
Chapter 9: Demons At Hogwarts

(Moments after the twins woke James and Lily)

James and Lily looked curiously at Kiara and Amara as they giggled quietly to each other. Neither James nor Lily fully understood the twins' connection. Sometimes they swore the girls could hear each other's thoughts.

Lily smiled and said, "It must be an inside joke."

James laughed silently with her then pointed out the window of the moving stagecoach.

"Look, Lil, we are nearly there. It hasn't changed a bit." he said as Hogwarts came into view through the trees.

"The sight is as breathtaking as the first time," Lily whispered.

Finally they made it to the pathway, up to the main doors of the ancient school.

"Ready?" James asked.

"As we'll ever be. Kiara! Amara! Hurry now, come we're going in!" said Lily.

"Coming Mommy!" the two girls called.

If Lily and James could have seen magical connections, they would have seen streamers shooting into their two daughters. But then, even if they could have seen what was going on, they wouldn't have believed what they were seeing. The castle of Hogwarts was magically linking itself to the two, allowing them a link to the school's own magical source.

Why this would happen no one knows exactly, but some think that Hogwarts has some kind of intelligence. So it was only safe to say that the school knew something about the two that no one else did, as no one since the founders has been connected to the school as much as the twins.

Hogwarts wasn't the only thing interested in the two Potter girls, a powerful demon stared at the young girls as they ran to their parents. The demon stayed covered in shadows of the castle walls and a stream of moonlight lit up a part of her face.

And in the moonlight she smiled, revealing a pair of long sharp fangs.

…..the Potters will die…. came a whisper

Then the demon girl seemed to melt in to the shadows surrounding it…

(Dumbledore's Office)

Dumbledore stood in his office waiting for his newest Defence Professors to arrive. Truthfully he was shocked to receive a letter of agreement from them. He was almost sure they were going to tell him to go to hell, but obviously they didn't.

He continued to think until suddenly he felt a jolt of magic spread through the walls of Hogwarts. It was unfamiliar magic to him, but he knew it was powerful, much more powerful then anything he had ever encountered before, and that was saying something as he has encountered a great many things in his long life.

After a moment's concentration, his mouth dropped in astonishment. Through his connection with Hogwarts he was able to feel all its occupants' magical auras. So just imagine his shock when he saw that the odd magic was coming from two children.

"But how is this possible? How come I couldn't sense them earlier unless…." said Dumbledore as he ran across his office to check a funny looking object. It allowed Dumbledore to know when and where the magical energy was coming from.

"How can two little girls be giving off that much magical energy?" Dumbledore asked himself in amazement.

The old headmaster continued to think about what he saw in the corridors of Hogwarts, until he heard a knock on the door. Almost immediately his felt James's and Lily's strong auras and the two super auras as well.

"Come in James, Lily" he said, trying to sound normal so he wouldn't make the Potters more suspicions of him than they already were.

Both James and Lily walked in the office, the twins followed in tow.

"Ah, Lily, James, I thank you so much for coming. Lemon drop?" he said.

Both Lily and James declined and the twins seem to be ignoring the headmaster, acting very much out of character. Even Amara seem to be hiding behind Lily's leg while holding on to Kiara's hand, as if seeking comfort from her slightly older sister.

Dumbledore thought this strange, usually young kids liked him as if he was a grandfather. But, then again, they seemed to be no ordinary kids. Maybe they somehow knew what he had indirectly done to their family when they were only newborns.

James and Lily seemed to notice the twins' odd behaviour as well. They had expected this from Kiara, she was always the quiet one, but Amara talked to anyone who would listen.

"Girls, what's wrong?" asked Lily.

"Nothing, Mommy," they both said at the same time. But both continued to look Dumbledore in the eyes.

"I am sorry, Headmaster, they must be tired from the long journey here. It is well past their bed time." said Lily.

"Well, this won't take long I promise, I just need to give you the passwords to your quarters and its location. I think we can introduce you to the students tomorrow at breakfast." Dumbledore said.

"Thank you, Headmaster," said James.

Lily and James picked up their daughters and headed to their Living Quarters.

(Kiara and Amara)

The twins stared at each other knowing something wasn't right in the old castle to which their parents took them. They didn't understand why their parents couldn't see it. The magic of the walls of the old school glowed brightly around them, and if they listened carefully enough they could hear whispers of warning, telling them that this place wasn't safe for them.

They knew that as well, ever since they stepped into the castle they had felt a wave of cold sweep over them. They had run to their parents seeking warmth, but it was as if their parents hadn't noticed the sudden coldness. Even now they couldn't shake the cold feeling in their bones.

That was why they held each others hands, because when they did that, it seemed to push that coldness away.

Suddenly a welcoming voice warmed their hearts.

"Kia? Mara?"

"Harrwee!" they both squealed….


He had been eating in the great hall when he suddenly felt a magical surge spread through the walls of the school. What shocked him even more was that it felt just like Kiara's and Amara's magics.

Then he felt something else; it was a very dark and cold magic. It wasn't like Voldemort's magic, his was red hot, shining, and full of hatred . This was black, cold, and full of despair.

This aura was even more intense then the twins' auras. Harry could feel the cold aura running up his spine and seemingly trying to soak up all the magic around it, leaving a cold feeling in his bones.

He looked around the Great Hall; no else seemed to feel anything. he knew that only he could sense the Magic stirring in the school.

Starting to feel overwhelmed by magical energy, Harry lost his appetite. He stood up and decided he need to start putting all this information together. He still had so much to finish in this school year. He also still had the stone to worry about deep in the walls of the castle.

In addition to that, there were all those new mysteries he needed to figure out. Harry began to count them off in his head:

"First I need to figure out where Voldemort's spirit went. Then I need find out what the deal is with Casey Dumbledore, some how I highly doubt she is really related to the old man… Those shadows she was talking to in the RoR were not human, nothing even close… Anyway what else? oh yes, I also need to find a way to get ALL the houses to work together, again easier said then done. Most Slytherins have a major pureblood issue. Hmm.. I am forgetting something I know it… Oh hell! How could I forget about helping Uncle Reg with the dark mark? I should really start looking into that as well. Boy, times like this I wish there were three of me."

Harry continued to walk blindly down the corridors, still deep in thought. When he sensed two powerful magical auras that were interacting with the magic of Hogwarts,

the multicoloured aura of the school surrounded his two sisters.

"Kia? Mara?" he said


(Lily and James)

"Harry!" said Lily and James in surprise as they followed Kiara and Amara over to where Harry was standing.

As soon as the twins were in arms reach of their older brother James saw a glow of light surround them for a moment.

"Huh? Did you see that Lil?" he asked Lily quietly

Lily turned to him questioningly. " See what?" asked.

But James shook his head. "Maybe I was seeing things," he said as he stared at his three children.

"What did you see?" Lily asked.

"Harry, Kiara and Amara, they started glowing for a second, and then they stopped," he said.

"Hmm… I didn't see anything," Lily whispered.

James sighed and shook his head. "Oh, well, maybe it was nothing."

But James was wrong, it wasn't nothing, quite the opposite actually. You see, the moment Kiara and Amara came within arm's reach of their older brother their magics all connected to each other, resulting in a momentary build up of magic energy that now surrounded the three children.

Once the three siblings finished greeting each other, Lily and James finally got a chance.

"So how was your first week at Hogwarts, Harry?" James asked.

Harry smiled. They wouldn't really believe him if he told them about all the things he had discovered in only five days at school. So he said instead, "It has been interesting, to say the least, Dad."

"Interesting?" his mother asked.

Harry winked at her said, "I will tell you later."

Both Lily and James looked at each other. Somehow they highly doubted that interesting was the right word to describe Harry's first week at Hogwarts.

Skipping over the "highly" secretive subject Harry rapidly started thinking about what to ask next.

"Are you guys going to your rooms?" Harry asked.

At his question James suddenly blushed, Lily smirked and said, "We have been trying to find it, Dumbledore gave us is a picture of the Portrait, and the password which is in this envelope. But we seem to have gotten lost."

Harry went wide eyed and stared at his father, "You don't know where the room is?" he asked.

James reddened even more before he said "Jees, give me a break; there was bound to be something we never found and put on the map" said James indignantly.

"Hmm.. Can I see the picture of it?" Harry asked.

Lily snatched it out of James's fingers and handed it to Harry.

As soon as Harry saw the picture of a cloaked figure standing on top of a hill with a bright moon behind it he couldn't help but frown slightly. He knew this room very well, it was where he lived during his seventh year at Hogwarts, during the worst of the war with Voldemort and his Death Eaters. He trained and studied a lot in that room. His friends often wondered if he were still alive because they never saw him except when there was the greatest need. Many students had asked why he stayed in the room so much and never went to Gryffindor tower; the reason was because it gave him anything he needed or wanted at the time.

In many way it was like the Room of Requirement, but yet, it was different. Harry was able to learn a lot faster when he was in the room and his magic tripled in power as he trained. He had soon discovered the room did this because, subconsciously, that was exactly what he wanted it to do, even though he himself didn't know it. He dubbed it, The Room of Dimensions, because when he was in it felt like an entirely different world.

"I know where it is," he said at last.

Both Lily and James stared at him.

"Really?" they both asked at the same time.

Harry nodded. "I kind of found it by accident," he said.

James sighed, but did so with a smile on his face. "Lead away," he said.

With that Harry led his two little sisters and parents to the most powerful room in the whole wizarding world. Harry led then deep down to the dungeons near the Slytherin common room.

" It is in the dungeons?" James asked as he wrinkled his nose at the damp dark walls.

"Yes, right over here," Harry answered. As he ran over to a curtain that hid a portrait. Harry pulled and revealed the figure in moonlight standing on a hill.

"Who disturbs me?" the figure growled.

"It is I, Hoodie, Harry Potter"

"Don't call me Hoodie!" the figure snapped.

"Well you won't tell me your real name so what am I supposed to call you?" Harry asked with a smirk.

"Anything would be better than Hoodie," the figure sneered, worthy of Snape.

"Want to bet?" Harry asked with a evil smirk.

Before the portrait could answer Lily quietly interrupted.

"Umm, Harry, if you wouldn't mind," she implored as she pointed to the yawning girls

"Oh, yes, Sorry! He is really fun to bug.' said Harry as he turned back to the figure now named Hoodie.

"Okay, Hoodie, I have some new residents seeking entrance to the room you guard," Harry said as his parents and sisters talked in front of the portrait.

Lily took out the envelope that contained the password, opened it, and read.

"A riddle is the key to entering this room,

Speak the right answer and your room will await you."

As soon as Lily finished reading the piece of paper the snappy voice of Hoodie said, "If you think you are worthy of what lies behind me you must prove it. Answer my question correctly and I will let you in; if you get it wrong, you can get lost."

Harry rolled his eyes. Sometimes Hoodie could be quiet rude.

"Just ask the question, Hoodie," said Harry.

Although the eyes on the figure could not be seen, the look Hoodie gave Harry could kill, well.. If looks could….

After a few seconds Hoodie turned his attention back to the rest of the Potters.

"As I was saying….."

Then Hoodie lifted his hood just a little so they could see his mouth move as he spoke his riddle.

"I have defeated many opponents without any effort,

I don't duel,

I don't fight,

I don't even move.

To defeat me only one weapon is required, a brain

Yet only a select few have defeated me.

What is my name?"

James stared at the portrait in confusion; he really hated riddles.

Harry, of course, already knew the answer but he wanted to see if his parents could figure it out. In his first time round it was Hermione who had managed to get the password, as always of course.

Harry could almost see the gears in his mother's head starting to turn. Lily was counting off all the clues, and thinking about all possible possibilities. Again reminding Harry of how much his mother and Hermione were alike.

James continued to scratch is head, not really having a clue as to what the riddle meant. His father was a strong wizard, but riddles were not his strong suit .

Then Harry felt a tug on his sleeve, he looked down to see Kiara motioning for him to bend down closer to her.

Once he was on his knees Kiara cupped her small hands around his ear and whispered, "It is a puzzle, right?"

Harry nodded his head and whispered back, "It is called a Riddle actually"

Kiara suddenly became very excited and ran over to where James and Lily were standing by the portrait.

"It is a riddle, Mommy."

Lily looked to her three-year-old daughter, "Yes, honey, this what we are trying to figure out."

But then Hoodie lowered his hood again and whispered, "That is correct, you all may enter."

All of the Potters stared in shock, besides Kiara who was looking very proud of herself.

"You did it Kia! You were right!" yelled Amara as both sisters started jumping around in celebration.

Once Lily finally got over the shock that her daughter figured out the answer, she finally understood it herself.

"Of course! The answer was literally right in front of us, Riddle, that is the answer to it, Now that I think about it, it seems so simple. 'I do not duel, I do not fight, I don't even move, and the only weapon needed to defeat me is a brain.' Meaning it would need to be figured out in order to be beaten. Oh. how could I have missed it ?" Lily asked, feeling quite frustrated with herself for not getting it sooner.

James looked over at his wife. As smart as she was, sometimes she over-thought things, making them more complicated than they really were.

"Don't feel too bad, Lils. You were just making it harder than it was. Maybe that is why Kiara got it; she thought about it as a whole simply." James explained.

As James and Lily climbed through the hole behind Hoodie, Harry stayed back for a moment, staring at the retreating forms of Kiara and Amara. He started to realise that his sisters were different, more different then any other magical being he had ever encountered.

"Even their magic is completely different. Since the moment they walked in to Hogwarts, I felt the magical waves they gave off. And Hogwarts has yet to stop analysing their magical signatures. It is like their signatures are constantly changing not allowing the school to keep up."

Harry continued to think about his two powerful little sisters for a minute longer, but was interrupted when his dad called him inside the Room of Dimensions.

Harry sighed and thought, "Great, add another mystery to my list of things to solve."

Inside was just what Harry expected, a normal room in appearance but he could sense a lot of protection wards in the walls.

"This is probably what Mum and Dad want, a safe place for the family to live in," thought Harry as he looked around.

The walls were a light blue, the living room carpet was such a dark blue is was almost black. There was a couch and loveseat that seemed to be made out of black velvet, while the fireplace was made out a the purest white marble he had ever seen. He could have sworn he saw it sparkle. Off from the living room was a hall way that lead to his parents' and the twins' rooms.

"This room is perfect," said Lily as she examined the marble of the fireplace.

"Yes, what else would you have expected from Hogwarts, Lils?" said James.

About a half an hour later Lily had put the twins to bed and sat next to James on the loveseat while Harry sat across from them on the couch.

"Alright, Harry, what is going on? Why so secretive about life at Hogwarts?" James asked.

Harry looked down and tried to think of what he could tell them.

"There is something going on in Hogwarts. I can't explain what, I just know that something evil has its attention on the castle." said Harry carefully.

Both James and Lily looked concerned.

"How do you know this, Harry? Has anything happened?" asked Lily.

Harry sighed, "I take it Dumbledore didn't tell you exactly why the last defence teacher left."

James shook his head. "No, he only said that he was unable to teach anymore. We didn't ask why; it wasn't our business." he said.

Harry stared back at his father and said, "In this case he should have told you. Voldemort was living in Quirrell's body, but something happened, we are not sure what, but Voldemort left taking all of Quirrell's magic with him, leaving Quirrell without any magic at all"

Harry's parents sat there looking at Harry with wide eyes and open mouths.

Harry gave them a moment to think before he continued. "We believe Voldemort's spirit has moved to a new host, and Dumbledore has asked my help to figure out who it is. So far I have one suspect but I can't be sure. I think it is Casey Dumbledore, the Headmaster's 'supposed' own flesh and blood, his great granddaughter."

Harry finished talking and his parents looked like they had just drunk a whole bottle of fire whiskey in one go. If the situation wasn't so serious Harry would laughed at the faces his parents were making. Finally after about 10 minutes, James and Lily had soaked in what he had said.

"Harry? Why didn't you tell us about this sooner? We need to get you and the twins out of here. If Voldemort is on the loose here in the castle, it is way to dangerous" said Lily.

"Mum, I can't! Hogwarts and its students need to be protected. Dumbledore may think he knows everything that goes on around here but he doesn't. I can't let him start his manipulations on me or anyone else, not any more!" Harry yelled.

"Harry, you will apologize to your mother for raising your voice to her! She is right; we need to leave as soon as possible. I will talk to Dumbledore first thing in the morning and tell him we are leaving. Then we will go to the Ministry and have them come and investigate Hogwarts." said James.

Harry shook his head vigorously. "Dad I can't, I wish I could, but I can't just leave and forget about it. I am in this too deeply to back out of it now."

Both James and Lily looked at Harry in disbelief .

"Explain how you are in it too deeply young man. This place isn't safe for anyone. If what you say is true, we can't possibly let you stay here. Nor can we risk the other students being hurt." said Lily.

Harry sighed tiredly, it was going to be a long night. Sometimes he hated being a kid again.

"Mum, Dad, I know what I am saying makes no sense to you, but I need to stop him from doing what he wants. I can feel him growing stronger everyday; every hour his presence seems to intensify. At the rate it is going he may succeed." said Harry.

James sighed. "Harry, it isn't your job to be rid of him. Let someone else take care of him." he said.

Harry nearly exploded when he turned back to face his father.

"It seems the prophesy would disagree with that Dad!"

"Harry we…" his Mum cried

".. Just want to protect me, I know and I appreciate it, I really do. But what makes you think I will be safe if I leave Hogwarts?

"And not just me. If Hogwarts is evacuated, Voldemort will get everything he wants. With no one in his way, Voldemort could finish his new host in a matter of weeks if he wanted to. And then he will go after me, anyway.

"He'll know where I go, no matter what sort of protection you place me in. If I can't stop him here, it will just be harder next time. I know who I am facing; he has been in my head before and I have been in his. I don't want to admit it, but Voldemort probably knows me better then anyone. He wants me to leave. I am in his way here, slowing him down. He is betting on the two of you taking me out of here so he can flourish."

Harry stared at his parents, green eyes burning with determination. Lily started to cry as she started back at him. For a moment she didn't see an eleven-year-old kid who wanted to be a hero to prove himself. She saw wisdom in his bright eyes that went beyond anything she ever would have expected out of a boy so young. But it shouldn't have come to any surprise, after all, Harry has always acted different at times like this . Harry truly knew what he was saying and also knew the consequences of the action he willing to take.

Through her tears Lily whispered, "Alright, we'll stay here."

James looked at her in shock at her sudden decision.

"Lily, are you out of your mind? Not with that monster roaming the halls; it's suicide." he said.

"No, James, Harry is right. If he is coming back we can't just fall back like we did last time, if it is possible to keep him at bay here before he does any damage . You know as well as I do that the Ministry won't do anything worthwhile. The last time Voldemort came to power the Ministry laid back until we were in all out war. Some how I doubt Fudge will do any better."

James looked between his wife and Harry. Lily was scared but willing to fight for what she knew was right. Harry, he just couldn't figure out. He was only 11 years old for Merlin's sake, but it was like he was holding the responsibly of everyone's safety on his shoulders. How one as young as Harry could already bear that type of burden was beyond him, but yet Harry was willing to bear it. Harry had that kind of determination, that James just couldn't explain.

"Alright, we will stay. But Harry, you have to tell us everything and anything, you understand? We will help you with this fight. I assure you we'll help you." said James.

Harry looked at his Father and knew he was willing to do anything that had to be done to stop Voldemort from going any further. Harry only hoped he could protect his family from what was now haunting the castle. For some reason he could feel it was more then just Voldemort lurking in the walls.

He nodded and said, "Thank you, but be careful. I don't know where he is yet, but I will find out, I promise I will."

Harry finally fell asleep that night in Gryffindor tower and was unaware of the happenings going on in the Room of Dimensions….

(In the Slytherin corridor)

Casey stood outside the Potters' room, her eyes glowing the ominous bright silver. She started speaking in a old tongue that no human had heard in nearly a millennia.

" Adar? sa ná- ni lín;cín ield,rél, Aranel Larien Séregon, au- i telerin aranie Fëawen"

Hoodie looked up sharply before staring intensely at the young girl in front of him.

"You could get in a lot of trouble talking in that language, my dear," he said as he slowly let down his hood to reveal long silver hair and equally bright, if not brighter, eyes. But the most surprising feature of all was the pointed ears. He was a High Elf.

Casey broke in to a small smile and said, "It is the only language I can speak that no one, not even Dumbledore, will recognise. For a human, that man seems to know everything. He is very annoying."

"Hmmm… indeed. Now I highly doubt you risked coming down here to chit chat. What is it?" the High Elf asked.

Casey rolled her eyes. "Come now, you know as well as I do that Harry Potter told them everything. Sooner or later Potter's Mother, the Evans girl, will figure out who I am and what I have to do, and try and stop me. To prevent that I need to wipe their minds of what Harry Potter told them this night."

The High Elf raised his eye brow. "Princess, that maybe unwise. They are resourceful people; they maybe able to help you with your situation."

Casey glared at the High Elf before her in the moonlit portrait and said, "Merlin himself couldn't help me out of this. It is my duty as the last of my people to bring an end to it."

"Even if it means your life?" the High Elf asked.

"Yes," she said in a cold toneless voice.

The High Elf stared at her for a couple seconds before putting his hood back up and saying, "So be it."

With that, the door to the Potters' room sung open, letting Casey inside. Hoodie stood in his moonlit picture shaking his head.

"What have those monsters done to you Princess Silvertongue? Your Mother would be so heartbroken if she knew what you had to do…."

Casey slinked through the Potters' quarters making her way to James's and Lily's room. She was just about to turn the door knob when she heard a small voice behind her.

"Who are you?" asked the girl with bright blue eyes and dark reddish hair.

Casey not saying a word, swiftly grabbed the young girl and clamped her hand over the girl's mouth to prevent the soon-to-be scream.

Still not making a sound Casey dragged the girl out of the hallway and into the living room.

Once she was safely away from the Potters' bedroom and certain they hadn't been woken up, Casey whispered into the younger girl's ear, "Listen kid, I won't hurt you, but I am afraid I will have to wipe your memory of ever seeing me. I am sorry."

Casey closed her eyes a second and when she opened them again they were silver.

"Look into my eyes kid," Casey ordered.

But the young girl was insistent on doing anything but that. She kept her eyes shut tightly and was squirming desperately to get out of Casey's surprisingly strong grip.

"Just look at me kid! It won't hurt. You will only fall asleep and this will all be gone when you wake up." said Casey.

Then the girl started to whine and cry in Casey's arms. Casey was just starting to lose her patience with the girl when the girl's eyes suddenly opened and to Casey's surprise they were glowing a bright sapphire blue.

As soon as the bright blue and silver eyes met it seemed a war was raged between their two magics. For a few minutes or so the two were evenly matched, but eventually Casey's magic started to consume the younger girl's.

Because of the magical battle, Casey's grip loosened and the girl began to scream. Within seconds James and Lily ran into the room, but the magic inside the living room was so intense neither James nor Lily could withstand it, and they passed out.

But then another girl entered the room, she looked exactly the same as the other.

Kiara awoke to the scream of her younger sister and suddenly became aware of what was happening outside. The silver magic was trying to eat Mara's! She quickly ran out of her room just in time to see her parents fall over because of the silver magic suffocating their own.

Hearing her sister's struggling cries once again she ran into the living room. As soon as she was in the room she suddenly felt her own magic react to the silver. Her own magic fought against it. unwilling to be snuffed out.

"Kia, help me!" came a plea.

Kiara rushed over to her sister and said, "Hold on."

"Right," Amara responded.

Suddenly Kiara's and Amara's magic merged together, both of them looking into Casey's eyes simultaneously. The bright bluish green magic pushed back and slammed right into Casey. Then the silver magic dulled and Casey's eyes returned to the normal icy blue.

Casey stared at the twins for a second before saying, " You're one of us? Please help, I need help. They are trying to…"

Suddenly all light in the room went out and a deep voice echoed through the walls.

"Now Now, Princess, get those pesky thoughts out of your mind…."

Then Casey seemed to slump over and her eyes went all black. Waves of thick cold black magic started to roll off Casey. Kiara and Amara tried stopping her as they ahd before, but their magic only had enough power to keep them from being suffocated in the black waves.

The twins started to cry as they huddled by the loveseat trying to keep warm. Both of them silently called to the one person they knew had enough power to stop this.

Unknown to them Casey was crying and silently praying for help as well as the air around her became so cold her tears started to freeze on her pale face.

"Stop this, somebody please stop this." Then unnoticed by her, a silver glow weakly started to encompass her. That night in one cold dark room of the Hogwarts castle, three people prayed with their magic, heart and soul for help.

(In the Gryffindor first year dorms)

Harry lay in his bed mentally chatting with Salazar.

"I am still not sure telling my parents was the best idea. I might have just put them in greater danger," said Harry guiltily.

"Ignorance maybe bliss, Harry, but they would have been targets anyway. At least with them having an idea of what they have gotten themselves into, they can't be blindsided by Voldemort." said Salazar.

"I am not so sure that Voldemort is the only threat. Something other then Voldemort is in Hogwarts. I can feel it, a deep cold that not only goes through the body but penetrates through magic, making it feel weak… there is no other way I can describe it. " said Harry.

Salazar seemed to sink into deep thought as if remembering something.

"That sounds oddly familiar….. Where have I heard of that before? Of course, the Silvertongues!" Salazar said excitedly.

Harry arched his right eyebrow. "Come again?"

"Sorry. You see, the Silvertongues were the last of the High Elven Royal family. I met them about 4 years after I left Hogwarts, when my new wife and I had just gotten married.

I first met their daughter, Larien, in the village marketplace.

"I walked into a store and saw a girl about 12 years old being pestered by crazy old beggar man. I shooed the man away and offered to escort the girl home. It was only later, when guards from the palace showed up, that she revealed herself as the princess of the kingdom. To thank me for helping her at the market place she invited me and my wife to come with her to the place for dinner.

"Needless to say, it was quite a shock when we arrived in the place and noticed our magic being sucked out of us. At first we didn't say anything, because, of course, we thought they were muggles. The funny thing was they thought the same thing about us for a while. But soon we started to physically feel the effects of our drained magic. A penetrating cold would pass through us. After we told our hosts this, they asked if we were wizards and of course we told them yes. Then they all seemed to concentrate, the cold stopped and they revealed to us their dark seceret. Their mother was a shadow demon and the children also possessed demonic abilities. They unintentualy absorbed our magic into theirs."

Harry looked at him "Do you think a shadow demon is in Hogwarts?"

"There has to be more than one, and in the same family. Keep a sharp eye out Harry, they can be dangerous if their magic gets out of control."

Harry nodded and continued to think. "What other abilities do half Elven and demons have?" he asked.

Salazar was about to answer when a black mist started to surround them and Harry started to hear voices calling his name. He saw the image of Kiara and Amara huddled together crying.

Seeing his little sisters in distress Harry quickly woke up.

Harry raced through the halls, visable to no one. Once he reached his family's rooms he skidded to a halt. The portrait enterence was opened and Hoodie wasn't there. Deciding to figure that out later he ran inside the dark room.

Quickly he felt chilled and his magic suddenly flared up.

"What is going on here?" he asked himself as his breath came out in wispy puffs.

All around him was black. The only reason he could even see his own hands was because his magic was shielding him against the effects of the cold darkness.

Then he heard Kiara's voice calling again. "Harry! Harry!?"

Through the black mist he saw Kiara's bright green aura glowing steadily. Then he saw Amara; she didn't appear to be doing so well. Her magic wasn't nearly as steady and was starting to weaken against the black mist.

Harry broke into a run. In the back of his mind he wondered why he didn't bump into anything, but brushed the thought away, saving it for later.

"Kia!? What happened? Are you alright?" he asked as he reached them.

"Harry!" Kiara began to cry uncontrollably as she grabbed onto him as if her life depended on it. Harry allowed her to cry for a while before wiping her tears away.

"We are going to be alright. Just try to tell me what happened as I make sure Amara's alright." Harry said quietly.

"I…..I fffelt something and it woke me up. W…when I got to the living room I saw Mara fight someone."

Harry who was transferring some of his own magic to Amara looked at Kiara in shock.

"What? Fighting? Fighting who?" he asked.

Kiara looked down and looked like she might cry again before pressing on.

"I did not know who she was, but she was hurting Mara, so me and Mara became one." she said.

Harry looked at Kiara questioningly again. "Became one?"

Kiara smiled slightly and closed her eyes, her magic flared to life once again.

"We shared this," she said.

Harry was now very interested now; his two sisters' magic was still a mystery to him.

"Then what happened?' he asked..

"We stopped her, and her eyes turned back to normal. She asked if we could help her and she start giving off all this black cold stuff." Kiara said.

As soon as Harry heard Kiara mention "Her eyes," his head snapped up.

"Her eyes? What about her eyes?" he asked.

"They were glowing silver," she relied.

His eyes widened, "Casey?" he whispered.

Five minutes later Amara's magic was stabilized and she awoke.

"Harry? I was so scared and cold." she cried. Again Harry calmed his little sister down and wiped away her tears.

"Now, I need you two to listen to me, alright? I need to find the person who did this and see if I can undo it. The two of you need to say here."

The two girls immediately protested. "No, you can't leave us!" they yelled.

Harry kneeled down before them. "It's alright you'll be safe."

As he said this he took both his sisters' hands into his and muttered a spell. A few seconds later a golden shield dome surrounded them repelling the cold blackness further away.

"Just stay here. I will be back, I promise." he said as he stood up and ran into the vast void.

Kiara and Amara watched their older brother disappear into the darkness. They held each other's hands and they started to glow intensely once again only this time it was white…..