
Harry Potter: For the Emperor(EN)

A Harry Potter and Warhammer 40k fan Person dies and finds himself in Harry Potter's body after talking to God, he also received a Warhammer 40k system (RTS version). With his system and knowledge of the canon, he will take over the power of Great Britain and then the entire Wizarding World, then the Muggle part, and unite everyone under his new Imperium of Man. JK Rowling owns Harry Potter, I don't claim anything from the Warhammer Universe 40k either.

Lorenzo5798 · Movies
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14 Chs

Chapter 7: Daphne Greengrass

{ AN: I just came to warn you that the fanfic will have a harem, but it will be a small harem, with 4 people, Fleur, Hermione, Daphne and ??? (I'm thinking of an alien princess, she will be an exiled princess from a Galactic Kingdom, this kingdom will later join the Imperium, but her race will be the only ''Xeno'' race allowed, the others will be enslaved or exterminated, like the MC is not a saint and never will be) }

Harry is in the Headmaster's office, he is sitting in a chair facing a young blonde girl with a stoic face, this young woman is Daphne Greengrass, they are in the Headmaster's office as it is the only place where they can speak openly.

Harry asked Lucius to use the office until the conversation was over, the paintings also left the place for privacy as they knew that Harry was in charge of the whole school, all the paintings.

''So... what's the point of this conversation, Greengrass Heiress? '' Harry asked with a raised eyebrow, he was acting because he already figured out what direction this conversation would take.

''I'd like to ask for your help, Gryffindor-Slytherin Heir, I know this is acting so you don't have to pretend,'' Daphne said with the same stoic as ever, she could see very well that this was acting.

Daphne always wanted to help her younger sister Astoria, she suffered from Maledictus' curse, she always searched the Hogwarts library for something that could help her, but it all turned out to be in vain, so she found out about Harry, what he did at Hogwarts was beyond her. imaginations, he brought in armed people and then had Albus Dumbledore removed as Headmaster of Hogwarts.

Then she heard about the Cure he created for Lycanthropy, the potion is already in the final tests, but everyone knows it will pass, all the werewolves in Britain are waiting to pass on to buy and get rid of their 'soon' curse ''.

She wanted his help more than anything, if he could somehow help Astoria she would probably do anything she asked (my thoughts from her perverts' head, she won't do anything...for now).

''Hmmm, I can help you Greengrass Heiress, but it depends what kind of help you're willing to give in return,'' Harry said after pretending to be thinking about it, he didn't want to look like he would take it right away.

But he already knew what he wanted, the Greengrass Family was one of the few families that remain neutral, with Greengrass on his side, he could have a powerful family in the economic sector of Magic Britain, he wouldn't mind giving them a Ducal title. , as long as they show results.

Daphne was thinking about her answer, she didn't know what she could give Harry in return, he technically had everything, money, political power, knowledge, besides having all of Hogwarts to himself, by Merlin's beard, he even had a damn army.

The more she thought, the more she was afraid, because she didn't know what she would give her, nor did she know if she would please him, Harry saw that, so he decided to end the poor girl's suffering.

''Let's do it like this, Greengrass Heiress, tell me the problem first, then I'll give you my answer'' said Harry as he looked at Daphne, she let out a sigh and calmed down, she looked at him and said.

''My younger sister, Astoria, suffers from the Maledictus curse, so I was wondering if I knew a way to cure her,'' Daphne spoke with her face showing a sad expression, Harry looked at Daphne respectfully, as she was willing to do anything to save their sister from her curse, people who place family above all will always have her respect.

''I know someone who can cure her, but I have to talk to your father about this first'' said Harry while looking seriously at Daphne, he wanted to talk to Daphne's father first to see if they could come to terms.

Even if they couldn't, he would help Astoria anyway, the little girl deserved to live happily without being afraid of dying in the next moment, not only for that but because his conscience would get heavy, knowing he could help but he didn't do anything.

After talking a little more, Harry and Daphne left the office, apologized to Lucius for the inconvenience, and left, each with their thoughts.

Harry arrived in his room and fell straight into bed, entering the dream world, Fleur arrived a few minutes later and lay down beside him, stroking his straight black hair, she had a beautiful smile on her face as she looked at Harry.

Harry has been trying hard these past few days, he would always be seen with a mug of coffee in his hand, Draco and his gang were worried about it, just like Fleur, there were days when Harry was seen sleeping in the classrooms.

The teachers don't care, even Minerva didn't care, as Harry was excellent at everything he did, his grades would be rated as excellent.

Fleur had a sudden thought in her head, she brought her face close to Harry's face and gave him a small kiss on the cheek (just like Yukie gives Naruto in the movie), her face turned red after kissing Harry's cheek.

A small smile appeared on Harry even in his sleep, as if he knew it was Fleur who kissed his cheek.

''Sleep well, Mon Amour'' Fleur said as she continued to stroke Harry's hair, it's in these small moments that she is happy, even though Harry always tries hard, he always has time to take care of her, from a few bouquets to meetings near the lake.

Did she still remember the promise he had made to her at the edge of the black lake, promising that she would be his empress, that he would give the entire galaxy to her, too tacky? yes, but she liked it a lot, she wants to be by his side forever, anyone who dares to separate them... will suffer the worst possible way.