked her head out of the kitchen where she was cleaning up and looked at me.

"Are you sure it's safe to go outside so soon after a death eater attack?" Mrs. Weasley asked, looking worried.

"It'll be fine, I'll be in a heavily populated area. They're not going to attack so soon after their most recent one anyway." I said.

Mrs. Weasley didn't look convinced, but still said "Alright, just be careful."

"I will" I called back, heading outside the door and making the walk into the city. I found a payphone and dialed the number on the card.

"Hello, this is Paolo Blandelli."

"This is Harry Potter. I'd like to meet with you today to get a better sense on the magical communities I should be aware of." I responded.

"Oh Harry. Come to the Copper-Black cross building at..." from there he gave me an address to go to. After getting the address, I hung up and caught the bus towards where the building was. When I arrived in front of it, I found a tall building waiting for me.

'Well, this will be my first real interaction with a mage association. Let's see how it goes.'

Is anyone else kind of annoyed that everytime a fanfic has Harry meet Fleur at the World Cup, she always almost gets raped. Like, she's a Triwizard champion, she's perfectly capabale of defending herself. Anyways, let me know what you think about the chapter.

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