
Chapter 8: Silver Eyes

(At Potter Manor)

James Potter woke up early one morning to find a great horned owl perched on their bedroom window sill. James silently got out of bed so not to wake up Lily and let the large owl inside. He then relieved the owl of its burden and looked at the letter.

He gasped when he saw that the letter was addressed to him and it was from Hogwarts. It couldn't have been from Harry, he would have sent Hegwid.

Curious he opened the envelope and pulled out the letter, it read.

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear James Potter,

I know this is unexpected but I feel that you are the right person for the job. You see just last night something happened to my Defence against the Dark Arts teacher and he is currently unable to work as a Professor any longer. So because of your past involvement in the last war I find that you are the perfect candidate to come in for the Dark Arts position. I know this is a important decision so talk it over with your family an let me know what you decide within the week.


Headmaster Albus Dumbledore.


James I know you do not wish to be away from Lily or little Kiara and Amara so I offer the position to Lily as well as you. Both of you could split the classes so one of you would watch the twins while the other teaches, that is should you choose to accept.

James reread the letter a number of times before he fell back into the bed with a dumbstruck look on his face. The sudden movement woke Lily up from her sleep, she sat up and turned to see James starring at a letter.

"James? What's wrong?" she asked worriedly.

James seemed to snap out of his shock as he said "nothing". Then he handed her the letter.

Lily looked at James curiously before reading the letter, "It isn't anything bad it is?" she asked.

James shook his head "No,, just not what you would expect" he said still laying on the bed.

Lily's eyes widened as she read the letter, "He wants us to teach? Why now he never mentioned anything before about us teaching at Hogwarts" said Lily.

"I am not sure Lils, knowing him he probably has some other agenda up his sleeve. I Bet you anything it has something to do with Voldemort" said James.

"You really think Voldemort could be at Hogwarts James? What about Harry, What if something…."

"Lily! Calm down we would have known if Harry was in serious danger. We put enough protections on him a mosquito can't even bite him!" said James.

Lily took a beep calming breath and said "Alright so what do you want to do James? We both know Dumbledore wants more then what he is offering, but maybe it's worth it, I mean I know we agree to take a break once the war was over, but it has been nearly ten years. Maybe we should do it, we would be close to Harry and we both know the twins miss him just as much if not more then we do" said Lily as she looked at James pleadingly.

James sat up on the bed and looked at her. He smiled and said "alright I will send a letter back to Dumbledore and one to Harry to let him know what is going on".

Lily squealed and hugged James tightly "I will go and tell Kiara and Amara" said Lily as she ran out of the room and down the hall.

James laughed at his wife's enthusiasm as he started to write an acceptance letter back to Dumbledore. Not knowing that he was going to change his and his families lives forever.

( Back at Hogwarts, just before morning class)

Harry sighed as he walked to his first class. Flashes of the dream he had the night before kept going through his head. He knew it had something to do with Casey but he wasn't sure exactly how yet. Casey seemed to have strange powers, he didn't know exactly what they were. He knew from the potions class she could heal her self, but there may very well be limitations to it, he wasn't sure yet. Then there were those weird visions that he suspected she was giving to him, weather she knows what the visions contain was unknown to him.

Harry continued walking down the corridor while deep in thought. So deep in thought in fact he walked right into someone.

"Sorry!" he said automatically.

"Sorry" the voice was so quiet he almost didn't hear it.

When he looked to see who he bumped into, it was Casey and she looked a lot different since the day before. The last time he saw her she looked confident and healthy, but now she looked frail and sick. Her black hair was down and didn't have the usual shininess to it. Her face was pale and she had black circles under her eyes, and speaking of her eyes they were dull and tired as if they had lost all life.

"Are you alright? You don't look well, maybe you should go and see Madam Pomfrey" he said. The drastic change in her health worried him.

She looked at him weirdly for a second Then she quickly seemed to fight the look away then she said, "I'll be fine" Before she ran down to the other and of the hallway. Harry attempted to run after her but when he turned the corner she was no where to be seen.

"How does she keep doing that?" Harry asked himself.

After one last look around the corridor and finding nothing Harry turned around and went to his next class hoping maybe he could talk to her later.

His next class was Defence Against the Dark Arts, which was being taught by Snape until Dumbledore could find a replacement.

"I hope the old man finds a good one this year, preferably one that doesn't attempt to kill me this time…. Oh Who am I kidding the old idiot will do it just to spite me"

Harry walked little more resignedly down the hallway, why would the cursed defence position be any different this time round?

When Harry reached the class room he saw Hermione standing at the front door waiting for him.

"Harry! Where have you been I have been looking everywhere for you after you ran off this morning, why did you run away anyway?" she asked.

Harry sighed, it had been one of those times when the child part of his mind couldn't handle his darkest memories of his last life. He couldn't explain why but telling Hermione about made him panic.

"Just bad memories Hermione" he said while averting his eyes from her.

"I am sorry Harry, I didn't mean" Hermione started.

But Harry gestured to silence her " You have nothing to apologise for Herm, sometimes I am unprepared for those memories when they surface and I just have to get away" Harry stopped and looked at Hermione and he could see the confusion in her eyes.

"Won't it help to talk about with someone Harry? If they bother you that much" she said.

Harry sighed and gave her a small sad smile, how could he talk to someone about events that haven't occurred and he hoped never would occur?

"Maybe someday Hermione" he responded as he walked through the door of the DADA class.

Hermione shook her head, Harry was her best friend, but at times he seemed out of place like he had seen more then what a 11 year old should have ever seen. She knew from simple intuition that Harry was more that he let on to be.

Harry had defence class with the Gryffs and the Slytherin's and Harry could have sworn it was like a potions class. The Slytherin's looked smug while the Gryffindor's stared at their desks and glared at them every so often. Harry just rolled his eyes asking himself "Were we this bad the first time?".

He took at deep breath and sat in a empty seat on the Slytherin's side. He sat beside Blaise Zabini, he was one of the few Slytherin's who seemed to keep his prejudice's to himself, that is if he had any at all.

Hermione cast him a questioning glance and he mouthed back "I'll tell you later". She gave him a small nod.

Just then Snape walked inside the class room quickly noticed Harry sitting in a unusual spot.

"Are you lost Potter?" he asked with a sneer.

The Slytherin's snickered at their head for house usual insults to the Gryffindor, but Harry just smiled and answered. "No Professor, I intended to sit here and I don't have to remind you I am in Slytherin to" he said smoothly.

Snape glared at him and said "Only on paper Mr. Potter" he then turned his attention toward the class.

"Your normal Defence Professor has found himself incapable of teaching indefinitely from now on. I will be your teacher until Dumbledore can a replacement. Now turn to page 265" said Snape.

Harry glanced at the page and stared at Snape "Occlumency?" he asked.

"Yes, I have being asked by the headmaster to go over this with all the students, Now which one of you Dumber heads can tell me what Occlumency is" said Snape.

Most of the first years looked around in confusion accept Harry, Hermione and Casey.

Snape turned to Harry, "Don't tell me you actually know the answer Potter" he sneered.

Harry rolled his eyes, something's never change. "As a matter of fact I do, It is the art of protecting one minds from intrusion, The opposite of this is Legilimency, the art of intruding into ones mind" said Harry.

Snape merely grunted at his answer and said "Dose anyone else have anything to add?" he asked.

Casey raised her hand.

"Ms. Dumbledore?" he said.

"There are also different levels of Occlumency and Legilimency. For some people Occlumency comes easily while with others it could take years to get the hang of it, and their shields would still be very weak. A naturally strong wizard in Legilimency who has only been using it for a short time could easily break through their shields. The same would go the other way around. Although it is argued that Occlumency is the harder of the two to learn" explained Casey.

" 10 points to Slytherin, Now everyone is required to participate in a practical lesson for both spells under mine and the headmasters supervision to teach you how to shield your mind from invasion ….." Snape went on to explain to the "dumber-heads" what Casey and Harry had just said.

Harry quickly tuned him out of a minute as he thought about what Casey said.

"That's right, My Occlumency level is the same level as Voldemort's Legilimency level, they end up cancelling each other out. Wait a minute my Occlumency shields are level 10, the highest level, even a level 10 Legilimens can't get in my head. How the heck can Casey get into my head like that?! She goes through my shields like they are not even there" Harry thought.

He looked over cautiously at Casey, could her abilities go beyond the highest level?

"Mr. Potter! Will you pay attention" yelled Snape.

Harry blinked and forced himself to pay attention to what Snape was saying although he was sure his mind wondered once or twice.

When the defence class ended Harry was confronted by both Ron and Draco.

"Now I know both of you wouldn't want to talk to me together unless you agree on something, heaven forbid " said Harry.

"What are you up to Potter? Whose side are you on us Slytherin's or the Gryffindork's?" asked Draco.

"Yeah Harry are you with us or them?" asked Ron as he glared at Malfoy.

Harry looked up at them and quirked his eyebrow "What are you two talking about, I am on no ones side, I am merely trying to be apart of both houses, as I was sorted into them" he said. Harry didn't tell them the true reason, house unity because they would have laughed at the thought. From personal experience he knew that is what they would do.

"Well Potter, Slytherin doesn't want a Gryffindork contaminating our great house" Malfoy said a he walked away.

But Harry stopped him. "Is that what you say or what all of Slytherin thinks Malfoy? Or are all of them so blinded by fear of your families reputation they are to afraid to accept change"

Ron looked as though he would have said something to Harry, but Harry said one other thing "I am going to make one thing clear to both of you, I don't Love or Hate Gryffindor nor do I Love or Hate Slytherin, I am in both, and I respect both. That is why I was put in to them. I have traits of both houses, the same traits that both of you have. Ron did the sorting hat suggest Slytherin as a house for you?"

Ron's face and ears turned red "N…no of course not" he said.

Harry smirked "You're lying" he stated.

Ron looked horrified at the blunt statement and after a few seconds of speechlessness Ron blurted "No! the hat picked Gryffindor first! I am a true Gryffindor!"

Harry stared at Ron's still beet red ears, sighed and asked quietly " What do you wish for the most Ron? What dose your heart truly desire?

Ron blinked surprised by the question. He stood silent for a moment, deep in thought, then he lifted his eyes and was about to say something when Harry raised his hand signalling him to be quiet.

"Wait a sec now watch this. Malfoy What dose your heart most truly desire?"

Malfoy only needed a second to think and was about to answer when Harry stopped him.

"Alright sorry of interrupting. Both of you continue" said Harry.

Then at the exactly the same time Ron and Draco said "POWER"

Both Ron and Draco stared at each other in annoyance, as if they were annoyed that they stole each other answers.

Harry smirked again " How very Slytherin Ron, only a real Slytherin would admit that they desired Power the most"

Ron's face lost all color and without another word he shook his head and ran out of the class room.

After Ron's footsteps could no longer be heard, Draco moved to walk out the class room but then Harry spoke.

"You are smart Malfoy, you knew what I was doing didn't you? You just wanted to see him squirm" Harry said.

"What Malfoy wouldn't want to see a Weasley as they realise they really aren't meant to be in their Golden House?" Draco said as he slowly continued to walk out of the class room.

Harry continued to talk to the Slytherin's back.

"You know Malfoy I wonder which house you would have been put into if you didn't hate the rest of the houses. Which house would have the Hat suggested had you given it the chance?"

Draco froze and stared at Harry for a second, for just a moment he looked as if he might actually answer Harry's question, but then he seemed to change his mind.

"I am a Slytherin Potter, a full pure blood Slytherin, there is no other house for me" said Draco just before he stared to walk away again.

Then Harry whispered one last thing before Malfoy left the room.

"You are a Malfoy and always will be…. Only if you act like it, Right?" said Harry intently.

Then Malfoy cast Harry a fearful glance before finally running out of the classroom.

Harry knew that it would take a lot more then just a speech to change the ways of Ron and Malfoy. But they were the truest of their houses if he could change their ways, others would be more easily convinced.

The rest of the classes went by uneventfully, except for Harry always wanting the sit on the "Slytherin's" side of the classroom. Hermione was still puzzled as to why he was doing it, he certainly wasn't making any friends in Gryffindor by doing that. Some of them thought he was betraying them, while others just believed he truly didn't belong in the lion's den. He was quiet for the most part, most students could sense that he knew something they didn't but he only left clues as to what he was doing, letting them try and piece together what he was really doing.

Hermione was sure of it for that fact, but it was hard to pin point exactly what made Harry stick out.

"His eyes, they seem haunted…. Older then what they should be, I wonder if it has to do with that dark lord. Harry said he thinks that He Who Must Not Be Named is still alive…I wonder…"

Hermione continued to think about the mystery that surrounded Harry Potter, for certain he was not what he appeared to be.

(Later that night, at dinner)

Harry was minding his own business eating dinner when his Dad's owl came screeching through the hall.

"Hmm I wonder what is new with him" thought Harry as he relieved the owl of his letter. Harry didn't fail to notice that there was another letter on the owls leg as well, it was addressed to Dumbledore.

Harry watched as Dumbledore read the letter form his parents Harry got a sinking feeling in his stomach when he noticed the twinkle in the Headmaster's eyes grow brighter.

"That can't be good" he thought as he unfolded his letter. The contents inside made his jaw drop.

Dear Harry

This is mum, guess what! Dumbledore has invited us to teach DADA class! Isn't it great? Don't worry we will try out best not to embarrass you and I have told James to be fair to everyone. Kiara and Amara are very exited to see what Hogwarts is like and of course to see you. They have not been happy since you left, they miss you so much, as do you father and I.

We will be coming Hogwarts this weekend and starting class the following Monday.

Love you,



When Harry finished reading the letter he said.

"Oh boy, I certainly didn't see that coming"

"What is it Harry?" asked Hermione.

"My parents are going to be the new defence Professors" Harry answered.

" Really? I can't wait! That means we will finally be rid of Snape for good Yayy!" Ron cheered.

Hermione was happy but then she noticed that Harry didn't seem all that happy at all.

"What's wrong Harry? Afraid they are going to embarrass you?" Hermione asked smirked.

Harry was snapped out of his thoughts and turned his attention to Hermione.

"No not at all, but remember that little discussion about V.O.L.D.E.M.O.R.T. we had a while ago?"

Hermione nodded.

"Well now something unexpected has happened and for some reason it makes me feel uneasy" Harry said in a far away voice.

"Uneasy? Why?" Hermione asked.

"I can't explain it, it is just a feeling" said Harry as he placed his head in his hand. Still voicing his thoughts to Hermione.

"I can't help but worry that them coming here will just make things more complicated" he said with a sigh.

"Then maybe you should talk to them when they get here, that way they at least know that something might be wrong" Hermione suggested.

Harry sighed there wasn't much else he could do.

He knew that his parents coming here was wrong, but it was as he said only a feeling. A feeling he hoped was wrong….

Harry lay awake in his dorm to the late hours of the night. He knew he should go to sleep but there were so many things going through his head and the dammed feeling of dread of his family coming to Hogwarts still remain in the back of his mind. It felt like an alarm going of in his head but he didn't know what that alarm was signalling.

"Things just can't be straight forward these days can they?" he thought to him self.

Harry sighed and rolled over in his bed trying to fine a comfortable position. He had only been back at Hogwarts for four days and already so much was happening and it was out of his hands, well for now anyway. Harry mentally counted all the things that he knew were going to lead up to something.

"Hmmm.. First there is Casey, I still don't know what is with her. I know there is "something" about her that is very different. Almost like there is a shadow around her, preventing me form seeing the real her. But one thing is for certain, she is incredibly powerful" that much he was sure.

"Then there is Voldemort's new host, why did he leave Quirrell so suddenly with out warning? Why did he leave the ring of Slytherin behind? It was a powerful magical object even if the spirit of Slytherin refused contact with him, it still provided him with powers and other abilities he otherwise wouldn't have without it. So the question, remains why would he give it up?…. Could it be possible he found something better then the ring and found acceptable to abandon the relic? I really don't know yet it could be me for all I know. And speaking of Slytherin's ring I really need to find out more about that, form what I observed about Slytherin yesterday was nothing like I would have imagined him being like."

"Now my Parents are taking the cursed Defence position, I want to be happy, but there is something wrong about them coming now, it is going to end in disaster I am sure of it. But what can I do? All I have it a bad feeling to go on that won't be enough to accomplish anything"

Harry sighed one last time before sleep finally took him "This is a all new and dangerous game, now there is even more at stake" was his last conscious thought.

Once Harry slipped into the land of dreams Slytherin silently guided him out towards the room they first met in.

"Welcome back Harry Potter" said Salazar smoothly.

Harry nodded to him not know really to ask him after all this Hogwarts founder didn't have the best reputation. Although he was sure that rep was unearned, well at least that was what he hoped.

It seemed Salazar caught on to Harry's reluctance to speak to him.

"I expect you are wondering about that ring on your finger, anything you wish to know?" he asked.

"Well yes sort of you said in our earlier encounter that I was an true pure blooded wizard, but my mother is a muggleborn, I am considered in the eyes of the ministry a half blood. So I was wondering what made you think I was pure blood?" Harry asked.

"Well I didn't mean it literally, no. I meant that you are a true wizard, you are not spent on taking over the dammed world and killing those who don't share the same views as you, unlike my foolish descendents. They completely missed my point when I stated "Pure blood" wizards and witches. I must learn to be more precise" Salazar said the last part more to him self then to Harry.

"You mean to tell me all of history is wrong about you, you really didn't appose the muggleborns coming to Hogwarts?" Harry asked excitedly letting the child like excitement inside him over take him.

But Salazar sighed and shook his head "No I am afraid that that part is right, but not for the reasons that history says it is." he paused looking for the right words to explain.

"Have you heard of witch burnings Harry Potter?" he asked carefully.

"Yes, but I thought they were only the result of paranoia of the muggles, you mean they really did burn witches and wizards at the stake?" said Harry.

"Yes that is exactly what they did, they didn't just burn old widowed ladies, but young men women and children as well. The witch hunters that sought witches and wizards out were muggleborn witches and wizards. That is reason I didn't want muggledorns coming to Hogwarts was because most of them were afraid of who they were and they also came to blame others of their kind for there differences, After numerous cold blooded murders of other witches and wizards I proposed we just place magical blocks on them, but as you know Godric, Rowena, and Helga disagreed with me and proposed to teach young muggleborns of our society so they needn't be afraid of who they were anymore. Since I was out numbered on the matter I agreed to do it their way. At first it went perfectly they learned who the were and over time they came to accept it. Until one day during the Holidays a muggleborn girl from Godric's house brought a dagger with her and she stabbed my wife who was carrying my unborn child they both died that night and the girl stabbed herself that night as well. I was so sure the others would see that it was a mistake for them to attend Hogwarts, as it had turned out many of the muggleborns that attended Hogwarts that year were disowned by there parents and many of them died of starvation. I couldn't take it any more so I built a special safe house for all students could in case of an attack. I also place a guardian around the safe house that could ward off intruders, then I wished Godric and the others good luck and I left to teach pure wizards all around England. I taught them how to use there powers and to help others, even muggles if the need was dire enough. Eventually I did remarry, and if you can believe it she was a muggleborn but she was different, we ended up having 4 children, three girls and one boy. I taught them all I could before they grew up and went on with there lives on I made sure they passed my believes on to there children, but over the generations as my descendents placed my ring on their finger as you did, I began to notice that they thought to highly of them selves and looked down to others and well the rest you know. You see Harry I did leave Hogwarts because of muggleborns but not because of their heritage but because of their own attitude to everyone else's heritage." explained Salazar.

Harry looked at Salazar with wide eyes.

"Wow" was all he could say.

Slytherin smirked "I guess it is a little overwhelming isn't it"

A minute of silence passed and Harry could feel that Salazar was telling him the truth about everything and Harry decided he could trust him a little, for now anyway.

"Umm, lord Slytherin," Harry stated.

"Call me Salazar, Harry "Lord Slytherin" makes me sound like one of my demonic descendents" said Salazar.

"Okay, Salazar do you how to remove a curse form a certain position? Like a certain teaching job?" he asked hoping the legendary founder knew something to remove his descendents curse.

But Salazar shook his head "I am sorry Harry but with a curse like that only the person who cast the curse can undo it or until the caster truly dies. Why do you ask?" he said.

"Voldemort cursed the defence position, as far as I know no professor has stayed in that position for more then one school year. And as you now probably know from seeing my memories from my old life that all of them have tried to kill me by the end of the year. So now you see my parents are going to be the new defence teachers at Hogwarts, can you see why I am worried?" Harry asked.

Salazar nodded with a serious look on his face. " I see your problem, I wish I could help you Harry but curses like that one can't be broken by simply waving a counter curse. I suggest you warn you parents try to stop it before takes effect"

"No it won't work, they are intent on coming here and besides I think they will need a little more then a supposed curse to not come. I know they are only coming here to protect me but I fear them doing so will prove deadly to all of us" Harry said, then the dream he had the night before came to mind, after his killer murdered him he then subsequently killed himself, Harry was sure I may have been his father.

"Just wait and see how things turn out Harry, dreams may reveal some truth but the real meaning is all the eyes of the beholder, for all you know all of this could just be in your imagination" said Salazar.

Harry looked at Salazar weirdly "Are calling me paranoid!?" he asked indignantly.

Salazar just put the trademark Slytherin smirk and asked "and what if I am?"…

For what seemed like hours Harry and Salazar talked about things, Salazar cleared up myths and rumours about Hogwarts when it was first created. And even told Harry what the other founders were like.

"Godric was thick headed and stubborn at times, when he thought he was right he was right even though in real life he was completely wrong. I remember one time he was arguing with a spell book over which spell resulted in what effect. I tried to tell him at least a million times that he had written the book he was arguing with. But I swear to this day he wouldn't believe me. He was still a talented wizard, he still beat me in quite a few duals while at Hogwarts and he had quite the hand with a sword but don't tell him that his head would get so big I was surprised his neck could still support its weight"

Harry smiled at the image that formed in his head, "He sounds a lot like an old friend of mine, Ron Weasley, stubborn as a mule that kid is"

"Then there was Rowena, she was a little know it all, but incredibly smart. She was a fantastic teacher and she was never afraid to tell anyone they were wrong. Her and Godric got into quite a few fights I'll tell you that, although everyone knew it was only their way of flirting" said Salazar

Harry laughed, it was to much form him, they sounded very much like Hermione and Ron in is former life. In this time Ron avoided Hermione and Hermione couldn't careless, Harry did miss the time he Hermione and Ron was the inseparable friends, but the golden trio did nothing to unit the school if anything they made it worse. This time round he was repairing the houses but it affected his friendships greatly.

"As for Helga she was the fairest of them all she accepted everyone for who they were but also she believed there was good in everyone. She was such a goodie too shoes to, never getting into arguments and was always the mediator when Godric and Ro got in to there fights…"

Harry quickly got to know the founders from Salazar's stories but soon Harry realized he still had one more important thing to discuss before the night was over.

"Salazar, have you ever heard of someone being able to push right through level 10 Occlumency shields?" he asked.

"No Harry I haven't the 10th level is the highest. Why do you ask" asked Salazar curiously.

"Well there is this girl in my class.." Harry was interrupted.

"Harry you look a little young to have a girlfriend" Salazar joked.

"That isn't what I meant and you know it! Anyway I am convinced she can get into my head and I don't have any warning when she dose. It is like she slips right passed my shields as if they weren't even there" said Harry.

"Hmm, what's her name?"

"Casey Dumbledore, apparently she is the headmaster's great granddaughter, ever since I met her I have felt there is something weird about her. Now I am certain of it, just I don't know what." said Harry.

Salazar seemed to think for a minute before he looked up again, "I will get back to you Harry, but I am afraid it will have wait until you fall asleep again"

Just as Salazar said those words Harry's dream world began it fade away and he soon found him self laying on his bed.

He sighed as he looked at the clock on the wall it was early Friday morning , his family would be arriving today. He decided to give them a word of caution about what they were getting into, but there wasn't much more he could do until the events unfolded.

He got up and got prepared for the last day of classes before the weekend.

They had their first flying lesson today and Harry was unsure what would happen with the Quidditch seeker thing that happened last time. Would he be put on the Gryffindor team or the Slytherin team? He may not even be picked out by either this time or heaven forbid they try and put him on both.

"Although I wouldn't put it past them" Harry mumbled.

When Harry arrived in the great hall he was shocked to find he was one of the first ones up along with the older early riser's of the other houses.

Among them was Casey who seemed to have gotten over what ever effected her the day before, she looked like her normal self.

Then she seemed to get a surprised look on her face and she practically ran out of the hall.

Harry feeling curiosity getting the better of him, followed her. He grew more and more curious as she seemed to head for the Room of Requirement.

"How does she know where it is?" Harry thought to him self.

He watched her go through the door, and he acted without thinking, he quietly snuck in after her without being noticed.

Once he was inside he decided to turn invisible, it wouldn't do if she saw him and most likely not go through with what she planned.

They were in a dimly lit room, only 3 candles adorned the walls in the room.

Casey walked over to a dark corner and in a voice as cold as ice she said.

"What is it? It better be important I am taking a risk coming here you know, Dumbledore has nearly every member of the staff watching me"

Harry could only watch as he saw a faint shadow move into the candle light, and it wasn't a normal shadow. He could sense a magical aura around it and the aura was very powerful, but it wasn't a aura of a wizard, he wasn't sure what it was but he was sure it wasn't a human.

A deep smooth voice came from the shadow, but it held no emotion.

"My apologies your highness"

"Your Highness?" thought Harry.

"Your Father wishes a progress report" the shadow toned.

Casey rolled her eyes "He had me risk getting exposed to Dumbledore just so I could satisfy his curiosity?!" Casey snapped.

The shadow said nothing.

Casey glared at the shadow before sighing in resignation.

"Fine, he can have it his way. My powers have come back, what Dumbledore did to me over the summer it has come undone just as planned and Potter doesn't pose any more threat either, I have him wrapped around my little finger, I guess I have Dumbledore to thank for that, it seems he has gotten on Potter's bad side, the boy doesn't trust him as far as he could throw him"

"Dose Dumbledore suspect anything?" the shadow asked.

Casey seemed to think for a moment, "I don't think so, he hasn't said or done anything, but with that old coot it is almost impossible to tell" she said.

" What if he dose find out your highness?" the shadow asked.

Casey smiled "Then I will take care of it, don't worry" she said

" Have you given Potter the visions?"

Casey nodded her head, "He has them. Are you going to enlighten me as to why he has to have them?" asked Casey curiously.

But the shadow didn't make a sound.

"I didn't think so, if that's all, I really should be going….." said Casey as she turned around to leave.

"Keep your focus Princess, everything relies on the success of your mission" warned the shadow.

Casey suddenly glared and to Harry shock her eyes were glowing silver.

"You don't need to remind me Onyx, I more then anyone knows of the importance of this, mission, my very life depends on it, so believe me I have no intention of losing my focus" snapped Casey.

Then Casey shut her eyes and collapse to her knees. When she opened her eyes again she looked a great deal more tired and very pale.

But before the shadow could say anything to her Casey spoke.

"Don't start….. Before you lecture me….. On using the sliver power needlessly, it seems to be out of my control and I don't know why, it just happens , I must go now…" said as she attempted to leave for the second time.

"How often dose it happen?….Your Highness?" asked the shadow.

Casey remained silent for a long time before whispering, " So far it has only happened once and it occurred while I slept "

The shadow, if it were possible seemed to become more weary and then stared at Casey and said something with actual emotion for the first time that day.

"Then you have to go and tell Dumbledore of it" he said regretfully.

"What!? Have you lost it! If I tell him of the silver power he won't only take that away he will suppress everything again and this time the block he will use will be stronger, my powers may never come back , if I lose them and then complete this mission the end result will be my death….. Are you really ordering to me to my death Onyx?" Casey said the last part quietly as if she were almost afraid to say it, and most likely afraid of what the answer would be.

"Princess as I said everything relies on this mission and if to make it successful it means your death then that is what must be done" said the shadow tonelessly.

Harry then noticed a single tear roll down Casey's cheek, but the tears didn't reach her voice as she said "So be it" in the coldest, most hateful tone Harry had ever heard form someone so young. And with that Casey ran out of the Room of Requirement with out another word.

Harry stayed behind and stared at the shadow, curious as to why the shadow hadn't left yet either. His curiosity was soon fulfilled.

Another shadow appeared and it was even more powerful feeling then the other.

"Did you hear your Majesty?" asked the first shadow.

"Yes it is regrettable, I must admit she was my favourite, a real spite fire the one " said the second.

Then the shadow disappeared.

After a few minutes Harry left and ran in search of Casey.

He needed to talk to her, what could be so important that someone would tell her to let her self die?

Harry didn't need to ran far to catch up to her, she had passed out at the end of the corridor.

"Casey? Casey! Wake up, can you hear me?"

Harry tried to wake her up then he noticed that her eyes were glowing once again.

He quickly checked her magical energy, it almost empty. Quickly giving her a pulse of his own magical energy and levitated her all the way to the hospital wing.

When he entered the hospital wing he again turned invisible and put Casey on a bed. Then he triggered alarm to signal Madam Pomfrey there was a patient.

He stayed in the hospital until he was sure Casey was alright and then he left to do some serious research.

But on his way to the library his watch alarm went off, it was 8:00 am, time for their first flying lesson.

Harry had no intention of interfering with was supposed to happen during this flying lesson, he believed there was no point.

Neville had grown up with his parents this time round just like he had, and as a result had more confidence in himself and plus he received no remembrall from his grandmother this time either, so Harry was unsure weather the events that happened last time were anywhere near to what was going this time.

Things had started the same, Ron and Malfoy glared and cursed at each other, Hermione was as nervous wreck at the thought of flying on nothing but a broom stick. This was something Harry decided he could help her with.

"Hermione" he whispered.

"Yes, Harry?" she whispered back quickly, a sure sign she was nervous.

"Relax Hermione, you won't be able to even left up from the ground when your this tense" said Harry.

"Is it really that obvious?" she asked.

Harry smiled and nodded his head, "you are as stiff as a bored" he said.

Hermione seemed to force herself to relax by taking a deep breath before nodding her head to him and mouthed "Thank you"

The lesson continued to go normally until Malfoy's broom gave a sudden lurch.

"Mr. Malfoy? Is something wrong?" asked Madam Hooch

Draco glared "Of course not, everything is fine, I meant to do that." said Malfoy.

Ron and a few other Gryffindor's snickered at this, but Harry knew something wasn't right, Malfoy may have been over confident but that didn't mean he didn't have some talent for flying and suddenly losing control of the broom like that wasn't like Malfoy.

Unfortunately as it turned out Harry was right and about 30 seconds later Draco's broom gave another jerk and then shot off into the air.

He flew erratically around the school grounds, all the while holding for dear life. But his grip began to weaken and with another jerk he was thrown off the broom. But out of instinct he grabbed hold of the broom tightly. So there he was dangling a hundred feet from the ground.

From the ground Madam Hooch was shouting "Hold on Mr. Malfoy! I am flying up to get you"

As soon as Hooch lifted off the ground Malfoy began to rise higher and higher in to the sky, soon Malfoy terrified screams could barely be heard from the students below. Then suddenly the broom flew at break neck speed causing Malfoy to lose his grip on the broom handled and he plummeted to the ground below, and his broom headed straight for madam Hooch. The flying teacher managed to avoid the rouge broom stick but in doing so slowed her down and Draco Malfoy falling to fast for even her to catch safely now.

Harry reacted without thought, he mounted his broom and shot up into the air in the direction of which Malfoy was falling. Harry felt his seeker abilities take over and he quickly shortened the gap between him and Malfoy.

"Malfoy! Reach for my hand…!"Harry yelled. " Quickly!" he added as he noticed the ground coming up fast.

Malfoy moved his arm in Harry's direction, but because of the wind and disorientation caused by the fall it did little help.

Harry pushed his broom to go faster and reached for Malfoy.

"Just a little further" thought Harry as he inched closer and closer to Draco's outstretched hand.

But the ground was coming up even faster, if he took and longer they would both plummet to their deaths.

"I have on other choice I need to use magic, it is worth the risk of someone seeing me" thought Harry as he stretched out with magic to slow Malfoy's descent and did it not a moment too soon.

Malfoy's feet were merely 2 meters from the ground when Harry grasped his hand and slowly lower him the rest of the way.

As soon as they touched the ground all the students were cheering.

"That was amazing"

"Your really fast Potter"

"And so brave"

Then madam Hooch walked through the crowd of students.

"Mr Malfoy are you alright?" she asked right away.

Draco was shaking and as white as a sheet, and to make things worse he was still clutching onto Harry's hand.

"I…. I am…Fine… Madam" said Draco before he fainted straight away.

Madam hooch sighed, "Everyone stay here while I take Mr. Malfoy to the hospital wing, if I see anyone on a broom when I get back you have detention until you Graduate. Except for you Mr. Potter I want you to go to the headmasters office" she instructed.

'Yes Madam Hooch" said Harry as he walked back towards the school.

Harry walked his way up to the headmasters office and turned the door handle.

Inside he saw McGonagall standing with Dumbledore.

"Ah! Harry there you are, I must thank you for saving Mr. Malfoy, What a dive that was, You definitely inherited your fathers talent on a broom stick, I must say." said Dumbledore with that dammed twinkle in his eye.

"Now what is he up to?" thought Harry as he eyed Dumbledore in suspicion.

"I award 40 points to Gryffindor and Slytherin. Now Harry, Professor McGonagall has something to asked you" said Dumbledore.

"Potter I am offering you the seeker position on the Gryffindor Quidditch team, you are a natural in the air, will you join the team?" she asked.

"But how will work? I am in Slytherin to afterall" reminded Harry.

"Yes Harry you maybe in both houses, but you will be on the Gryffindor team alone Slytherin will not gain any points from you while you are playing Quidditch. How ever if you wanted you are allowed to change teams if Slytherin has a opened position for a game, you could play it if you wanted" explained Dumbledore.

Harry thought about is for a minute and then nodded his head.

McGonagall barely restrained herself from jumping with Joy and said "I will go and tell Mr. Wood"

Once McGonagall left, Dumbledore turned to Harry.

"Any suspects as to who Voldemort's host is?" he asked.

Harry shook his head. "it could be anyone, Filch's cat even, or he might not even be in the school for all I know" Harry said.

Dumbledore nodded "Yes I was thinking that to, I have been looking at the dark mark and I find this very disturbing. The presents of the blood is strange this may suggest that his magic has changed altogether or he has abandoned his Slytherin Heritage"

Harry shook his head "No he was to proud of his Slytherin ancestry to just leave it, Hmm…." he said.

"Maybe he didn't leave his last host willingly" Harry thought.

"I have an idea, I'll get back to you after I am certain about it" said Harry as he got up and made his way from Dumbledore's office.

"Harry?" Dumbledore asked.

"You won't like what I have in mind Dumbledore, I'd rather be certain about this before bring it up and besides once can never know who is listening in the shadows"

Once Harry was back in the corridor he glanced at his watch, it was 12:00pm.

"I guess I should have something to eat, Hermione is probably going to question me to death again about what happened in Dumbledore's office" said Harry to him self.

On the way down the corridor Harry came face to face with Malfoy.

Draco looked at him nervously as if trying to remember what he was supposed to say in a hurry.

"Are you feeling better now Malfoy?" Harry asked casually.

Malfoy didn't answer, only shook his head and sighed, "Listen Potter don't get the idea I want to become friends with you now just because you saved my life, I am only doing this because it is the pure blood way" said Malfoy as he cleared his throat.

"I Draco Lucius Malfoy formally submit to a binding magical life Debt to Harry James Potter. For he saved my life at the risk of his own" Draco said .

Harry stood there with his mouth gaping never in his wildest dreams had he ever thought Malfoy of all people would openly concede to a magical life debt..

Once he got over his shock he closed his gapping mouth and bowed his head to show he acknowledged and accepted the life debt.

With that they both continued on their way.

"Wow I never expected that, I mean Malfoy formally admitting has a life debt to me of all people. Maybe there is hope for him after all" thought Harry as he entered the great hall.

"Harry! What happened in Dumbledore's office? Did you get in trouble" she asked.

Harry laughed "No Herms! You are now looking at the youngest seeker in a century" he said.

Hermione's eyes widened "He put you on the Quidditch team?!" she asked.

Harry quirked his eye brow "Isn't that what I just said? And we also discussed something else… I can't talk about it here, come on there is so much I need to show you" Harry whispered to her.

They had walked down to another old class room and Harry told Hermione about his encounter with Casey and the shadow on the wall.

"Oh how horrible! They are sentencing her to her death? Dose Dumbledore now about it Harry?" she asked.

Harry shook his head "I don't think so, I think even he is being blinded by what is going on"

"But Harry none of it makes sense what is Casey supposed to do anyway?"

Harry tilted his head thoughtfully towards her "They didn't mention it, but Casey mentioned that with out her full powers she would die to accomplish it" he said.

"Hmm I want to look more into this, maybe there are more documented cases like these it might give us a clue as to what is going on" said Hermione. She seemed very excited at the prospect of helping him solve this rather complicated mystery.

'Alright, tomorrow is Saturday so no classes, I'll might you in the library at 10, alright?" Harry said.

Hermione nodded and then asked " Harry there is something that has been bugging me, why do you always sit with the Slytherin's now? I mean I know you are in their house to but what is sitting with them in classes going to accomplish?"

Harry sighed and said "I am only attempting to break these house boundaries, I mean when ever Gryffindor's and Slytherin's are in the same room there is an instant tension between them, I was hoping if I took the first plunge into enemy territory, sorta speak maybe others would follow. But so far it has only made things worse between the houses."

"I'll help you Harry. From my experience people tend to follow someone when more one person follows" she said

Harry smiled, Hermione was still as wise in this time as she was in the last.

"You are wise beyond your years Hermione Granger" he said.

Even in the dim light he saw her blush at the compliment.

"Harry I would consider you far wiser then I, look at what you are doing, your trying to piece this school back together after is has been through centuries of internal conflict, and you hold the burden of a returning dark lords fate on your shoulders" said Hermione.

Harry nodded "Yes this school year seems to have started out very complicated hasn't it?

I had so many plans when I came here and now everything has been put on hold because this. It has scrambled up so many things I don't know where to start" said Harry as he let a little of his confusion leak into his voice.

Hermione sighed "Maybe you should tell you parents when they get here Harry, all of this may be to much to handle, it doesn't have to lay all on your shoulders you know"

Harry almost laughed at the feeling of Daja vu, Hermione had this exact conversions with him last time. Only a year before she died.

"Thinks Herm maybe I will"

The two continued talking until the lunch hour was over and they went to their classes, which seemed to go by in blur for Harry for before he knew it, it was dinner time also the time his Parents would arrive as well. But no matter how much he tried he couldn't get rid of the bad feeling he got from the thought of his family being there with him at Hogwarts still nagged at him and he couldn't figure out why. He should be happy to have them here right?

"I hate it when this happens" Harry grumbled to himself. His heart kept telling him one thing and he wanted to believe it but he had no base for it, he had no reason what so ever…

Not so far away from Hogwarts was James Lily and the twins Kiara and Amara. They were all tired, but excited that they were near Hogwarts, at last.

Suddenly there was a flash of silver light, and both James and Lily fell asleep. But the Twins began to glow and enter a trance, for a instant both their eyes turned a bluish-green and then turned back to there respective colours.

After a few seconds they both looked at each other and then at there parents, almost as if acting out of instinct they reached there hands out towards Lily and James and again the began to glow brightly. This time their magic reached out and touched there Parents and another 10 seconds later Lily and James woke up not even realizing they had fallen asleep.

As for the twins, just looked at each other and giggled, as if they were playing a game.

But what the two toddlers didn't know was it was a deadly game that they had just entered and had intrigued the powerful begins that secretly live in the Hogwarts Castle…