
Harry Potter: Kain’s View

Kain Enabel, me, a boy. A boy born in March 19th 1977. Parents, none. Where are they you may ask, I don’t know. I’m just a lost boy, a boy without a home. But, I have a secret, I have super powers. I can change myself to whatever~ I like. Be it man, woman. Tall and short, blonde to brown.anything. One day I get a letter to me, flown in by an owl, I don’t know about you, but it’s going to be a bumpy ride, right? Oceanic standard times. :/

Avalon_EverDistant · Movies
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19 Chs

Pet, and Thomas the train.

I now need a pet, but what kind.

Owls are cool, they can deliver messages, but they don't suit me. A cat is cool but I don't feel they are suitable for me. Toad? Nah. Rat? They would probably chew my robes.

Anyways, I have to get a pet, magical menagerie is would be a good place to start.

Walking in, I had never seen such wide variety of animals. Owls, cats. Rats. Dogs with two tails. Hedgehogs. And, are those raven?

I saw the shop keeper just staring at a paper called the daily prophet:

"Excuse me, do you recommend any animal?"

I asked he shop keeper. He frowned and looked up from his paper.

"Owl." He said going back to his paper. Cranky old man. I your father will someday see you in a ditch,

"Shoo!" He emphasised with a flick of his wrist, as if I were a fly. I want to hurt him. I will hurt him.


So! I was walking down the isles, until I felt a tug.

Not like a physical tug, but like... a pull from somewhere. Akin to gravity change directions.

So I went and changed the path I was taking.

It led me to this animal.

With a 8 foot wing span. Four for each wing.

Large chest proportional to the size of it wings. Beautiful beak, just slightly tilted down. And one white streak on it's for head. The whole body was black, but not like a normal ravens shiny black. But pure black. No light would reflect on that.

"Caw." The bird said, do you know how weird it is hearing a bird saying "caw" in English?! It's terrifying.

It was held in a large cage. The cafe had a plate saying this-

"Unknown breed. Highly temperamental, recommended to proceed with caution.

Egg found in old temple in South America , age: 6 years.

Hatched while being attacked by shadow cats.

Male. Unknown mass.

12 galleons."

"I'll take him." I whispered to myself.

The bird bird looked at me.as if seeing if I was right. He hen nodded and... shrunk!?

I went back to the shop owner who is now reading the witches weekly or something.

"I want this bird." I said while the raven was perched on my shoulder. The old man gave me a questioning glance, as if I was stupid or dumb.

"You want this bird? This bird has five different owners all who have taken it back and then the next day they have all died, I would say they were unlucky due to how they died. All died at night around the same time by the same creature. In the same area. Are you sure you would like this bird?" The old man narrowed his eyes. First the wand now this? I still want this bird.

"Yes" I said resolutely.

"12 galleons, comes with the perch, do you want any treats?" The old man said.

"yes for the treats. Do you have anything magic rich or anything?" I asked.

I feel like the bird doesn't really eat anything besides magical creatures.

"Sure." He simply said. Passing me a bag of magical bird treats. I passed him 13 galleons that I got from my bottomless pouch.

This pouch comes equipped with a automatic refill, as well as an anti-thief and notice-me not charms. This thing is a fine piece of work.

"I think I'll name you shade." I named my new partner, shade suits him. Really does.

"Come on shade let's go home."

What a productive day.

Let's read these magical books shall we?


Kings cross station... here it is... platform

Nine and three quarters... here's the plate, but where is the... oh... I gotta run in the pillar dont I?

Well, here I go...

The station is packed! The train is a bright red.

It's cool.people are wearing robes. Idiots, the lot of them. Don't even know the joys of normie clothing.(that is what he calls muggle people. What does muggle even mean? It's sounds like it's straight out of a roald dahl book. Not that I'm hating on him, he made one of my favourite peace's of literature- The BFG.).

Anyway. I just go into the train and go to the back compartments just so no one disturbs me.

I'm really tired... I stayed up all night thinking about magic, like I wonder if there is anyone like me. The funnest thing to do while I'm bored is play games, or transform parts of my body, like my nose, in like changing it into a wolves' due to them having a great sense of smell. Ooh! I should try and read those magic books!

Alright let's see... A beginners guide to transfiguration. This seems interesting, the most important part of transfiguration is to never transfigured an object to a liquid, or gas. This is because when it reverts back to... solid. Kil.."

***time skip*** five minutes later...

"Wotcher!" A sudden voice calls out to me.

"Agh!" I said. Who the hell yells Witcher without being announced!?

"Oh sorry, didn't know you were asleep, sorry..."

The voice which now is the sound of a girl apologised.

"No worries just scared me." I dragged out.

I must've fell asleep, I knew I should've tried to sleep. How embarrassing! Anyway. I focus on and see a pink haired girl slightly tanned look at me in amusement. I think she meant to do this.

"What your name?" I asked her. Ok maybe demanded if her. I will ruin her for ruining my sleep.

"Tonks, people call me tonks." She said, really? Just tonks?

"Full name, you can't just be called tonks. Maybe you are embarrassed by your name. Ooh let me guess... you seem Greek, so maybe Aphrodite, no maybe Roman, nymphadora. I'm kidd..ing?"

I said cause she is look at me with a cold range in her eyes. Is a third or fourth year allowed to kill a first year?

"Your names actually nymphadora!? I'm sorry for your loss." I said to try not to get myself killed.

Her hair is red and her eyes speak the language of torture... wasnt her hair pink?

When my emotions come out my shapeshifting usually comes also...

"Blue? After I'm done with you, your gonna- blue?" She realised I had changed my hair Color.

"So? It's just my hair. Why's your hair pink?"

I said I'm mad, she's mad,(a/n: so sad!) don't ask why I'm mad.

"I'm a metamorph, what are you?" I don't know, I've been doing this since I was 4."

"Another metamorph or whatever." I stated simply.

"Another!?" She asked sounding surprised and excited.

"Yeah. So?" I said.

"Another like me!" She shouted.

"Yes now sit down and do whatever you need to do!" I yelled.


I changed into my robes and got to the sorting hat.

"Enabel, Kain." Ms. McGonaGall said.

I just went and sat on the stool where the sorting hat directed me to my house...

I know it’s kinda forced but please bear with it!

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