
Harry Potter Live Question In 1976

Big screen suddenly lit up on sky and can be seen by every wizard. Lily Evans: What! I will marry james in the future? James Potter: I knew it will happen Lily Evans: My Child is saviour that kill dark lord. ..... Voldemort: There is no way newborn can kill me!! Death eater: Let's kill lily evans family. Follow my discord channel: https://discord.gg/h8fQefhH Support me either in patreon or buy me a coffee Patreon link: patreon.com/zorojurown Buy me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/zorojurown

ZoroTraineeWriter · Movies
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33 Chs

Chapter 8: Spy Or Death Eater

But before they could continue, the screen lit up again.

Albus Dumbledore walks alone to Hog's Head, where he meets Sybil Trelawney to interview her for a job at Hogwarts. Suddenly, she began to murmur, "The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies, the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not, and either must die at the hand of the other, for neither can live while the other survives. The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies.". Before it could finish, Aberforth Dumbledore came to capture Severus Snape, who was peeping at Albus Dumbledore. He managed to escape and meet his master, Lord Voldemort.

Severus Snape ran, apparated, and met Voldemort.

"My Lord, I have crucial information. Today I was peeping Dumbledore and overheard his conversation with someone". Snape tells Voldemort all the details. Then Voldemort asked his Death Eater. "Find out among my enemies who will give birth in July this year".

The screen turned off, and everyone became silent; something clicked in their minds. Someone who had the power to kill Voldemort would be born later.

Ministry POV

"That means Potter will give birth to a baby that could kill You-Know-Who?"

"But what power will that boy have? Is it love? Earlier, we saw that Lily sacrificed herself, thus creating a barrier that backfired on You-Know-Who."

"Now that You-Know-Who knows this, that means it won't happen again. That Harry Potter boy won't become a saviour."

Voldemort POV

"So this is the power; the power to defeat me is love. The one that Dumbledore talks about"

"My Lord, shall we kill the Lily Evans family?"

"No, let them live first. Later, I will personally visit and kill them all".

Nick Hunt's POV

"Host, it looks like Voldemort wanted to kill Lily Evans family. What should we do?"

"Can we give them protection?"

Yeah, we could; you can make any wizard who went to Cokeworth lose their magic temporarily; even werewolves can't transform there during a full moon."

"Ok, good. Make sure you put protection on Cokeworth so every assassin who wants to kill the Evans family can't kill them and see them."

Hogwarts POV

"Look, why should we thank him? He is a Death Eater; before this, we suspected him of becoming one because he didn't get Parchment. But now he had shown his face", rebuked James. Everyone becomes silent; even Lily Evans becomes a bit sad watching his ex-friend become a Death Eater. Suddenly someone asked James, "But your friend Peter Pettigrew didn't have parchment; that means he will become a Death Eater."

Peter Pettigrew's face became pale. He was a bit jealous when all his friends received a parchment to answer the question. He wanted to ask his friend but feared being suspected of being a Death Eater, so he kept quiet and watched from the sidelines. Unfortunately, that last question made everyone stare at him.

James became angry and said, "I believe Peter Pettigrew is not a Death Eater; he is Gryffindor, not a Slytherin slimy Snake. Maybe he becomes a spy in Death Eater".

Some people believe in James, but others keep their distance. There's no point to argue with James if he adamantly wanted to protect Peter.

(SIDE NOTE: Peter become spy in 1980. During school he are Marauder)

"Snape is a Death Eater; he wanted to kill my son and relay that important information to You-Know-Who."

"Because of him, I and Lily were killed by You-Know-Who."

"You are delusional; Lily hasn't accepted your pursuit since Year 1."

"With a handsome face like mine, Gryffindor bravery, and a good family like mine, There is no one more suitable for Lily other than me."

He then turned to Lily, who was busy thinking about Snape's future. But Lily didn't move; she kept thinking about the video from earlier. Then he touched and shook Lily's shoulder.

"What's wrong with you, James", shouted Lily.

"Erghh, I wanted to ask you a question about the Muggle Study. There is no one to ask this question accept you", lied James. He wanted to invite her to Date in Hog's Head. But somehow, looking at Lily's angry face discouraged him.

"REALLY!! Right now we are in the middle of answering live questions."

"I mean, later, you can answer it."

Ok, what type of question do you want to ask?"

"You know i heard Muggle has this moving picture that they call as a video at Cinema. Can you accompany me to the cinema because I want to learn about that moving picture because I heard it could produce sound?"

Lily looked at him and said, "Ok, later, I'll think about it".

Nick Hunt's POV

"No wonder James managed to steal Lily Potter's heart."

"Yeah, these two are soulmates."

"Im not agree with you System. Because if you love someone, you won't blackmail her. There are many things I don't like about James that make me want to expose him so Lily can see his true face."

"I can't understand what you mean. Do enlighten me."

"We human beings have a heart; the reason Snape became a jerk when he became the Potion Professor was because of all the bullying and humiliation that he went through. I watch Korean dramas about women being bullied, humiliated, burned, and many more things. After he graduated, he still thought about the past. The victim will live with vengeance, dissatisfaction, and many more things. Their future will become bleak. It's hard to find a bullied person who becomes successful; mostly, I find out that they commit suicide, their exams are not good, they have trauma, and many more things."

"But right now you are bullying Snape by showing a video of him becoming a Death Eater."

"It's not bullying; this is what I call Strategy. Later, you will know why I show Snape's dark past or future to the wizarding world.

Let's proceed to the next question.




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