
Harry Potter :Magic injuries

Before the start of fifth year Dumbledore changes the plans. Unfortunately he didn't bother to inform Harry. At his trial, Harry realises that it is down to him to save his own skin. To do so his Slytherin side must come out to play, and once it's out it sticks around turning life at Hogwarts on its head. . . . Subscribe to my patreon for advanced content... patreon.com/Fernandodavid . . . The novel is available in PDF format so those who wish to continue it can visit my store

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Chapter 44

Dumbledore studied her for a minute, his eyes twinkling slightly. Harry barely kept himself from scowling, having been warned that such a thing was a rare sign of Legillimency. Although Dumbledore would find nothing in Padma's mind to contradict their version of events, Harry still made a mental note to help Padma learn the basics of Occlumency. One could not be too careful after all.

The Headmaster took his gaze off of Padma, looked to the other three Slytherins in the room and asked "And you? Do you three agree with this version of events?"

After getting three nods in reply he turned to Harry and asked "Which other prefects were involved?"

"Abbott, MacMillan, Chang, Hooper, Summerby, Dunstan and Parkin," replied Harry "The Head Boy was there as well. Would you like to question them?"

"No," said Dumbledore "No, that will not be necessary." He turned to the group of four "And what of your version of events?"

Neither Malfoy nor Parkinson said anything in reply. Crabbe and Goyle said nothing either, though it was debatable whether or not they would have understood the question.

Harry smiled slightly. It appeared that Draco Malfoy might have actually learned his lesson.

"Very well," said Dumbledore "The four of you have served punishment enough. You may go."

The four exchanged looks of glee and made to leave.

Harry could barely believe what he had just heard and spoke up "No, they may not go. As I said, their solitary confinement on the train was for the protection of the other students, not to be their punishment."

"Be that as it may," said Dumbledore "you do not have the final word on this-"

"Actually I do," replied Harry.

He reached into his robes and pulled out the roll of parchment containing the Ministerial Decree that he had read out in the prefects' compartment on the train. He quickly quoted the line about being able to reprimand prefects who behaved inappropriately.

"And what then do you recommend?" asked McGonagall.

"I have already issued Malfoy and Parkinson with one strike each. Incidentally obtaining three such strikes will mean that they will lose their badge. In addition to that, I recommend a loss of twenty house points each and a week of detentions assisting Hagrid in mucking out the Hippogriff paddock. Crabbe and Goyle too."

"Now see here Potter-" began Snape, but Umbridge cut across him.

"Tragic though it may be that this has happened to the children of two such upstanding houses, I myself and the Minister fully support this punishment. Mr Malfoy and Miss Parkinson were caught behaving in a manner entirely unbecoming of a prefect. Serving a deserved punishment should make them think twice about such behaviour in the future."

Dumbledore leaned back in his chair looking thoughtful. Finally he said "Very well. The punishment shall stand."

"Headmaster, you cannot possibly allow Potter to get away with this!" shouted Snape "He's only trying to deduct as many points from Slytherin house as he possibly can."

"That is enough Severus," Dumbledore replied warningly. He turned to the four troublemakers "You will be informed when you will serve your detentions. You may leave."

As the group of four made their way towards the door, Umbridge asked "Will you be ensuring that these four make it back to their dormitories safely, Professor Snape?"

The man glared at her as Dumbledore said "I'm afraid that I still require Professor Snape's presence."

"Oh, are we done here?" asked Harry "If you've got a meeting with Professor Snape scheduled then we can postpone ours and I'll meet with Professor Flitwick in his office."

"Professor Snape is here as a part of my meeting with you," replied Dumbledore.

"Didn't realise," said Harry "I was operating under the assumption that I was to have a quick meeting with two of the heads of house regarding their students before having a meeting with the Headmaster and the deputy. I did not realise that you wished for the other heads of house to attend the main meeting. Perhaps someone ought to go and find Professor Sprout."

"That will not be necessary…" began Dumbledore before Harry cut him off.

"Why? If Professor Snape's presence is required in out meeting, and I can think of no reason for him to be other than is his role as head of Slytherin house, then logic dictates that Professor Sprout must be here too. And, of course, that Professor Flitwick should remain after I have discussed Prefect Patil with him."

Dumbledore regarded him with a piercing gaze. Harry saw the familiar twinkle in the man's eyes and made sure that his occlumency shields were up. He would not have been able to block out Dumbledore if the man had done a proper attempt at reading his mind, but a surface scan like Dumbledore was doing now was easily deflected by his shields.

Finally Dumbledore seemed to relent. He turned away from Harry and asked "Would you escort these three as well, Professor Snape?" He was referring, of course, to Daphne, Astoria and Tracey.

"Oh, they won't be going back to their dormitories tonight," said Harry "All three will need to visit the Hospital Wing following the fighting. Prefect Patil can escort them there after the two of us have talked with Professor Flitwick."

Professor Snape glared at him but wisely decided to do no more than that. He gave a stiff but courteous nod to Dumbledore before following the four troublemaking Slytherins out of the room.

Harry had expected a lot more arguing to occur, but then Draco had probably realised that he was not going to get much sympathy from anyone other than Snape or Pansy. He would probably begin penning a letter to his father the moment he got back to the Slytherin common room.

To be honest his dealing with Professor Snape had gone better than he had ever hoped. It seemed that Dumbledore's insistence at a meeting had a silver lining to it, resulting in Snape keeping himself in better check than normal.

The presence of Professor Umbridge probably helped too.

As the door closed behind Snape, Professor Flitwick spoke up "What is it that you desired to speak to me about, Mr Potter?"

"It was just to inform you that Prefect Patil here has been awarded a merit," replied Harry "Her behaviour on the train today was exemplary, and she is a credit to her not only those of her position but also her house and the school as a whole. A merit does of course come with twenty house points."

"Splendid!" said Professor Flitwick with a chuckle "I can see that I made the correct choice in giving you that badge Miss Patil, unlike others."

"Thank you," replied Padma. She, like Harry was thinking that Professor Flitwick might not have been referring solely to Snape's choice of Malfoy and Parkinson for prefect status.

Flitwick hopped down from his seat and said "If that is all, Mr Potter, I shall assist Miss Patil in escorting these three young ladies to the Hospital Wing before ensuring that she herself returns to Ravenclaw tower safely."

"Thank you for your time, Professor Flitwick." said Harry politely.

They all watched as the vertically challenged charms professor escorted the four students out of the Headmaster's office.

Then it was just the four of them. Harry and Umbridge on one side, Dumbledore and McGonagall on the other.

"This won't take long, Professor Umbridge," said Dumbledore "there is no reason for you to stay."

"Nor is there any reason for Professor McGonagall to stay." replied Umbridge.

The transfiguration professor drew herself up and replied "I am here because Mr Potter is a member of my house."

"Actually I'm not," replied Harry "Remember? I just announced it in the Great Hall when the feast ended."

McGonagall glared at him before responding "Then I am here as the Deputy Headmistress."

"And Professor Umbridge is here to make sure that you fully comprehend the Ministry's position on this matter." replied Harry.

"Very well," said Dumbledore wearily "Harry, why did you feel it necessary to claim your new position?"

"I already explained that down in the Great Hall" replied Harry "There have been too many prefects in the past that either did not bother doing their job or abused their position. I intend to weed them out and take any actions against them that are necessary. At the same time I will help the good prefects where I can, and assist my fellow students where required."




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